加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal有没有朋友小生意班上完拿到SSE的?



回复: 有没有朋友小生意班上完拿到SSE的?这是什么??

回复: 有没有朋友小生意班上完拿到SSE的?见过不少拿到过的,现在没有还在蒙村混的,拿到护照回国的,去土狼吞爱民屯的都有。英语不错的,水平也够的,蒙村还是不好,收入太高的不会等着多缴税的。Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)How long does it take to start receiving self-employment support benefits (SSE)?The process of applying for SSE benefits includes several steps that may vary depending on how advanced your business project is. In general, you can expect to wait four to six weeks to find out whether you are eligible for the program.How long is the information session?A SAJE information session is about two hours long, but it may vary, depending on how many questions the participants ask.I went to Emploi-Québec and they told me to call you! Emploi-Québec sent you to us because you want to start a business. The first step is to come to an information session.I’ve looked at your website and I’m interested in the SAJE program, but I’m over 35…You say the SAJE program, but you probably mean the self-employment support program (SSE).There are no age restrictions for SAJE SSE benefits. You may be eligible if you meet the other criteria. To find out more, follow this link: Self-Employment Support.I’d like to take the SSE training program.SAJE offers a 12-week program called Business Start-Up. But SAJE also offers a program called Self-Employment Support (SSE) that includes the Business Start-Up training. To find out more, follow these links: Starting a Business training session, Self-Employment Support.I went to Emploi-Québec, I got my follow-up sheet and the agent told me to call you for an appointment. First of all, you have to attend an information session. f you haven’t yet done so, please click on the information session registration link and sign up. If you have already attended an information session and you’re ready to submit your file to us, click on: File Submission.I was on EI last year and I want to start my own business.One of the eligibility criteria for the self-employment support measure is to be current receiving EI or to have received EI benefits within the last three years. But to be eligible for STA benefits, you must be currently unemployed. I want to apply for self-employment support benefits and I already have a business plan.To be eligible for the self-employment support measure, you have to first attend an information session. To register, please follow this link: Information Session RegistrationIf you have already attended an information session, you have to meet with the designated Emploi-Québec agent, who will give you an activity follow-up form. If you haven’t yet met with the Emploi-Québec agent, contact your local employment centre to make an appointment. To see a list of local employment centres, click here: ListIf you already have the form, just submit it to us and send us your business plan as soon as possible. To submit your file, please click here: File SubmissionI want to meet with an advisor.You can set up a meeting with our management and orientation advisor by calling 514 861-SAJE (7253), ext. 375. You can also register for a SAJE information session and for the business idea validation workshop, to help you evaluate your business idea. I went to Emploi-Québec and they don’t want to give me a follow-up form because there are lots of jobs available in my field or because I have too much education.It is up to Emploi-Québec to determine the basic eligibility of people interested in the STA program, so Emploi Québec agents are the only people who can issue follow-up forms.When is the financial support paid?The benefits are paid as soon as your project is accepted by the Selection Committee (for more information about financial assistance, please contact the agent at your local employment centre).How long does it take to get an answer from the Selection Committee?Before you submit an application, you have to attend a SAJE information session. The Selection Committees meet every month (they are made up of the following decision-making members: a representative of the local employment centre (CLE), a representative of the local development centre (CLD) and a representative from the business community). The length of the acceptance process depends on many factors: how long it takes you to meet with your CLE agent to get the follow-up form;how long it takes you to meet with a SAJE advisor following submission of your application;and especially the readiness of your project. Can I have a part-time job while I am receiving SSE benefits?A person receiving wages for a job of less than 20 hours a week must be able to prove that their main activity is the business start-up and that they are spending a minimum of 40 hours a week on the business (for more information, please contact your CLE agent).If I drop out of the self-employment support program before the end of the agreement, do I have to repay the benefits?No, if you decide to drop out, you do not have to reimburse Emploi-Québec for the benefits you received during your active participation in the program. If my project is refused, can I present another one?It is possible to present a new project if your first project is refused. Except for the information session, however, you have to begin the whole process all over again (validation of eligibility, new follow-up form from your CLE agent, another meeting with your SAJE advisor, and presentation of the new project to the Selection Committee).Can I present two projects at once?No, only one project can be presented to the Selection Committee at a time.Can I collect SSE benefits more than once?Participants cannot collect self-employment support benefits a second time if they voluntarily dropped out of the program during the project start-up phase.After I get my follow-up form, how long do I have before I have to officially make my application?The follow-up form is valid for 30 days. After that, you have to go back to the local employment centre to get a new form.If a project is being presented by two promoters, can both of them receive financial assistance?The financial assistance is related to the individual not the project, so if both promoters are eligible and the project is deemed viable, they can both receive financial assistance.Can I start my business before my project is accepted by the Selection Committee?The goal of the self-employment support measure is to support eligible individuals during the start-up of a viable business. People who are receiving EI benefits are supposed to be looking for a job while the Selection Committee is making its decision.Can I register or incorporate my business while I’m waiting for the Selection Committee to accept my project?A business can be registered or incorporated without have started up or made