加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal国家公园日都去哪里玩?


应该是周六国家公园日。家里有6岁男孩,不知道哪个国家公园适合去?有个湖,划船还比较适合孩子吧去过oka,这天不能游泳了。求推荐个公园,不太远,住在st laurent。

能划船Centre de la nature901, avenue du ParcLaval (Québec) H7E 2T7 Téléphone : 450 662-4942http://centredelanature.laval.ca/

laval的nature park以前经常去,这个一直不要门票,还不错就是湖小了一点啊。


http://www.sepaq.com/pq/ 国家公园网络的地图其中蒙城东北的 Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville 不错,离ST-LAURENT不远。可以烧烤自行车钓鱼划船Hiking(Randonnee)等等。 下面是网站。http://www.sepaq.com/pq/bou/index.dot 地址在第4页:http://www.sepaq.com/dotAsset/21cf2b4c-6e1a-4482-808a-6ff537e6585d.pdf或者55 Île Sainte-MargueriteP.O. Box 310Boucherville (Québec) J4B 5J6Telephone : 450 928-5088

qdrico 说:laval的nature park以前经常去,这个一直不要门票,还不错就是湖小了一点啊。点击展开...那这儿吧VENT EN FETE,魁省和安省交界渥太华河,离蒙一个小时,在那儿你能可劲儿划。87 John St, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 1Y1(613) 678-0808http://www.ventenfete.ca/services_kayaks.php



mmlinda 说:MAURICE 国家公园。点击展开...他们似乎谈得是魁省省立公园日,跟加拿大国家公园没关

爬楼捡币他们似乎谈得是魁省省立公园日,跟加拿大国家公园没关点击展开... 正解! 魁省想独立,所以称自己的省立公园叫“国家公园”,称魁北克城为“CAPITALE(首都)。 有些人不知道,直接翻译过来就容易造成误解。 MAURICE的国家公园确实是国家公园,不在6号的魁省省立公园免费活动日内。

Îles-de-Boucherville National Park 这个公园也在免费范围吗?在哪可以查到?Îles-de-Boucherville National Park55 Ile Sainte margueriteBoucherville, QC J4B 8AR2

Sunnywenwen 说:Îles-de-Boucherville National Park 这个公园也在免费范围吗?在哪可以查到?点击展开...在免费范围。 下面是网站。http://www.sepaq.com/pq/bou/index.dot 详细信息看下面的PDF文件,地址在第4页:http://www.sepaq.com/dotAsset/21cf2b4c-6e1a-4482-808a-6ff537e6585d.pdf或者55 Île Sainte-MargueriteP.O. Box 310Boucherville (Québec) J4B 5J6Telephone : 450 928-5088

6月10日 魁省公园日7月21日加拿大国家公园日9月6号是啥公园日啊?

JustFor开心 说:他们似乎谈得是魁省省立公园日,跟加拿大国家公园没关点击展开...确实是国家公园日,只不过不是所有国家公园都参加6日的活动,请见链接。http://www.sepaq.com/pq/journee-des-parcs-nationaux.dot

官网上没看到门票免费。PDF上只提到discovery activities 免费。这包括了门票免费吗?没看懂,再指点一下哈在免费范围。下面是网站。http://www.sepaq.com/pq/bou/index.dot详细信息看下面的PDF文件,地址在第4页:http://www.sepaq.com/dotAsset/21cf2b4c-6e1a-4482-808a-6ff537e6585d.pdf或者55 Île Sainte-MargueriteP.O. Box 310Boucherville (Québec) J4B 5J6Telephone : 450 928-5088点击展开...

