加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal请问一下,这边的保健药品牌之间有很大差别吗?
请问一下,这边的保健药品牌之间有很大差别吗? 去药店买药的时候,经常被药师助理推荐一些品牌的药,他们说含量都一样,而且颗粒多,相比之下便宜,不知道 保健药品牌之间质量有很大差别吗? 有了解的吗,谢谢啦!
回复: 请问一下,这边的保健药品牌之间有很大差别吗?个人觉得相对有NPN码的比没有的好些,其他就看相近价格哪个单颗含量和一瓶的数量多。品牌还真不care
Je pense, donc je suis.个人觉得相对有NPN码的比没有的好些,其他就看相近价格哪个单颗含量和一瓶的数量多。品牌还真不care点击展开...请问 NPN 码是什么意思呢? 怎么看呢?
回复: 请问一下,这边的保健药品牌之间有很大差别吗?Once Health Canada has assessed a product and decided it is safe, effective and of high quality, it issues a product licence along with an eight-digit Natural Product Number (NPN) , which must appear on the label. This number lets you know that the product has been reviewed and approved by Health Canada.
Je pense, donc je suis.Once Health Canada has assessed a product and decided it is safe, effective and of high quality, it issues a product licence along with an eight-digit Natural Product Number (NPN) , which must appear on the label. This number lets you know that the product has been reviewed and approved by Health Canada.点击展开...Thanks!
回复: 请问一下,这边的保健药品牌之间有很大差别吗?Once Health Canada has assessed a product and decided it is safe, effective and of high quality, it issues a product licence along with an eight-digit Natural Product Number (NPN) , which must appear on the label. This number lets you know that the product has been reviewed and approved by Health Canada.点击展开...谢谢,检查了家里的几瓶保健品,只有webber natrual的有,NPN是一个品牌的所有品种都有,还是一个品牌的某种有,某种没有
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