financial transactions.Can I take a vacation while I’m receiving self-employment support benefits?Participants can only receive STA benefits (technical assistance and financial support) if they demonstrate that they are dedicating themselves full-time to their business.Can I be exempted from certain courses?For the self-employment support measure, it is mandatory to complete the entire training program.Who is on the Selection Committee?The decision-making members of the Selection Committee are:a representative of Emploi-Québec;a representative of the local development centre (CLD);a representative from the business community. Do you have a list of priority sectors?There is no list of priority sectors. Projects are assessed based on a reasonable guarantee of success and viability at the end of the benefit participation period.Is Starting a small business training session offered in English?Starting a small business training session is not offered in English right now. We provide assistance to our English-speaking clients in the form of individual consultation with a SAJE advisor.I have a business project that is eligible for the self-employment support program, but I don’t have an office or business location yet. Do I have to have an office or business location to apply? No. In fact, it is preferable if you do not have an office or business location before you are accepted to the program. For projects that need a business location, the promoter has to choose a geographical area to establish the business and provide a detailed list of potential locations when the project is presented to the Selection Committee.If I apply for the self-employment support measure using my home address and then start up the business somewhere else, will this be a problem?There is no problem as long as the business address is in the territories served by SAJE. If it isn’t, your file will be transferred to the organization that takes care of the SSE program in that territory (e.g., SAJE Centre). I am going to an SSE registration day; what documents should I bring with me?You have to bring your birth certificate and proof of residency. Landed immigrants should also bring their citizenship card or permanent resident card or selection certificate. I am going to a Business Start-up program registration session; what documents should I bring with me?You have to bring your birth certificate and proof of residency. Landed immigrants should also bring their citizenship card or permanent resident card or selection certificate. Finally, you have to bring $125 to pay for the course. We accept only cash and cheques made out to SAJE.I was accepted to the self-employment support program (SSE) and I’d like to know when the Business Start-Up program begins.New groups begin every month. For more information, please call the registrar at 514-861-SAJE (7253), ext. 330.I’m interested in taking the Business Start-Up program, but I work days; is there another way to access your training program?Our Business Start-up program is also offered in the evenings. For more information, please call the registrar at 514-861-SAJE (7253), ext. 330.Do you offer sales training?Yes, SAJE offers a course in sales techniques; for more information, please call the coordinator at 514 861-SAJE (7253) ext. 330.Can I leave the country while I am receiving self-employment support?No trips abroad are permitted without prior permission from the Emploi-Québec SSE coordinator for the start-up territory, in collaboration with the SAJE advisor assigned to the file.The purpose of the trip must be related to the business start-up and contribute significantly to the project development.For a travel request to be authorized, the promoter must submit a detailed travel plan to the Emploi-Québec SSE coordinator and the SAJE advisor, explaining the reasons for the trip and providing a day-by-day schedule of business meetings (name of the person, company name, address, phone number), specifying the purpose of each meeting.For the duration of the absence, the promoter must provide weekly reports to the Emploi-Québec SSE coordinator and the SAJE advisor. The reports must be submitted by email at the end of each week, transmitting the details of how the various objectives planned for the trip are being accomplished.Any failure to meet these obligations will result in the cancellation of financial support.After the self-employment support measure (SSE) has been approved, are there documents or reports to submit?It is the promoter’s responsibility to provide SAJE with the information in the “Activities and Progress Report.” To help you with this responsibility, information and email reminders will be sent to you on the 1st and 15th of the month.The promoter alone is responsible for submitting these reports, however, and must not count on reminders from the SSE follow-up advisor. The promoter is also responsible for informing the advisor by email of any address changes. Incomplete Activities Reports are deemed to be in default, as are missing reports.The Approval Committee will investigate any failure to fulfil this obligation, which generally results in a cessation of SSE benefits.After you submit your first Activities and Progress Report (4 months after approval of your business plan), the SSE approval committee will examine your results and your entire business file to assess the viability and progress of your business. A project that is not deemed to be sufficiently viable will be withdrawn from the STA program.Can I have my self-employment support benefits extended?Extensions beyond the 52 weeks period are not possible.Do SAJE clients get privileged access to a lawyer?Yes, but some restrictions apply. Contact us for more information.What other services are available to people receiving SSE benefits?You have access to many SAJE services, such as:SAJE Sales Techniques training programWorkshops Networking activitiesGrowth Management measureand much moreSome restrictions and accessibility conditions apply to certain services.What should I do if I need financing?Contact your assigned advisor as quickly as possible to explain your needs and ask to be referred to the Financing Committee. How many meetings can we have with our advisor during our Growth Management support period?You can have five meetings per year during your program eligibility period. How long does it take to set up a meeting with the Growth Management service?An advisor will contact you within 48 business hours after you request a meeting.How do I apply for the Mangement & Business Growth Services?Just fill out the online form and an advisor will contact you within 48 business hours.点击展开...

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回复: 有没有朋友小生意班上完拿到SSE的?没看明白是啥意思

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