加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 MontrealBlack Friday 黑色星期五倒是是啥意思


购物达人别嫌这个问题土哈真心不不明白:这个日子怎么来的,谁发起的,和boxing day是啥关系?谢谢了

从这天开始帐面上就黑了,没赤字了,与boxing day是没关系。

Black Friday is the name given to the shopping day after Thanksgiving. It was originally called Black Friday because so many people went out to shop that it caused traffic accidents and sometimes even violence.This was first recorded in 1966by Earl Apfelbaum, a dealer in rare stamps. In his ad, he said "'Black Friday' is the name that the Philadelphia Police Department gave to the Friday following Thanksgiving Day. It is not a term of endearment to them. 'Black Friday' officially opens the Christmas shopping season in center city, and it usually brings massive traffic jams and over-crowded sidewalks as the downtown stores are mobbed from opening to closing."The Police Department coined the phrase to describe the mayhem surrounding the congestion of pedestrian and auto traffic in the Center City downtown area. (Source: The Chicago Tribune, "Black Friday - Why and When?)When Black Friday Became a Positive NameRetailers did not appreciate the negative connotation associated with a black day of the week. They had a good point. For example,Black Monday was given to October 19, 1987. On that day, the Dow Jones Average fell 22%, the largest percentage drop on one day in stock market history. Here's more on the Dow Closing History.Another dark day, Black Thursday, occurred on October 24, 1929. It was the day that signaled the start of the Great Depression. It was followed the next week by Black Tuesday. On that day, the stock market lost 11% despite attempts by major investors to support stock prices. This destroyed any confidence investors had in the stock market, which in those days was perceived to be the economy. Many had invested their life savings, and were totally wiped out.No wonder retailers wanted to make the name "Black Friday" mean something positive. And, to them, the Friday after Thanksgiving is a very profitable day. To compensate, they decided to follow the old adage, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."They used the name to reflect their success. Accountants generally use black to signify profit when recording each day's book entries. Red is used to signify loss. Therefore, Black Friday means profitable Friday to retailing and to the economy.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 超赞 赏 反馈:巴黎右岸 和 太阳镜 太阳镜 11$(VIP 0,#96) 1,1072014-11-21#4 感谢绿胸地和太阳李同学的信息,回答的一庄一谐。涨姿势了。

前几天和美国人聊,他们说boxing day是加拿大和英国的,他们那里只有black Friday,但是说美国其他地方可能还是有boxing day的。


AVANTAR 说:就是那天星期五,商家猛黑消费者的钱,很多平时卖不掉的垃圾,那天拿出来打个折,卖给消费者。黑色星期五那天,卖场人头赞动,大家争着被黑。黑色星期五之后,卖场又会人头赞动,大家排队退货。再之后,门可罗雀,营员上班打手枪,商品价格比黑五再低2成。点击展开...哈哈~不过最后一句是正确的,全美最低的价格是来年一月上半旬之前~

Start of Holiday Season.

boxing day是拆禮物節日,不知道為什么加拿大商家會打折,真是傻。現在加拿大已經跟美國接軌了,boxing day不打折,黑五打大折。

Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1 超赞 赏 反馈:太阳镜 太阳镜 11$(VIP 0,#96) 1,1072014-11-28#10 今天一早下雪,把黑色星期五衬托的更加黑

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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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