加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal全球快?地 ?市排第2


(?地可27日加新社?)流行旅咣指南啉出全球10大快?之地╋加拿大?地可排名第2╋中?武夷山榜上有名。著名旅咣指南《寂寞星球》(Lonely Planet)?撰快?之地排行榜╋加拿大第2大城市?地可高居次席╋?列在南太平洋??瓦努阿?(Vanuatu)之後。?地可比瓦努阿?寒冷杂多╋但锢然有它的??。《寂寞星球》旅咣指南真╋?地可有不少好?╋特?在夏季╋它在夏季佩揠全球最大的喜??。?地可喜??放笑?它真?「清?、好客╋多元文化清新╋?地可堪费全年檫心地。「一到7月╋呃奄大放笑?。?笑喜??(Just For Laughs)夏天降乓呃?城市╋到?都有最佳英、法遮喜?表演。」?地可是唯一上榜的加拿大城市╋其他快?之地遍?中?、日本、哥?比?及非洲。《寂寞星球》旅咣指南真╋不丹是「愉快的」、「喜褚拉雅山中的香格里拉」。哥?比?愈?愈安全╋到它的加勒比海岸旅咣╋逛咖啡???加狂??派?╋都能感受它的???氛、精神?之一振。武夷山「幽祜的山谷王?」中?武夷山是「幽祜的山谷王?╋瀑布奔蝣?奇洞句延」。褚拉居?是「非洲?暖的心潘」╋居民用「笑?」迎馘。不咿╋呃些都膣以陪瓦努阿?匹?。旅咣指南真?「呃奄的海水他得可以╋涛育生命???翡翡裢裢╋火山隆隆??╋它是?包??中探胝?地。「它是快?之地╋真正的原因是社??斤你的感受。」

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100727/national/very_happy_cityCanada gets 1 spot on list of happiest places Module bodyTue Jul 27, 9:30 PM By Nelson Wyatt, The Canadian Press[SIZE=-2]ADVERTISEMENT[/SIZE]MONTREAL - Canada has an entry on the list of the 10 happiest places on the planet no small feat considering the rundown included Happy, Texas, the self-proclaimed "town without a frown."The popular Lonely Planet travel guide picked Montreal for its list of cheerful locales, noting that Canada's second-largest city hosts one of the world's biggest comedy events every July.Lonely Planet's U.S. travel editor, Robert Reid, says the list was drawn by surveying a panel of the guide's editors and authors."Happy is a relative term and the truth is you can find happiness anywhere you go," he said in a phone interview from New York. "You have to pick some places that have certain things about it that kind of pop out."Happy, Texas, for instance, made the cut because its name is "irresistible," he said with a laugh."What works for a place like Montreal is that a lot of travellers, they go there and it feels like a city that loves itself in all the right ways. Food is fantastic, it parties like crazy. I live in New York City and, believe me, this part of the (U.S.) knows where to party: you go north of the border to Montreal."First mention on the list went to the South Pacific island paradise of Vanuatu which has the advantage of being considerably warmer than the next city listed, Montreal.Lonely Planet says Montreal has a variety of other attributes, especially in the summer when it hosts the Just For Laughs Festival, which wrapped up its latest edition on Sunday."Clean, welcoming and refreshingly multicultural, Montreal is happy enough year-round," the travel guide says."Come July, though, it's downright hilarious. Just For Laughs takes over the city in summer, packing venues with the best in both Anglo- and Francophone comedy."Montreal has placed high on Lonely Planet lists before last year it followed Belgrade, Serbia, on the top 10 list of party towns.While Lonely Planet loves Montreal, the city appeared nowhere on a similar recent list by Forbes magazine. Forbes preferred famed destinations like Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Paris, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid and Amsterdam.Lonely Planet's list highlighted some lesser-known spots. Montreal is the only Canadian location selected, along with places in China, Japan, Colombia and Africa.Happy, Texas, is described as the "town without a frown." Although it's "a disappointing collection of silos and gridded streets," tourists can find "the best of Texas" outside the city limits with stunning landscapes, sunsets and wildlife.Of the other spots, Bhutan is described as a "jovial," "Himalayan Shangri-La."Despite Colombia's history and reputation for violence, the guide says it's getting safer, calling a visit to the Caribbean coast, coffee plantations and carnival parties "infectious and uplifting."Wuyi Shan, China, is "a realm of secret valleys splashed with waterfalls and pocked with mysterious caves."Malawi is described as "the warm heart of Africa," where visitors are greeted generously."If it's grins you're after big, unabashed ones head to Malawi, dubbed the 'warm heart of Africa'. The country's people are renowned for the effusive welcome they give travellers, despite living in one of the poorest nations," says the guide."From the woodcarving markets of capital Lilongwe to the sandy shores of Lake Malawi and the elephant-grazed bush of Liwonde National Park, you’ll be accosted with smiles at every turn."Still, it's tough to beat Vanuatu."Many a human's idea of blissful living involves swinging in a palm-strung hammock while the ocean swooshes gently onto a white-sand beach nearby," Lonely Planet says."The water’s ridiculously blue and teeming with life; the interior’s lush and volcanically rumbling, great for exploring amid the breadfruit trees."But it's the sense of community that makes this a truly happy place."Reid acknowledges it was tough to pick places and that the list which was whittled down from 100 suggestions could easily have gone to 1,000."I'd be curious (about) what some of the other Canadian cities think with Montreal being at the top. Maybe Vancouver's furious. They had the Olympics this year."You could easily make a case. Vancouver's a good candidate, to be honest." He said he's had good times in Hamilton, Ont., as well.And Toronto? Reid says he's actually headed there for a few days on business at the end of the month."I like Toronto. Big fan. But I have two free days at the end of it and I'm going to Montreal."This cheerful list comes after several months where Montrealers found it difficult to crack a smile about their city.Last spring saw the downtown vandalized in hockey-related hooliganism, and there are fears of a blood-spattered power struggle among the city's organized crime families.Last fall, Maclean's magazine ran a cover story about the city's mayoral election with the headline, "Montreal is a corrupt, crumbling, mob-ridden disgrace."While the happiness list was originally published in May, it was picked up Tuesday by the popular U.S. website the Huffington Post, where it quickly generated some discussion.The page featuring Montreal includes a photo of two young men their faces painted red, white and blue wearing Montreal Canadiens jerseys.There was some debate on a number of the choices, and on those excluded, from the list.As for Montreal, one person on the Lonely Planet website wrote: "Really glad to see a Canadian city included since I am originally from there."Someone on the Huffington Post prompted a debate by writing: "Montreal? Ugh. That place is in a linguistic civil war."To which someone replied: "Not a problem if you try hard enough to speak French. It comes handy. Vive (la) joie de vivre!"And someone else offered a more philosophical measure of bliss."Happiness is anywhere you happen to be with good health, good company, and a fat wallet in your pocket."

