加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。


最近管道延续了去年年底的红火,我们这边儿客户要求我们提高30%的Output。现在Pipeline Engineer人手不够,到5月份要招20-25个;圣诞前有将近100人的缺口。如果有相关管道设计背景的朋友在寻找工作,请跟我联系.主要缺的是有5-15年管道设计经验的intermediate/senior level的工程师,但是EIT也招,就是可能竞争会激烈一点了,如果没有很强的本地工作背景,可能有点困难。这次请piping engineer或者draftor就不要尝试了,我们管道部门从别的专业接了很多他们专业的draftor,以尽可能减少layoff,所以在draftor招人方面就没有engineer那么大规模了。对piping或者mechanical工程师而言,可能也不是一个很好的时机,我们内部这些专业的人都消化不掉,这边好像暂时还没有,但是我们公司中国分公司那边已经有人的工资被rollback了。。。有相关背景的朋友如果有需要请跟我联系,同时还有部分senior GeoTech的位置在招人,有相关背景的朋友也可以跟我联系。谢谢。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 反馈:lavender99, 2008k 和 泠泠67 sorbuctCalgary 0$(VIP 0) 2,7262014-03-03#2 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。羡慕pipeline的好形势。我们做SAGD的还是半死不活的,都是些小项目,一堆破烂事,又难干又没有hour charge,整天步履维艰的想着保饭碗。

2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到Offer羡慕pipeline的好形势。我们做SAGD的还是半死不活的,都是些小项目,一堆破烂事,又难干又没有hour charge,整天步履维艰的想着保饭碗。点击展开...呵呵,怎么说呢,其实真的是此一时彼一时。管道最近两年比较火还是因为管道周期的原因。不像上游下游,经济主导的成分更多一些,经济好了就多搞出来点油气,经济不好了就暂缓一下,管道这东西一直要跑,不管经济好不好,只要管道没有废止,就要运行维护。一大批50-60年代铺的管子现在基本都开始漏的漏,管壁减薄的减薄了,如果下游市场需求增大,现有的管道条件不足以增压增运,只能进行维修或者更换,我现在经手的几个项目都是这样的原因。加拿大的管子相对还好,大部分管道设计的时候就已经有了一定的完整性管理的概念,所以至少还能维护几年,美国那边的管子大部分都没有这个设计,甚至大部分都unpiggable,所以管道壁厚都无从测量。。。其中KM公司尤甚,所以虽然目前我们项目的业主大部分都是加拿大本地的管道公司,但是可以预计未来几年美国那边的项目需求会日渐增大,如果是检修修补,那就需要大批的完整性管理工程师在现场进行评估,如果是整根管子置换,那就需要大批管道工程师进行设计,总之这些专业上的需求应该会供不应求。不过估计这批管子真的有一天能全部置换修补完成,管道这个高峰期又要消退几个十年了,毕竟新建管道的频率远低于在役管道的修补维护频率。所以如果说最近十年甚至十五年的专业,管道应该是比较火的一个,20年后我比较不看好管道专业,至少如果经济如现在这般半死不活,新建管道的数量将比较有限,但是那个时候我离退休也没几年了,搞搞完整性管理还是能赚点退休金的。。。哈哈

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 反馈:八根儿 C changtongBanned 0$(VIP 0) 5,5002014-03-03#4 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。SAGD没有新上大项目,都是些小项目维持罢了,希望明年能有起色

NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary 超赞 赏 Z zxcvirgin 0$(VIP 0) 2,5472014-03-03#5 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。刚发生在身边的一件事,下面Dynamic组没什么活儿,他们的经理就把几个没有很多活儿的人塞到了我们pipeline engineering group,其中一个孟加拉的人被放到了我们项目组。今天上午开例会的时候除了宣布上面那些招聘的信息外,还说了这个哥们儿被我们组退回去了,说不能胜任项目的节奏。其实他就坐在我们旁边,我们知道的最清楚,他每天的唯一任务就是review那些calculation。。。一共给他15个计算,分别属于3个disciplines,这哥们儿review了2个礼拜。。。还没review完。。。他是真心来我们项目relax了。。。然后上午刚搬下去(在另一个楼层),下午就听我原来组里的一个哥们儿告诉我他被lay了。。。哎,所以说有兴趣来的朋友也要有个概念,在项目里虽然timesheet不担心,但是工作强度还是蛮大的,一天理论工作时间9个小时,但是干11、12个小时算很正常,我经常是早上7点不到离家,晚上7点左右才到家。当然,项目不忙的时候就轻松很多,还会有不少职业培训可以参加,有利有弊吧。给大家提个醒。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 Z zxcvirgin 0$(VIP 0) 2,5472014-03-03#6 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。有朋友PM询问具体工程师的要求及工作范围,我贴一个senior的职位如下,大家可以参考一下。Senior Pipeline Engineer Description: The Pipeline Engineering Department works closely with other engineers and our customers to complete conceptual and detailed engineering design of onshore cross country pipelines in Canada and around the world as the global Centre of Excellence for Pipeline Design within WorleyParsons. Responsibilities: Carrying out pipeline design calculations and design reports in accordance with CSA Z662 and other applicable design codes such as line pipe, heavy wall pipe, crossings, buoyancy control, hydrostatic testing and induction bend wall thinningPerforming the design or design verification of the pipeline routing, engineered crossings, remote sectionalizing valves, pipe WT selection, and pipe mechanical protection.Managing engineering activities to ensure compliance with the project scope of work and quality objectivesProducing and reviewing documents, design reports, design calculations and drawings in accordance with engineering quality standards and client requirementsSelection and/or preparation of design specifications, execution plans and design detailsProducing the material requisitions and bills of material for the pipeline componentsConducting technical bid evaluation and vendor data reviews of pipeline material proposalsMonitoring the performance and progress of their discipline’s activities and implementing corrective actions, as required, to meet project objectivesIdentifying and expediting technical information required from other engineering and drafting disciplines in order to carry out the scope of workChecking of work carried out by Junior Engineers, EIT's, and/or non-P.Eng. staffTraining personnel under their direction in the applicable project policies and procedures as written in the PEPProfessional (P.Eng.) stamping of alignment sheets, design details and engineered crossing drawingsEnforces the management of change process among the technical teamJob RequirementsUndergraduate degree in EngineeringProfessional Engineer statusMinimum of 10 years related experience, including 3 years of experience in North America.Well versed in Canadian and international pipeline codesFamiliar with designs for gas, liquid and multi-phase pipelinesStrong team playerExcellent communication skillsEligible to work in Canada Reporting and LocationThe position reports to the Director of Pipeline Engineering.Opportunity exists in Calgary

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 Z zxcvirgin 0$(VIP 0) 2,5472014-03-03#7 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。还有诸如下面这个负责routing的。Pipeline Routing EngineerDescription: The Pipeline Engineering Department works closely with other engineers and our customers to complete conceptual and detailed engineering design of onshore cross country pipelines in Canada and around the world as the global Centre of Excellence for Pipeline Design within WorleyParsons. Responsibilities: Performing design or design verification of the pipeline routing and engineered crossings.Liaison between Pipeline Engineering and Geomatics teamsCoordinate directions given and interpretations of data from the client, third parties, engineering, construction, geotechnical, environmental, and regulatory teams where it applies to the pipeline alignment and/or footprintCoordinate the capture and collection of new or existing data (LiDAR, imagery, legal parcel boundaries, lease boundaries, existing infrastructure, etc.)Create pipeline route alignment(s) and potential alternates using desktop applications (Google Earth, Arc Explorer, AutoCAD Map, Global Mapper) by interpreting the data available at the time and the prevailing direction given by the client / project managersArrange and conduct routing workshops with multi-disciple teams to get agreement on a working routeDocument routing decisions and remaining potential optionsAssist in planning and conducting field studies to validate the working route and construction methods or collect information on potential alternate routesWrite a routing report for each major phase (pre-FEED, FEED, Detailed Engineering) or for each major iteration of a project to document the reasons for the pipeline alignment at that particular time and the options that are still in playPrepare for and participate in design review workshops with the clientJob RequirementsUndergraduate degree in EngineeringProfessional Engineer statusMinimum of 5 years related experience, including 3 years of experience in North America.Well versed in Canadian and international pipeline codesFamiliar with designs for gas, liquid and multi-phase pipelinesStrong team playerExcellent communication skillsEligible to work in CanadaReporting and LocationThe position reports to the Director of Pipeline Engineering.Opportunity exists in Calgary

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 Z zxcvirgin 0$(VIP 0) 2,5472014-03-03#8 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。还有下面这个专门负责河流穿越的,Sr. Pipeline River Crossing Design EngineerJob Requirements: Essential Skills/ExperienceProfessional engineering or water resources experience in pipeline and linear infrastructure developments;Familiarity with the design, construction and operation of onshore pipelines and pipeline facilities and associated infrastructure;Familiarity with flood analysis and watercourse characteristics assessments;Background on scour and bank erosion assessment and protection design associated with river crossing design; Northern climate engineering skills and experience;Familiarity with regulatory application guidelines and practices relating to pipeline river crossing installations;Excellent technical writing skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced and multi-tasked environment;Proficiency with common hydrological and hydrogeological industry models and software;Registered or eligible to register as a Licensed Professional Engineer with APEGA;Professional practice experience in British Columbia and the Yukon would be an asset but not required.Specific AccountabilitiesSafety – Responsible for personal safe working practices for WorleyParsons. Understand and follow OH&S procedures;Providing senior river crossing engineering knowledge on projects and pursuits, including hydrological/geological site reconnaissance, field investigation programs; watercourse assessment including flood analysis, flow calculation, scour and erosion analysis and aerial photograph interpretation, design of river crossings including open cut and trenchless methods, design of river training structures and construction supervision;Providing engineering analysis and design from conceptual through detailed level on pipeline development projects;Interface with construction specialists and build on experience gained in previous pipeline river crossing installations;Direction/Supervision of junior and intermediate staff to meet project deliverables;Support projects and pursuits across Canada and worldwide working closely within our project teams, comprising of other engineering disciplines on existing and new WorleyParsons EPCM projects;Report and proposal preparation, attend client meetings, and deliver engaging presentations; andMentorship, training and supervision for junior/intermediate staff within WorleyParsons.Matching IndicatorsRelevant university degree (preferably Master’s or PhD degree) with at least 10 years of experience in hydrology or Civil/geotechnical engineering working for a range of clients; andProven effective technical skills and project experience combined with a willingness to mentor junior staff are also required.Reporting/Location:This position reports to the Director, Pipeline EngineeringThis position is located in Calgary, Alberta

