加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryLooking for Work? DO NOT MISS THE CALGARY JOB FAIR Friday November 24th, 2017. FROM 1PM - 3PM.


There is a job fair happening this Friday, you or someone you know might be interested. Here are the details from the website:Looking for Work? Immediate Hiring?DO NOT MISS THE CALGARY JOB FAIR Friday November 24th, 2017. FROM 1PM - 3PM.Hilton Garden Inn Calgary DowntownHotel Address : 711 4th Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2G 1N3Meet face to face with recruiters, HR Managers and Hiring Companies from Calgary and across AB. Register online today to attend and submit your resume so employers can contact you before the Job Fair.FOR JOB SEEKER ONLINE REGISTRATION, here is the link: http://www.jobscanada-jobfairs.com/Default.aspJOB SEEKER FREE ADMISSION.Online Registration is required for anyone attending the Job Fair. If you submit your resume online, it will be made available to all hiring companies and recruiters (upon their request) and you might be contacted by HR Managers prior to the Job Fair.EMPLOYER SOLICITATION IS NOT ALLOWED AT THE JOB FAIR.For registration, upload your resume and for more information, here is the link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/free-calgary-job-fair-friday-november-24th-2017-tickets-35921601477

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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大


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