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2希望给蒙特利尔多带来生意。 快乐的前提是生活无忧;生活无忧,需要钱;钱,需要工作和生意; 工作和生意需要人口(固定人口和流动人口);人口需要。。。。。。

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2人口需要快乐才能得到,呵呵。

一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖 超赞 赏 M mrjiang2006 0$(VIP 0) 4712010-07-28#5 回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2好像陷入了先有鸡还是先有蛋的怪圈。

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2快乐这个东西,判断的标准不一样。就像每个人的口味不一样。很难说。自己的鞋子是否舒服,只有自己的脚才知道。

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2希望给蒙特利尔多带来生意。 快乐的前提是生活无忧;生活无忧,需要钱;钱,需要工作和生意; 工作和生意需要人口(固定人口和流动人口);人口需要。。。。。。点击展开...瓦努阿图人生活快乐无忧, 可是他们没什么钱, 当然有钱可以生活无忧但不一定快乐. 象木木兄这般有钱又快乐的才是最高境界.

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2瓦努阿图人生活快乐无忧, 可是他们没什么钱, 当然有钱可以生活无忧但不一定快乐. 象木木兄这般有钱又快乐的才是最高境界.点击展开... 一个在太平洋中间的岛,几乎是世外桃源。人不快乐就怪了。 都说, 钱不是万能, 但是没有钱万万不能。 你看蒙特利尔,孩子可以入7刀/天的幼儿园,问问多伦多人民, 他们有吗?学习法语,还可以拿钱; 牛奶金也比多伦多市民多, 能不快乐吗? 我不是非常快乐,因为我四个孩子,政府只给我200多刀的牛奶金,我努力工作,政府收我50%以上的个税。我还能怎样? 快乐一点吧。 自己找乐。

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2一个在太平洋中间的岛,几乎是世外桃源。人不快乐就怪了。 都说, 钱不是万能, 但是没有钱万万不能。 你看蒙特利尔,孩子可以入7刀/天的幼儿园,问问多伦多人民, 他们有吗?学习法语,还可以拿钱; 牛奶金也比多伦多市民多, 能不快乐吗? 我不是非常快乐,因为我四个孩子,政府只给我200多刀的牛奶金,我努力工作,政府收我50%以上的个税。我还能怎样? 快乐一点吧。 自己找乐。点击展开...牛奶金是属于劫富济贫型的, 而且正因为有木木这样的50%tax bracket payor, 魁省人民才有这么好的福利啊, 魁省省委省政府人代会政协各直属机关和人民都要感谢你啊!

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2牛奶金是属于劫富济贫型的, 而且正因为有木木这样的50%tax bracket payor, 魁省人民才有这么好的福利啊, 魁省省委省政府人代会政协各直属机关和人民都要感谢你啊!点击展开... 还有妇联

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2还有妇联 点击展开...妇联, 计生委, 青少办什么的都已经在"各直属机关"里包括了.

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2除了上面讲的快乐因素,还有一个就是社会整体文明素质。蒙城地铁转门,好多人都会为后面的人顶一下门,方便后面的人进入。我也深受感染,也会经常自觉这么做,很开心,大家快乐。在中国,除了饭店等的确会看到有人帮你扶门,其他公众场合的门,大家进进出出,大致的社会气氛是,我凭什么帮你扶门,我是你佣人么?大家都没有这个习惯,倒也好理解。问题是有点恶意的人有时还会给你后面的人一个“弹簧门". 我想我回到中国还是不会帮人扶门,大家都不做,我做,变怪物了。

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2呵呵,快乐。

路,只能一步步走,但不迈开双脚,再短的路也无法到达...... 谈谈蒙城新生活*太极拳名-自已用*[http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=541228] 超赞 赏 merdeparfum 0$(VIP 0) 5002010-07-28#14 回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2good to know

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2我觉得这里站在旅游者的角度出发的 而不是居民的角度 anyway, still good to know that.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 超赞 赏 S smartrobby 0$(VIP 0) 11,3632010-07-28#16 回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2鉴与此, 应该建议谭柏利市长正式将Montreal的中文译名定为"满地乐"

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2鉴与此, 应该建议谭柏利市长正式将Montreal的中文译名定为"满地乐"点击展开...

原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 lerouge马拉多纳 0$(VIP 0) 14,3392010-07-28#18 回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2好象人居、幸福之地等评选,基本都落户加拿大,不知加拿大赞助了多少

原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 S summer2012 0$(VIP 0) 1222010-07-31#19 回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2因为有个嘻笑节就能排上第二. 太牵强了吧.

回复: 全球快?地 ?市排第2这里干净?。。。。没觉出来。。呵呵

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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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