加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary卡尔加里大学ESL部门有对华人种族歧视嫌疑,大家评理
选了周末的成人教育英语发音课。也就是第二次上课,那老师说了一通什么录音下来会很滑稽之类,然后径直问我,是不是在录音。我当然没有。这让我很恼火,首先为啥问我?其次,你有权要求不准录音,你有权检查和审讯吗?再者,我总不能自己犯贱让他检查吧?一个他无权验证,我不能去证明的事情。让我很难堪,随后打电话投诉,结果更是出乎我意料。有对华人种族歧视嫌疑?谁来判断? 打了投诉电话后,一个女manager就打回来了。本以为,至少有个sorry,但她左一个you should,右一个you should,我说这是成人教育,不是幼儿园,我是客户。然后,就升级到她的ASSOCIATED DIRECTOR了,更是像训诫小学生。见如下邮件。我不会再去上课了,本以为至少可以给我保留credit到其他课程。再者,这老师教的很差。讲几句,发张讲义,让几个人分组,互相矫正。他都不先带着读一遍,这是发音课!这是DIRECTOR的邮件,一行加号后面是我的邮件:=========================================Good Afternoon David,My name is Yassin Boga, I am the Director of the English Language Program.Thank you for outlining your concerns. I believe that there has been some misunderstanding and miscommunication here. My intention for asking for a meeting was so that we could meet together with Jodi and a Chinese-speaking member of the ELP team so that we could 1) start the conversation fresh, and 2) ensure understanding on all sides.If we cannot meet in person or over Skype then an email message is probably the best way to avoid any misunderstanding. I understand that you are upset and frustrated, I’ll with do my best to put your concerns into context.It is normal practice at the university for instructors to ask students to not record lectures without their permission. This is something that we expect all of our instructors to review with our students. It is common for ESL instructors to clarify instructions and confirm understanding, and is their responsibility to follow-up with their students when there is any doubt. Students often want to record lectures in order to review the material. It is common for students to take pictures and videos of all sorts of things in their daily lives so they often don’t understand that this is not acceptable at the university. I don’t understand why you think, you were being treated like a “thief,” the instructor was only clarifying policy and confirming understanding, it was absolutely not his intention to upset you. You instructor, Darren, has worked for many years in our program and has always had very favorable reviews from students. I have only seen him act respectfully and professionally with his students. We reviewed this situation with Darren and he does not recall singling you out in any way and wasn’t aware that you were upset. It sounds like you are upset by what is normal and expected practice at the university. I understand that this was unexpected for you and made you feel bad, but I hope that now you understand the context and we can move past this. I am happy to initiate a conversation between you and Darren can resolve this and you can continue your studies.In terms of your concerns about your conversation with Jodi, our Teaching and Learning Manager. I should clarify what our programs are for, and what her role is. Our part-time ESL classes are a community service, we are not Walmart, or a for-profit service company, we do not run these classes to profit from customers, but rather to improve the English skills of Adult Learners and serve the campus community. Jodi manages our instructors and oversees our curriculum, she is not a Customer Service Manager. Her job is to support the learning of our students. Learning is enabled by the instructor, but is the responsibility of the student. Her job is to understand our learners and find solutions to barriers that are preventing them from learning. When a student has a concern about a class, the first step is for the student and instructor to have a conversation and see if a solution can be achieved. Jodi’s were appropriate and in the best interest of your learning.I hope that we can move past this misunderstanding and you can resume your studies in our pronunciation class. Again, I’m happy to initiate a conversation with Darren so that you can be assured that he was not trying to accuse, humiliate, or make you feel bad. There ae no classes this weekend, the next class is on 22nd so there is ample time to sort this out.If you decide that you do not want to continue, we can withdraw you from the course so that you do not receive a failing grade. As noted by our staff, you are well past the refund date and are not eligible for a refund. I strongly encourage you to return to your class and continue your studies, please let me know if there’s anything we can do to make your return easier.Sincerely Yours,Yassin Boga__________________________________________Yassin BogaAssociate Director (International)University of Calgary Continuing EducationDirector, English Language ProgramE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++From:Sent: February 11, 2020 10:21 PMTo: Parttime ESL <[email protected]>Subject: Re: English Language Program Pronunciation courseThanks for contacting.let me list the things that i feel not so satisfied:1. During the class, i was doubted to record. The teacher approached me asking if I was recording. This action upset me. Let me feel like a thief.2. The manager called me back. I don't think she did appropriately. She kept saying " you should this , you should that" " the course is good..." " I don't understand you...". I am a customer, adult.I don't think I can walk back into the classroom to listen his teaching .All this experience make me feel humiliated and decrease my confidence to use English.I don't think we need a Skype meeting because of work. You can call me.
