加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary吃喝玩乐 - 科普贴:加拿大出口到美国的原油数量从14年到现在每年都创历史新高。现在每个月出口到美国的原油有将近1.4亿桶。美国炼油厂大量使用廉价


看看下面这个官方网站就很清楚了U.S. Imports from Canada of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)这是2016年到今年七月的数据。从今年头七个月来看,肯定要创历史新高了。七月出口到美国原油1.44亿桶,历史新高2016126,619122,117119,962106,458109,999103,117106,981118,084113,518111,187120,945124,5192017132,835114,730128,565116,759128,923115,115118,541124,708119,523123,244121,372135,5592018137,702119,377130,031128,331138,468136,579129,367131,409121,148129,986131,511132,5912019143,470120,351136,521133,052137,166131,235144,459引用 回复举报

从这些数据看,第一加拿大原油非常有竞争力。根本没有被美国的页岩油抢走市场。第二建transmoutain pipeline把原油卖到亚洲非常有必要。

另一个官方数据,CER – Crude Oil Annual Export Summary – 2018Crude Oil Annual Export Summary – 2018 neb-one.gc.caIn 2018, total crude oil exports from Canada reached 3.6 MMb/d (571.6 thousand m³/d) an increase of 8.2% from 2017. Canada exported 2.8 MMb/d (444.6 thousand m³/d) of heavy crude oil and 0.80 MMb/d (127.0 thousand m³/d) of light crude oil. The average price of Canada’s crude oil exports also increased 11% in 2018 resulting in an overall increase in crude oil export values. 18年加拿大原油出口增加了8%

18年通过温哥华出口到中国和亚洲的原油,看看下面这篇报道Chinese demand leads to huge jump in crude oil exports from B.C.“Last year you had a doubling of water-borne export to Asia,” said Birn, adding the 62,000 barrels a day of crude exported from B.C. last year was still a small percentage of the four m… www.google.caA combination of Chinese demand and increased pipeline space led to a large increase in the export of crude oil out of the Port of Vancouver last year.Figures provided by the port showed there were 22 million barrels of crude exported from B.C. in 2018, compared to 13 million barrels in 2017 and 8.7 million barrels in 2016.What’s different now is the increased percentage of crude oil going to China and Korea, Birn said. Port of Vancouver figures showed that in 2018 the U.S. bought 63.5 per cent of the crude out of B.C., China bought 29.8 per cent and Korea bought 6.7 per cent.“There’s no lack of demand for heavy crude oil export, or light crude oil, and China is the fastest growing market in the world,” said Birn, adding demand for heavy crude oil was up generally because of declines in production from Mexico and Venezuela.“The world is hunting for heavy barrels and Canada has them. It’s just about being able to access it. If they can get it to the Westridge terminal it will go. That’s why they want to twin it,” he said.中国愿意购买加拿大的原油,去年transmountain pipeline通过温哥华港口输出了2200万桶原油。其中30%左右是中国购买的。transmountain pipeline希望能扩建油管扩大出口




每天几百万的能源税,还不算油公司地板价卖油赔的钱。如果钱能解决问题,那十条管子都建好了。问题是管道公司不能随便给钱,开了这种口子,以后个个漫天要价,再也别想建任何项目了。而土著和绿色组织却可以以not for profit organization的名义接受境外,包括沙特等方面的捐款来封堵我们!


benho 说:没油管,就独立!魁瓜这种吃阿省饭,砸阿省锅的王八蛋就让他们喝西北风去点击展开...淡定,淡定。

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