加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 MontrealPrimary School around Monreal
I am new in Montreal, live in Dorval now. I am not satisfied with the primary school there, and want to take any necessary actions, but I cannot get any information about the schools here. Please advise me any primary school information, it will be great appreciated. My daughter is 7, and had 3 years French edcation in Ontario. Here the same age kids only have 2 years in school, and most of time they just play with the teacher, not learning. I open the option to private French school, I heard there is around 5000 per year, but English school needs 10000 - 15000. I also heard she can take exam to enter Internation school for next year, but not sure is there any International school in west Island. My daughter is the first important in my life. Please help me!!! Thank you very mcuh! [email protected]
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