加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal植物园内的野生动物 -- 狐狸
邻家铺子6710 说:我家住在植物园附近,曾经在那儿也见过狐狸,不知道是不是同一只。您知道现在还是晚上六点以后免费吗?点击展开...邻居哦!工作管理人员说一共放养了18只。现在全天免费,6点关园。
luckybearyang 说:邻居哦!工作管理人员说一共放养了18只。现在全天免费,6点关园。点击展开...周末也是吗?以前晚上六点到九点还能去,六点就关太早了,我的铺子还没关呢。
还没在那儿见过狐狸。免费入园到11 mai 2014
Je pense, donc je suis.还没在那儿见过狐狸。免费入园到11 mai 2014点击展开...真的么。。。为什么我看到官网上这周有门票价。。。
邻家铺子6710 说:我家住在植物园附近,曾经在那儿也见过狐狸,不知道是不是同一只。您知道现在还是晚上六点以后免费吗?点击展开... 麻烦告知植物园地址 先多谢
fn 200706 s2 200905 12 200909(9月初妥投) 14 20091012 2009/11/23 5 20091201(12月6日体检) 8 6/1/2010 12 2010/2/17麻烦告知植物园地址 先多谢点击展开...植物园有两个门,一个在rosement 和31街的交接口。另一个是主门4101 Sherbrooke est. h1x2b2
Colors 说:真的么。。。为什么我看到官网上这周有门票价。。。点击展开...我查了一下,和你一样看到了票价。楼主你确定吗?我就怕周日11号拖家带口的去了,得买票。
邻家铺子6710 说:我查了一下,和你一样看到了票价。楼主你确定吗?我就怕周日11号拖家带口的去了,得买票。点击展开...我法语老师说免费入园到5月15日
傍边的 MAISONNEUVE 公园也不错。终年不要门票--根本就没有门。那个绿地的广阔,一望无涯的感觉了。VIAU+PIE-IX SHERBROOKE+ROSEMONT 这块绿地太大了,市中心啊,够奢侈。
今天去了,的确是免买票,但是今天风超级大,而且没什么可看的,大部分植物刚发芽。。。顺便贴一个这个月23、24、25号花市的消息,打算再去一次挑几盆花~Space for Life - 17th Great Gardening Weekend - Take the Time to Garden with the FamilyMONTRÉAL,May 8, 2014/CNW Telbec/ - Finally! Spring is here at last, and the sun's warmth is coaxing our gardens back to life. Why not relax and enjoy some special family time playing in the dirt, doing some planting and savouring the joys of nature? The gardening season kicks off withMontréal Space for Life's 17thGreat Gardening Weekend,Quebec'slargest gardening fair, onMay 23, 24 and 25 this year, at the Botanical Garden. You'll find seeds, plants and original and unusual garden tools and accessories, and can get some tips from enthusiastic horticulturists, growers and biologists. Take home new ideas along with some "ready-to-plant" items for your flower beds and vegetable garden.Make some new discoveriesFamilies love the Great Gardening Weekend! That's why it attracts some 90 exhibitors every year, all of them keen to encourage you to get some dirt under your nails. Don't miss the Botanical Garden horticulturists' tent, with thousands of exclusive houseplants and outdoor plants, and all the different growers of rare and traditional plants, herbs, mosses, nut and fruit trees, honey and more. Don't forget some reusable bags to take your finds home with you! The Great Gardening Weekend is also a chance to pick up all kinds of new ideas, including how-tos for creating an edible or bottle garden; urban gardening on geotextile fabric; maintaining penjings, bonsai and roses; using the properties of essential oils, and more. It's also an ideal opportunity to purchase some top-notch garden accessories, from hammocks to vertical vegetable gardens for tight spaces, containers, ceramics, stakes and trellises, etc.Finally, each day there will be theme lectures where you can learn about some decidedly different horticultural traditions: old-fashioned perennials, permaculture, pond gardens in containers, shade gardens, hydrangeas, fruit trees, the new slow gardening trend and container gardening ideas.Cultivating biodiversity at homeFor the second straight year, theMy Space for Life Gardenprogram is encouraging and supporting Montrealers interested in doing their bit at home to protect biodiversity. They can create a biodiversity garden full of nativeQuebecplants; a bird garden, offering our feathered friends a space where they can feed and shelter; or a butterfly oasis, a haven that's sure to attract brilliantly coloured butterflies and moths. For all kinds of ideas to help you turn your balcony or yard into a welcoming green space, visit theMy Space for Life Gardenbooth at the Great Gardening Weekend.TheHenry TeuscherAward, rewarding trailblazersOnFriday, May 23, theHenry TeuscherAward will be presented to an individual who has distinguished him or herself in recent years with an exceptional contribution to the advancement of horticultural knowledge inQuebec. The award winner will be on hand, so you might even get to meet him or her during the Great Gardening Weekend.The Great Gardening Weekend in figuresApproximately 15,000 visitors over 3 daysSome 12,000 plants produced by the Botanical Garden's horticulturists for saleAbout 90 exhibitors to introduce you to new plants and share their knowledgeTickets/Times:montrealspaceforlife.caList of exhibitors:http://espacepourlavie.ca/en/exhibitors-2014-great-gardening-weekendMy Space for Life Garden program:http://espacepourlavie.ca/en/my-gardenPLEASE NOTEAs in previous years, the Botanical Garden and the Insectarium will not be participating inMontréal Museums Dayon Sunday, May 25.The Great Gardening Weekend is presented in co-operation with the Friends of the Montréal Botanical Garden.We also wish to thankFleurs, Plantes et Jardinsfor their collaboration.TheMy Space for LifeGardenprogram was made possible thanks to financial support from theVerdircampaign, an initiative of the Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ) de Montréal.Montréal Space for Life is made up of four attractions on the same site: the Botanical Garden, Biodôme, Insectarium and Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium. These four prestigious Montréal municipal institutions formCanada'slargest natural science museum complex. Together, they are launching a daring, creative urban movement, urging everyone to rethink the connection between humankind and nature and cultivate a new way of living.SOURCE Ville de Montréal - Jardin botanique de MontréalFor further information: Karine Jalbert, Communications Co-ordinator, Telephone: (514) 872-1453, E-mail:[email protected]; Karine Vendette, Communication Assistant, Telephone: (514) 872-2227, E-mail:[email protected]
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