Sunnywenwen 说:官网上没看到门票免费。PDF上只提到discovery activities 免费。这包括了门票免费吗?没看懂,再指点一下哈点击展开... 看下面这个网址就是在说6号免费(Free access to national parks),蓝色字体那里是免费的公园的列表,Îles-de-Boucherville 在表内。http://www.sepaq.com/pq/journee-des-parcs-nationaux.dot?language_id=1 建议你去之前打这个公园的电话Telephone : 450 928-5088 确认一下免费的有关信息,解释权在公园。我毕竟不是在这个公园做卖票的哈~ 下面是该网页上这个公园的有关信息:Parc national des Îles-de-BouchervilleShort Rabaska TourAccompanied by a park warden-naturalist, paddle a rabaska canoe and discover the Bras Nord channel!When: 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.Where: Rental CentreReservation required.Try a BikeCycling enthusiasts, discover the Norco bicycle collection and take the opportunity to rent one at the Rental Centre.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreTry a KayakKayaking buffs, come try this year’s products and ask us about our boat sale.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Rental CentreElliptical BikesCome try our elliptical bikes, a new way to pedal.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreWalking Madness ChallengeCome take the walking challenge and discover Île aux raisins. For more information, meet members of Fédération québécoise de la marche and the À-Vie-Forme walking club, who will be here for this event. Accessible to the whole family. 6-km walk.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreDiscovering our ParkCome meet us and discover our enhancement projects for the park. A Huttopia tent will be on display for the occasion.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreDiscovery Kiosk with a Park WardenCome meet park warden naturalists. Mounted animals and posters will also inform you about the characteristics of Îles-de-Boucherville.When: 10:30 a.m. to noonWhere: near the cable ferryFox RallyAre your kids nature pros? Have them test their knowledge on this rally along the Île-aux-Raisins trail.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Île-aux-Raisins trailFree River CrossingsFor this special day, the Longueuil-Île Charron ferry will be free, thanks to the participation of Longueuil and Navark. To facilitate access, we strongly recommend taking your bike on the ferry. Pedestrians should plan on a 45-minute walk to reach the park’s activity centre. A great opportunity to get some fresh air with the family!

后来我也看到了那个(Free access to national parks),呵呵,我就总是马大哈不心细,谢谢哦!看下面这个网址就是在说6号免费(Free access to national parks),蓝色字体那里是免费的公园的列表,Îles-de-Boucherville 在表内。http://www.sepaq.com/pq/journee-des-parcs-nationaux.dot?language_id=1建议你去之前打这个公园的电话Telephone : 450 928-5088 确认一下免费的有关信息,解释权在公园。我毕竟不是在这个公园做卖票的哈~下面是该网页上这个公园的有关信息:Parc national des Îles-de-BouchervilleShort Rabaska TourAccompanied by a park warden-naturalist, paddle a rabaska canoe and discover the Bras Nord channel!When: 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.Where: Rental CentreReservation required.Try a BikeCycling enthusiasts, discover the Norco bicycle collection and take the opportunity to rent one at the Rental Centre.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreTry a KayakKayaking buffs, come try this year’s products and ask us about our boat sale.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Rental CentreElliptical BikesCome try our elliptical bikes, a new way to pedal.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreWalking Madness ChallengeCome take the walking challenge and discover Île aux raisins. For more information, meet members of Fédération québécoise de la marche and the À-Vie-Forme walking club, who will be here for this event. Accessible to the whole family. 6-km walk.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreDiscovering our ParkCome meet us and discover our enhancement projects for the park. A Huttopia tent will be on display for the occasion.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Discovery and Visitors CentreDiscovery Kiosk with a Park WardenCome meet park warden naturalists. Mounted animals and posters will also inform you about the characteristics of Îles-de-Boucherville.When: 10:30 a.m. to noonWhere: near the cable ferryFox RallyAre your kids nature pros? Have them test their knowledge on this rally along the Île-aux-Raisins trail.When: 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where: Île-aux-Raisins trailFree River CrossingsFor this special day, the Longueuil-Île Charron ferry will be free, thanks to the participation of Longueuil and Navark. To facilitate access, we strongly recommend taking your bike on the ferry. Pedestrians should plan on a 45-minute walk to reach the park’s activity centre. A great opportunity to get some fresh air with the family!点击展开...


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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