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 Z zxcvirgin 0$(VIP 0) 2,5472014-03-03#9 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。还有我主贴中说到的Geotech的Senior Geotechnical EngineerThe Senior Geotechnical Engineer position is a full time role located in our Calgary, AB location in the Infrastructure & Environment Operations. As our ideal candidate for this dynamic and challenging role, your responsibilities will consist of the following tasks: Providing project management and senior geotechnical engineering knowledge on projects and pursuits, including geological site reconnaissance, geotechnical drilling and rock coring and geotechnical QA/QC;Developing new business focused on geotechnical services across all project phases for both internal and external clients/projects;Working closely within our project teams, comprising of other engineering disciplines professional environmental scientists on existing and new WorleyParsons EPCM projects;Completing geotechnical site investigations, analyses, design, and construction supervision;Geotechnical engineering recommendations regarding (but not limited to) seismic analysis, soil mechanics, soil and rock engineering parameters, deep and shallow foundations, frost issues, soil dynamic parameters and site development;Report and proposal preparation, attend client meetings, and deliver engaging presentations;Develop and implement strategic and business development plans;Mentorship, training and supervision for junior/intermediate staff within WorleyParsons; and,Tender package preparation.Valued experience and competencies you will also bring to the team include:Professional experience in industries such as upstream/downstream oil and gas, industrial development, and mining, oil sands developments, tailings management, linear developments; and,Excellent computer and technical writing skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced and multi-tasked environment.In addition to your technical expertise and competencies, you have ability to think and act independently, while accepting direction. You are enthusiastic, resourceful, organized, and detail oriented. You demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills and have the ability to communicate effectively and to proactively respond to time-sensitive issues. Excellent computer and technical writing skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced and multi-tasked environment are essential. Job RequirementsMinimum of 15 years of experience and a strong theoretical background in engineering, geotechnical engineering, seismology, soil mechanics and or geology.10 years of experience with exposure to large construction and major projects is desirable.Minimum of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Geotechnical Engineering. Higher education level is an asset.Registered or eligible for registration as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Alberta. Local experience in Alberta and Western Canada is preferred.Excellent organizational ability, technical writing and verbal communication in English are essential.

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 坚 坚持就是胜利 0$(VIP 0) 2942014-03-03#10 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。不错,就是要求这么高的话估计没人申请。

回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。招一个拿多少提成?

回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。招一个拿多少提成?点击展开...Junior没有,senior招不到…

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。Junior没有,senior招不到…点击展开... 我国内第三方工作做过, 质量工程师。能否觅个饭吃? 究竟去卡里加尔还是温哥华, 还没有确定。 哎,有点儿怕怕的。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg 超赞 赏 S sinoxy 0$(VIP 0) 342014-03-03#14 回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。特想知道楼主是哪位,我基本确定你是哪个公司了~哈哈

回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。特想知道楼主是哪位,我基本确定你是哪个公司了~哈哈点击展开...好像大家都知道

回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。看样子管道工和焊工好日子也要来了。

回复: 招管道工程师(Pipeline Engineer),有兴趣的朋友请看。谢谢。我国内第三方工作做过, 质量工程师。能否觅个饭吃? 究竟去卡里加尔还是温哥华, 还没有确定。 哎,有点儿怕怕的。点击展开...抱歉,质量工程师需求是应该有的,但是我因为不是做质量控制的,不太了解,等您方便来这边的时候再看当时的市场行情会更准确一些。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。特想知道楼主是哪位,我基本确定你是哪个公司了~哈哈点击展开...。。。难道是同事?还好我没泄露啥机密。。。跟我们director说没准还能给我点奖励啥的。。。踊跃为公司拉拢人才。。。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。看样子管道工和焊工好日子也要来了。点击展开...嗯,其实constuction那边市场一直不错,焊工供不应求,除了作业条件恶劣一点,别的其实真的不错,收入比我们这些坐办公室的高不少。

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