加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal请教私立幼儿园补助



回复: 请教私立幼儿园补助请问成人高中学习acdemical,孩子上私立幼儿园能申请补助吗?点击展开...你上的是英语还是法语?法语100%可以英语就不知道了

回复: 请教私立幼儿园补助成人高中课程?fulltime的?估计没

Je pense, donc je suis. 超赞 赏 果 果果guoguoGuest 0$(VIP ) 2013-08-05#4 回复: 请教私立幼儿园补助上英语的,补课,想申请college,fulltime。在那里能确认呢?谢谢楼上两位。

回复: 请教私立幼儿园补助直接问revenue魁北克, 我理解是可以

这样的银行,想方设法给你钱165刀。我是服了youhttp://bbs.canadameet.me/showthread.php?p=7168242#post7168242/ 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 V vert 0$(VIP 0) 1,4102013-08-05#6 回复: 请教私立幼儿园补助应该可以,只要父母双方因工作或学习而无法照料孩子就行。

回复: 请教私立幼儿园补助看来可以,高中academic英语一周16小时的Requirements for Advance Payments of the Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses To be entitled to receive advance payments of the tax credit for childcare expenses for the 2013 taxation year, you must meet the following requirements: ...The childcare expenses must be incurred for an eligible child living with you or your spouse, where you or your spouse is in one of the following situations: you hold an office or employment;you actively operate a business;you do research under a grant;you are actively seeking employment;you attend an educational institution as a student enrolled in an educational program of at least three consecutive weeks, either on a full-time basis (courses and assignments must take up a minimum of 10 hours per week) or on a part-time basis (courses alone must take up a minimum of 12 hours per month);you receive Québec parental insurance plan benefits or benefits related to a birth or an adoption under the Employment Insurance plan;...

Je pense, donc je suis. 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 果 果果guoguoGuest 0$(VIP ) 2013-08-05#8 回复: 请教私立幼儿园补助谢谢楼上所有的朋友们,声望加上了,感谢。我明天研究一下官方文件。

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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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