加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary雇主给我的T4表的数值是跟我每次的pay的总和不对可以吗



How do you know the T4 is not right if you don't have all the pay stubs? Did you check your bank statements?The last two weeks pay might be recorded in the following year.You can file your return base on the T4 you have. You can log in your CRA "my account" double check the T4. The employee has already submitted the T4 to CRA, and the CRA should post it in your account.If the T4 is not correct, the employee should issue an amended T4 to you.

keven 说:How do you know the T4 is not right if you don't have all the pay stubs? Did you check your bank statements?The last two weeks pay might be recorded in the following year.You can file your return base on the T4 you have. You can log in your CRA "my account" double check the T4. The employee has already submitted the T4 to CRA, and the CRA should post it in your account.If the T4 is not correct, the employee should issue an amended T4 to you.[/QUOTE我有做工资条记录的,我在今年一月份的时候收到ROE的,我的工资是今年四月份至到十月份的。T4是少算了一张工资条的所有数值,就是四月份的工资。还有10年的时候也是这样少了两期工资的所有数值,我当时是按T4的数值报税的,我现在要不要做调整呢?点击展开...

一般按照T4来报就行了,税务局也不会查,即使真的查了,这是雇主的错 和你无关,另外听说adjustment不要经常做,会引起税务局关注的,听说而已。所以每次还是要仔细后再报

这么细心按T4报 不是你的错

​ 超赞 赏 K keven 0$(VIP 0) 1,1522014-04-19#6 For 2013 return, you should log in CRA " my account" and check if there is an amended T4 over there? If there is , that means an amended T4 has been already issued, but for some reasons, you did not get it. In this case, your return should be filed base on the amended T4.If the T4 posted in the CRA same as the one you have, which you do not agree with, and you choose to file your return base on the actual info. you agree with, you might need to prepare something to show to the CRA.To do these, you can copy all the pay stubs you have, your bank statements ( marked every net pay from this employee), point out which pay period is missing, along with a copy of the ROE form, the CRA will figure out the correct amounts should be reported in box14, 16, 18, 22. Apparently, the employer will get auditted by the CRA.You mentioned that you have the records for all pay periods. Did you have the total amounts for CPP, EI, income tax deducions? If you do, you can file your return right away. If you don't, you might need to wait the responses from the CRA, and you might miss the deadline on May 5th.For my understanding, if the employer issued an incorrect T4, there must be a discrepancy exits, and it will be discovered in the future day either by the employer or the CRA.


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