加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal周末,节假日里,大人带12岁以下的孩子坐地铁,公交,孩子免票


http://www.stm.info/English/info/comm-8/a-co081118.htmWith the STM, families outings are still affordable!​ Montréal, November 18, 2008 ? In an effort to promote the use of public transportation, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) is today launching a new programme for families, called Family Outings, an initiative that will take effect next December 6. The initiative will allow an adult presenting a transit fare accepted by the STM to travel with a maximum of five children under the age of 12 at no extra cost on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. “This innovative programme offers an affordable transportation option for families travelling within the bus and métro system. It reflects the STM’s willingness to improve customer satisfaction by proposing an attractive fare package,” declared STM chairman, Claude Trudel. “This initiative comes in the wake of Montréal’s policy on families and we are confident it will reach out to new clients and gain their loyalty. Moreover, thanks to this programme, we estimate that some 1000 new clients will immediately adopt public transportation each day of the weekend. In the medium-term, we hope to attract 2000 new clients on a regular basis.” “The announcement of this new family programme recently adopted by the STM provides a tangible response to the expectations expressed by parents as part of the work carried out by Initiatives and Centre 1, 2, 3 Go!” added Mario Régis, Executive Director of the grassroots organization whose mission consists of mobilizing the community with regards to the well-being of children. As of January 2009, several partners from the tourist, cultural and recreational industries will offer discounts to families upon presentation of a rebate coupon and valid transit fare. Montréal’s Biodôme, Insectarium, Botanical Garden, Planetarium, La Ronde and several museums are some of the participating partners. Families can consult a list of discounts offered by the Family Outings programme and download coupons with a few clicks on the STM website www.stm.info, which also contains more practical information for facilitating public transit use. “This partnership is self-evident! In fact, I am almost tempted to say it is a natural association, if only because the STM and museums in Montréal have already been working together for many years,” remarked Manon Blanchette, Executive Director, Board of Montréal Museum Directors. The STM will also promote its programme for families by means of a network-wide communications campaign, using poster ads, fliers and electronic messages on its Métrovision and Télécité display screens. The STM will also take advantage of a number of family-oriented events such as the Santa Claus parade to promote its programme, by featuring a bus sporting the Family Outings colours in the parade with staff handing out promotional bookmarks. “This is excellent news for parents who want their children to discover the many treasures to be found in Montréal and make them aware at an early age that, in terms of the environment, every action counts, no matter how small, and that public transit use represents an ecological alternative to car use,” explained Isabelle Pagé, actress and host of Salut Bonjour, on the TVA network. “I am convinced that Family Outings will generate excitement among young and old alike, because it will allow a number of families to enjoy the fare flexibility offered by public transit to discover Montréal’s various points of interest. Our invitation is clear: With the STM, family outings are still affordable!,” concluded Mr. Trudel. Preliminary list of partners for 2009 Maison Saint-Gabriel Société québécoise de spéléologie Musée du Fier-monde La Ronde Cité Historia Ça Roule Montréal Château Dufresne Maison Théâtre Musée d’art contemporain Atrium 1000 de la Gauchetière Musée Marguerite Bourgeoys Amphitour Montréal Biodôme Bateau Mouche Montréal Botanical Garden McCord Museum Montréal Insectarium Opéra de Montréal Montréal Planetarium Discounts offered by partners range from 10% to 15%. ? 30 ?​

回复: 周末,节假日里,大人带12岁以下的孩子坐地铁,公交,孩子免票确实是一个好政策,在加拿大做小孩真幸福。

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 超赞 赏 D Dora2006 0$(VIP 0) 6062009-01-23#3 回复: 周末,节假日里,大人带12岁以下的孩子坐地铁,公交,孩子免票小恩小惠也不错,每周去佳华的孩子票给省了,每月差不多省9块10块的。

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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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