加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal吃喝玩乐 - 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,


一年一度的鳕鱼冰钓又要开始了,仅转帖些信息给喜欢这个活动的人们 三河冰钓鳕鱼渔场2009---2010开放信息 December 26th, 2009 to mid-February 2010 Fishing season is going to start in a few weeks... get ready for it! For information: 418-325-2475 Rates and schedule 2009-2010 WeekdayWeekendAdult$20 $25 Child (6-12 years)$10 $12.50 Child (0-5 years)FreeFreeThese rates include all the equipment, the shelter, all the fishes taken and all the activities like sliding, ice skating, ride on the streetcar and the entery for the Tomcod interpretation Center.The total rate for your family or your group must be of at least $50 on weekdays and $100 on weekends (from Friday night to Sunday). The fishing shelters can’t be rented for less. School groups (weekdays)Student : 10$Teacher : FreeFishing scheduleDaytime: From 8 am to 6 pmNighttime: From 8pm to 6 am For any schedule changes, please contact your outfitter directly to make arrangement Reservations Please contact the booking office at this number: 418-325-2475Monday to Thursday: 8 am - 9 pmFriday and Saturday: 8 am - 10 pmSunday: 8 am - 5 pmOr enquire directly at your fishing establishment: Phone ​ Gatéan Portelance 2001 418-325-2804 ​ Gérard Mailhot 418-325-2330 ​ Massicotte et fils 418-325-3394 ​ Claude Devault 418-325-2954 ​ Jacques Lefebvre 418-325-3047 ​ JP Hivon 418-325-2100 ​ Robert Mailhot et fils 418-325-2217 ​ Des Chenaux (Juneau-Simard) 418-325-2142 ​ Le Rendez-Vous (André Daigle) 418-325-2440 ​ Sylvain Baril 418-325-2747 ​ Jean-Louis Tessier et fils 418-325-2996 ​ Mario Leduc 418-325-2402 ​ Marchand 418-325-2778 ​ Baril 418-325-2687 ​ Les Grands-Pères 2009 418-325-3068 ​ Guy Marceau et filles 418-325-2187 ​

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 超赞 赏 szshenhuaModerator 0$(VIP 0) 11,7932009-12-14#2 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,有没有近一点的地方?

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 超赞 赏 vickyzyd怎样把5万变成50万,再把50万变成100万 0$(VIP 0) 11,9502009-12-14#3 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,去年没去成,今年还是想去,呵呵

回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,有没有近一点的地方?点击展开...冰钓是有很多近的地方,诸如鹦鹉岛附近的水域等,,,但冬钓鳕鱼-----TOMCOD,目前似乎只有这个钓场了。HistoryYou probably guessed that the tomcod ice fishing phenomenon is not just recent. Documents from the first French pioneers have shown the presence of the ‘‘winter fish’’ in Trois-Rivières and in the St. Lawrence River. In fact, people have been fishing there since 1600. Every cloud has a silver lining. When the tomcod left the Saint-Maurice River, which was polluted because of industrialization, it adopted the Sainte-Anne River as a safe place to spawn. When did the move occur? Who knows…? The tomcod was only discovered in 1938 by Eugène Maihot when he was cutting some ice blocks for his family’s icebox. It wasn’t long before fishing shacks were installed on the river. Even if they were quite small and basic, they kept the fishermen safe from the cold and the snow. Little by little, the good news spread throughout the region. In the 40s, visitors would come by train to enjoy this Christmas manna. The outfitters provided the transfer from the train station with their dog sleighs. The first carnival was organized in the 50s and the event’s popularity has increased over the years throughout the whole province. At the peak of the fishing seasons, there were more than 1200 fishing shelters on the river. In the late 80s, the activity began to suffer from the effects of commercial fishing. The number of fish caught decreased and several outfitters had to shut down their businesses. At the worst of the crisis, only 230 fishing shelters could be numbered on the site. The hard times ended when a moratorium forbidding commercial exploitation was enforced in 1992. Nowadays, tomcod fishing in Sainte-Anne is flourishing. The school of fish is only exploited for tourism and recreational activities. The old shacks have become comfortable fishing shelters with heat and electricity. A whole range of different outdoor activities are offered and the clientele mainly consists of families. The originality and the singularity of the event have attracted more and more European visitors. In 2009 alone, the fishing village (500 shelters) nearly attracted more than 130 000 fishing lovers to Sainte-Anne de la Pérade.

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 超赞 赏 S szlijc 0$(VIP 0) 2,2102009-12-14#5 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,M城有没有呀?

回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,去年没去成,今年还是想去,呵呵点击展开...祝你今年成行,享受这魁省独特的冬季钓鳕和小镇的户外活动。Outdoor activitiesThe St-Anne River is the perfect place for some outdoor fun!While you’re here, take out your skates and come enjoy our numerous skating rinks right there on the river itself. A huge slide has also been installed nearby entrance # 4 and carpets for sliding are provided free of charge.On weekends, go for a ride across the fishing village on a tramway. For those with a sweet tooth, every Sunday there will be some cotton candy. There will also be some clowns to help put a smile on your faces.These activities are brought to you for free of charge by the Outfitters Association.For a small fee, you can also enjoy a ride on ponies or taste the delicious hot chocolate from Rose's Bonbon stand. Up for a short walk? If the 3km one on the river isn’t long enough, you can explore St-Anne de la Pérade’s charming streets. An itinerary with information on all the old homes is available at the Tomcod theme center

