加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary受灾捐赠及志愿者报名站DONATION SITE For FLOOD VICTIMS
http://volunteercalgary.wordpress.c...lood-donation-drop-off-points-and-wish-lists/ 大致整理了一下: NeighbourLinks 需要water, blankets, food, formula etc.Call Melissa at (403)998-4502需志愿者Contact: cdecelles@neighbourlinkcalgaryDrop-off: 3751 21St Street NE warehouse is open now. The Drop-In Centre:有足够供应2天的食物,请周二捐赠食物.星期天已有足够的志愿者,需要星期一的志愿者。需:men’s clothing, toiletries, and blankets.”Drop off: temporary centre at 4804 Edmonton Trail N.E. (former hotel near the intersection of McKnight Trail and Edmonton Trail)Calgary Humane Society 已有足够的箱子,需要: Science Diet Wet Cat + Kitten food, Kitten meal replacement, Small containers for kitten milk replacement (small Tupperware, cream cheese, etc), Flat sheets + blankets (nothing feather-filled please! The dogs will destroy pillows and duvets and it’s a pain to clean up).Drop off: Calgary Humane Society Shelter 4455 110th Ave SE. Calgary Farmers Marketaccepting donations for Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank all weekend (June 21 – 23)Drop off:#510 77th AVE SE 待续。
回复: 受灾捐赠及志愿者报名站DONATION SITE For FLOOD VICTIMS续上:Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society wish list: Dog/Puppy Food, Cat/Kitten Food/Litter, Laundry Supplies (Bleach, Laundry Detergent, & Dryer Sheets), Puppy Pads/Newspaper, Waste Bags, Zip TiesDrop off: Safe Haven Bay G, 3851 21st Street NE.需志愿者,请contact:[email protected] Alpha House wish list: towels, basic toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, razors, deoderant), socks and underwear (mens & womens).Drop Off: Village Square Leisure Centre 2623 56 St NE YWCA Calgary wish list: towels, hygiene supplies (toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, body wash, face wash, face cloths, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner) and underwear/socks for Women in Need.Drop Off: Sunday June 23, 1-3 pm at Marda Loop Community Association 3130 – 16th Street SW Monetary donations can be made to Red Cross 1-800-418-1111 or at www.redcross.ca. Message From Inn From The Cold Volunteers: we do not have access to email or records at the moment. Currently, all volunteer activities – including Community Inns – have been cancelled. Please call 403-608-7177 if you have questions or need more information. Thanks.Message From The Calgary Counselling Centre For counselling support during this time please call 403-266-HELP (4357) for crisis support. Anytime, anywhere, 24 hour support.
回复: 受灾捐赠及志愿者报名站DONATION SITE For FLOOD VICTIMS能帮一点是一点,有物出物,无物出力,当当志愿者去帮忙清扫家园,比在网上大谈阔论好啊。为所在的城市哪怕是出微薄的力,我们的内心会更平安,内心会有更多的爱。 捐赠物品或志愿者可就近到各站点赠物或报名。
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