加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary说说植物生长系统
卡尔加里想当农民的乡亲们农场微信群植物生长分温室内和田地部分。田野上用鲜草养土与菜田轮作,与畜禽部分轮作去除虫害增加肥力。不用除草剂杀虫剂化肥,能想象吗?采用免犁方式耕种,杀草植菜苗,减少表土流失,助力植物根系。重点说说大棚内种植(续续)I have been thinking about this topic for years. So far some versions come out of my mind.The passive solar greenhouse with sunlight absorbing barrels take too much space, since the city only allows 10 square meters greenhouse each household, if you put those barrels in, no room to grow plantsThe basic on is double greenhouse with geothermal energy duct, which keeps the external layer at about freezing point. The internal lay can be heated up to a higher temperature with reasonable heating costs.Since digging a six feet ditch to bury ducts is too much work, here comes a second version, double greenhouse with low voltage electrical soil heating wire, which only be turned on during night time.A third version since heating cable broken issue, double greenhouse with heating cable in hydroponic,https://www.amazon.ca/Hydrofarm-Soil-Heating-Cable-48-Feet/dp/B00P218EFAIt's a 160 watts electricity cost. Pretty affordable.Hydrophonic bed heatingI am using this in a hydrophonic bed and so far it is working great. It keep the water in the bed which is 4 inches deep at a temp about 60 to 70 degrees F. Just what the plants like. Lettuce and kale doing good. Temp out side -15 c water temp 60 to 70 F. Have a cold frame inside the greenhouse.Any suggestions?
跃一 说:卡尔加里想当农民的乡亲们农场微信群植物生长分温室内和田地部分。田野上用鲜草养土与菜田轮作,与畜禽部分轮作去除虫害增加肥力。不用除草剂杀虫剂化肥,能想象吗?采用免犁方式耕种,杀草植菜苗,减少表土流失,助力植物根系。重点说说大棚内种植(续续)点击展开...是要加微信群吗?没看到二维码呢
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zunhuhu 说:是要加微信群吗?没看到二维码呢点击展开... 我们几个有共同兴趣创建农场的朋友建的朋友圈,前面我文章中有微信号。这几天太忙了,本文待续部分没时间续呢。
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