加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary能否现在提出终止EI, 这样可节省余下的EI为以后不时之须用?
EI 已经批了, 理由是辞去工作到老公工作的所在地。 EI 35 周, 已经用了12 周。现在找到两个非 full time工作, 但是很忙,所以实际的工作小时等同或超过一个 full time工作。 所以没有EI收入, 为零。 为了避免浪费EI, 能否现在提出终止EI, 这样可节省余下的EI为以后不时之须用? 请指教。
I received EI benefits in the past. Do I need to submit a new application?If you started a new EI claim within the last 52 weeks and there are still weeks payable on that claim, we will automatically reactivate (renew) your existing claim.However, in some cases, it may be to your advantage to cancel or end your old claim earlier and start a new claim, because this may increase the amount of your benefits or the length of your benefit period.You must decide whether or not to cancel or renew a claim based on your own personal situation.It is important to consider:If your claim is reactivated and you work after the start of that claim, you may be able to establish a new claim when your existing claim runs out.In order to establish a new claim you must have enough insurable hours and meet the qualifying conditions for a new claim.If a new claim is established instead of reactivating your existing claim, the remaining weeks payable on the existing claim will be lost.Additionally, a two-week unpaid waiting period must be served on a new claim before you are entitled to receive payment
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