加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal[葵花盛开在Montreal的日子]看人不顺给一拳把手震断,可否起诉
我闲着没事看对方不顺眼,故意打他一拳,没有想到对方骨头太硬,把我的手震断了,我可以起诉对方承担损害赔偿责任吗? 哈哈。有趣的案例讨论,不同国家的不同处理: 小偷欲行窃,不料在攀爬主人家的防盗窗时,窗脱落,小偷被摔成重伤,经鉴定构成7级伤残。事后得知,该窗尚在安装的过程中,只安装里一棵固定的螺丝,第二天准备接着安。然而就在这天夜里,出现了这样的事故。那么小偷可以要求有危险的窗子的主人承担赔偿责任吗? 观点一:窗子的主人应当承担小偷的部分损失。理由是:作为窗子(物件)的主人,其窗子存在隐患,对他人构成危险,并导致他人受损,理应承担赔偿责任。这种赔偿责任,不会因受害人不同而有所改变。小偷,本身有过错,理应自己承担部分损失。 观点二:不应当。小偷本身的行为是违法的,且其攀爬窗子行为本身就有风险,应当由所预见,法律不能保护违法行为。 你认为哪种观点正确?或你有自己的其他观点?请讨论。。生命在于运动,大脑需要活用。
[FONT=仿宋][葵花盛开在Montreal的日子]“东进,东进,向未知世界前进!”――一个女法律人眼中的加拿大(及时更新)[/FONT] http://forum.canadameet.co/showthread.php?t=538592Ying Fu([FONT=楷体]葵花付英律师)[/FONT] 付英律师,专注于中加两国经贸领域法律事务,活跃在投资、融资、税务、地产、诉讼及冲突的解决、移民等领域。加拿大CMKZ律师事务所高级法律顾问、Sunflower Group·葵花法律中心主席、七天传媒·俱乐部副主席、葵花法律网创始人、21本葵花法律系列丛书作者、中国瀛和律师机构·北京瀛和律师事务所创始合伙人、律师学院专家顾问、中加法律中心主任。E-mail: [email protected] Webchat & QQ: 284870508葵花法律网:http://www.mykh.net/forum.php 超赞 赏 sabre 175$(VIP 0,#15) 85,0652013-02-25#2 回复: [葵花盛开在Montreal的日子]看人不顺给一拳把手震断,可否防盗窗不是做把手设计安装的, 没有义务坚固到承担一人的体重,房主没责任,
回复: [葵花盛开在Montreal的日子]看人不顺给一拳把手震断,可否let's imagine the following scenarios the owner had a notice put on the wall just below, but it was a dark night. do you think the owner is wrong because he failed to turn the light on so that the theif will not miss the warning? and in another case, the owner also pasted the warning in French , he is Quebecois, of course, but the thief doesn't read French ? ok, the owner is smarter this time and he puts on the warning notice and translated it in english, and also turn on the light, Oh shit! Hydro Quebec had a power outage. So Hydro Quebec will pay ? and finally, he pasted a warning, in english + french and turn on the light, and also connected to a USP device so that when Hydro Quebec power failure, there will still be light. but the thief is a new illegal immigrant how knows neither english nor french ? so the law should be like this, for anyone who hasn't finished his job and might cause damage to somebody else, the owner should find someone to guard on the spot until the job done.
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