加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary读书且没孩子想租房子的同学看过来


Address:5757 2 St SWCommunity:ManchesterProperty Type:ApartmentMonthly Rent:$475.00Security Deposit:238.00Bedrooms:1Bathrooms:1Bathrooms Comments:1Year Built:2005Under 18:Not AllowedFurnishing:UnfurnishedPets:Not AllowedSmoking:Smoking AllowedAvailability Date:Call for AvailabilityTerm of Lease:24 MonthsProgressive Housing Program - Applicants must qualify to apply for units. This program requires applicants to be enrolled in an Educational facility or a formal training program and to be working, either part-time or full-time. This building is located close to the Chinook C-Train station and only minutes away from Chinook Centre mall. The building is only seven years old, and offers such amenities as exercise facilitiies, free laundry and free utilities. Parking is not currently available. It may be in the future at an extra cost. Office hours: Tuesdays - 10am to noon and 1pm to 4pmThursdays - 1:30pm to 4pm Income limits to qualify. Call to discuss eligibility and to arrange a viewing.Sorry but no access to e-mail. Please do not send e-mails. Please call / 403.650.9267

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https://boereport.com/ 超赞 赏 STILLWELL 0$(VIP 0,#526) 9,9242013-05-08#3 回复: 读书且没孩子想租房子的同学看过来顶给条件符合的人看。

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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大


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