加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgarylooking for new U of A students (2015 entry) as roomate or parents can exchange some information of


As a mom of grade 12 girl. I am looking for a roommate for my daughter, as she will go to U of A next year (99% chance if she won't change her mind later) and live in u of A campus residence called "Lister ". To live in a double room (save money and most of all, for safe) , she will have a roommate. I hope I can find a nice girl who has the same situation as her. family is in Calgary , study alone in Edmonton. so that to avoid a randomly assigned roommate by school. or even not as a roommate, maybe future friends in another city.or parents can exchange some information of applying universities.

HANNAH99 说:As a mom of grade 12 girl. I am looking for a roommate for my daughter, as she will go to U of A next year (99% chance if she won't change her mind later) and live in u of A campus residence called "Lister ". To live in a double room (save money and most of all, for safe) , she will have a roommate. I hope I can find a nice girl who has the same situation as her. family is in Calgary , study alone in Edmonton. so that to avoid a randomly assigned roommate by school. or even not as a roommate, maybe future friends in another city.or parents can exchange some information of applying universities.点击展开...太早了一点,到明年再说吧!这个时候大家才开始报大学,绝大多数人还没决定去哪个学校呢!

走自己的路让别人去说吧;是金子总会闪光的。 超赞 赏 tinyhuhulp 0$(VIP 0) 10,7842014-11-05#3 中国父母操心太多,小孩都读大学了,这找roommate的小事她自己来解决好了。

my daughter has submitted application form today at her high school. because u of a send people to recruit students at her school. "中国父母操心太多,小孩都读大学了,这找roommate的小事她自己来解决好了。" you are right. but still....

HANNAH99 说:my daughter has submitted application form today at her high school. because u of a send people to recruit studens at her school. "中国父母操心太多,小孩都读大学了,这找roommate的小事她自己来解决好了。" you are right. but still....点击展开... 她以后会遇到更多的问题,你不能一一帮她解决。我也曾经是留学生,出国前只管读书,什么都由妈妈出面解决,出来后有一段时间觉得很痛苦,什么都要自己面对。如果我不出国,估计一辈子都会躲在妈妈背后当个乖乖女,还好我挺过来了。小孩还是尽早让她独立的好。你让她呆在温室的时间越长,她第一次面对的挫折可能更大。让她从小问题开始学会独立。比如说在陌生城市找roommate,如果住校,她不找学校也会安排的。学会跟陌生人相处也是成长的经历。放心,处不来不是她搬就是roommate搬,没事。


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