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 反馈:confiture, hkkuo33, 周雅 和 3 其他人 14.61 tony 23$(VIP 0,#50) 3,4632020-02-14#2 算了, 这种事只会让你更闹心, 更加分心.我也在卡城, 其实可以多找朋友练习英语发音, 地点选在图书馆, 可以私聊我.上这些课, 还不如自主学习.(比如, 参加toastmaster之类)还有我觉得SAIT的相关program比卡大好.
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克 超赞 赏 反馈:irene999, aywl 和 卡城西北 0.24 M marianboo 0$(VIP 0) 2,6822020-02-14#4 千万不要去学校去学什么英语,除非你需要这个成绩申请学校的其他课程。真想练习语言,去打工是最好的办法。比如快餐厅这些每天需要不停说话的地方。交钱给那帮没用的学校简直就是浪费。你如果已经交钱了,就不要中途不去,你就跟他杠着又能怎么着?没事就找茬,正好练习应变能力。
第一,没看到人家说一句Chinese,就算是歧视也只是歧视你。第二,你这英语确实让人很难理解。你的信里第一句,"During the class, i was doubted to record. "人家到底是怀疑你录音了还是不信你录音了?
三月三十日抵达卡尔加里. 超赞 赏 KDA2018旁观者 0$(VIP 0) 3,4802020-02-15#9 我觉得你反应过激了,老师只是疑问一句,回一句幽默的话给他就够了,还用不上“种族歧视”一词,更不用生气。还有,未经本人同意把这电邮(包含几个人的名字)贴在这里也有不妥。
观文观人观世界。 超赞 赏 反馈:molocha 和 monkeyblue 0.02 Timmocha 0$(VIP 0) 7112020-02-15#10 首先,大学里面是严禁录音的,除非得到书面许可。如果被怀疑私底下录音,学校是有权询问的,如果得不到积极回复,学校可以选择报警!因为这涉嫌违法了!版权法了解一下。其次,即使学校态度不好,也没有必要生气。看来你来加拿大还不久,以后要生气的事还很多,建议留点力气。另外,奉劝一句,跟谁斗不要跟大学斗,你真斗不过。加拿大的大学,行事风格就像一个黑社会。里面一个法学院,一个商学院,那可不是白养的。你这只是个语言课,加拿大大学里面的水很深,你还看不见。再次,不要把“我是customer”挂在嘴上。加拿大没有“顾客就是上帝”的传统。苹果星巴克会把你当顾客,其他店未必拿你当回事,不宰你一刀就不错了。在这里,进任何一家店,都是自己评估店家信誉,自担风险。老移民都是从“被骗得不要不要的”一路走过来的。最后,对于学语言提点建议。如果是为了进大学读program,可以读他们的ESL,当然要做好熬很多年,烧很多钱,一个坑接着一个坑的准备。如果没有读书打算,何苦去大学学语言呢?街上两条腿的谁不会英语啊?至于交了钱的,忍忍去上完吧。即使不想上也要去“withdraw”,这样不计挂科。大学成绩单是跟你一辈子的,最好不要无谓挂科。
ccyyyycc 说:第一,没看到人家说一句Chinese,就算是歧视也只是歧视你。第二,你这英语确实让人很难理解。你的信里第一句,"During the class, i was doubted to record. "人家到底是怀疑你录音了还是不信你录音了?点击展开...这里的确没表示清楚。有歧义!
干得好 楼主 继续。
Timmocha 说:这里的确没表示清楚。有歧义!点击展开...这句都不叫歧义,就是错。doubt永远是怀疑什么事情没发生,suspect才是怀疑发生。再往后看第二条,那个叫歧义。看起来像是说打电话这事做得很不妥当。到最后no need of skype because of work,完全不知所云。一封信三个点,没一个能表达清楚,我要是那个manager我也肯定觉得是lz根本听不懂说不清。还有在加拿大从来没有顾客是上帝这思路,有事说事,占理的是上帝。
ccyyyycc 说:个点击展开...翻译软件
labelle 说:要求一个学Esl的英语表达多好,似乎有点吹毛求疵,但是这件事好像也上升不到歧视的地步点击展开...所以对方要求是找个会中文的加入会议替他翻译啊,可是他觉得受歧视了。
no video上的发音视频不要太多。不理解去学校学什么?还得在路上花时间找车位等公交什么的。
https://boereport.com/ 超赞 赏 吴 吴德娴 1$(VIP 0,#369) 1,4852020-02-15#20 還以爲自己捍衛民族大義,現在人家不岐視都變歧視了解
·生活百科 太阳一代
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