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。M城有没有呀?点击展开...冬季寒江暖屋钓鳕TOMCOD,魁省独特的,钓场在三河东40公里,蒙城没有这样的钓场。Atlantic TomcodAlernate names : Tomcod, frostfishScientific name : Microgadus tomcodCommon name in English : Atlantic TomcodIdentificationBody shape : Elongated, slender and moderately compressed. Average size : 15 to 20 cm, up 45 cm.Coloration : Brownish or olive brown with yellow or green shades under the lateral line, darker back, lighter on the sides, black marbling on the back, sides and fins..External features : triangular shaped head, small and numerous teeth, barbel on its chin, three slightly round dorsal fins, two slightly rounded ventral fins under the second and third dorsal fins, narrow pelvic fin, tapering with a long a filament (as long as the rest of the fin), caudal round fins. HabitatCoastal water, not deep, brackish estuary waters and fresh water rivers during spawning season.Small population stationed in the St-Jean Lake. DietEven if it’s the smallest representative of the cod family, the Atlantic tomcod chiefly and especially feeds on small crustaceans. However, it also feeds on worms, molluscs and fishes (smelts, sticklebacks).ReproductionSeason : Winter, December and January. Spawning: In fresh or brackish water, not deep, in sandy bottom or gravel. Estuary and rivers. Mode : Maturity is reached after two years. No nests are built. The number of eggs laid by the female depends on its size: 6 000 to over 65 000 tiny eggs (1,5 mm in diameter) laid down on gravel or on sand. They hatch after 30 days and the young tomcods drift towards brackish waters in estuaries to spend there their first summer.

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 超赞 赏 soogi 0$(VIP 0) 1932009-12-14#8 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,谢谢LZ,一直想着去冰钓。

Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 谢谢LZ,一直想着去冰钓。点击展开...不用谢的,钓鱼是我的一大嗜好。而聚友邀朋,寒江暖屋,围炉冰钓,烧汤烤鱼,仅是从去年开始,而开始了,就一发不可收拾。Ice fishing sheltersAll 500 fishing shelters on the St-Anne River are alike. They are heated (most of them with wood), have electric light and have at least one socket. The fishing equipment is already installed and is ready to use.The shelters are furnished with a small table, some chairs, a seat (or a couch) and some benches in front of the fishing lines. However, they aren’t equipped for you to sleep in. It is also possible for you to cook if the stove has a small cooking surface. However, you must bring your own tableware and cooking utensils.The size of the fishing shelters depends on the number or persons you are. The total amount of fishers in a shelter varies from 4 to 35

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 超赞 赏 M milymoon 0$(VIP 0) 232009-12-15#10 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,冰钓鳕鱼是一种最有趣的钓鱼方式,也是世界上独一的可以冰钓帕拉蒙小鳕鱼的地方。与其说冰钓是一种垂钓,还不如说它是个团体活动。因为冰钓很简单,无太多技术亦可,也不需要钓鱼证。一群朋友坐在生有火炉的小木屋里,一边放饵等鱼,一边有说有笑,就像JINHUA大哥说的那个惬意!迷上了它就一发不可收啦

回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,来之前就听说乐绝对的美事美食但好像拍不上队真真假假不知乐

藐视癌细胞!NB就抽丫的!! 超赞 赏 庙爷 0$(VIP 0) 7422009-12-15#12 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,靠谗乐不行乐揍爱吃鱼今家里没鱼红烧排骨去乐

藐视癌细胞!NB就抽丫的!! 超赞 赏 J jinhua沧海一声笑 0$(VIP 0) 3,1962009-12-15#13 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,转帖:Techniques and rulesThe fishing techniques used to catch tomcods are very simple. Even children can become experts at fishing them.To guarantee a good catch, all you need is a piece of pork liver on the end of your hook, making sure the point is carefully hidden. Then, lower the weights to about an inch (one centimeter) from the bottom of the river. A slight movement of your fishing line will tell when a fish is down there. Jiggle your line and bring it up. That’s all there is to it!Studies have shown that the number of fish in the river increases when the tide comes in and when the water is higher. To preserve the fish, throw it immediately outside: it has to freeze rapidly to keep its freshness. No fishing permit is needed to fish tomcods in St-Anne de la Pérade. Moreover, there aren’t any fishing quota. The edible fish left on the ice will be collected by your outfitter and will be brought to a Moisson Mauricie food bank.We are counting on all the fishermen to help maintain the cleanliness of our grounds and to prevent water contamination. There are some trash bins and sanitary installations all around the site.

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 超赞 赏 L lllljjjj 0$(VIP 0) 602009-12-16#14 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,那么多电话,都在一个地方吗?哪 个好一点,要预约吗?

回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,今年一定要去。

回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,那么多电话,都在一个地方吗?哪 个好一点,要预约吗?点击展开...几百个小钓屋都在近千米的江面上,这一家应该是 最热的了,通常称作3区。Road Directions:From Québec City (45 minutes)From Trois-Rivières (30 minutes) Highway 40Exit 236 Ste-Anne-de-la-PéradeEast on road 138, turn left in front of the SAQNo.3 Access (near the bridge)Fishing ResortGaétan Portelance 2001 No.3 AccessSainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade(Quebec) G0X 2J0​Phone number: (418) 325-2804Fax: (418) 325-2834www.gaetanportelance.com Online reservation​click to enlarge * Click to download the brochure in pdf *​ 当然即使是在一个区里,每个钓屋都有差别。去年我们本打算预约3区的,但预约不上就去的是4区,在146小屋,第一次获鱼不少,然后每一次去都在这个小屋了,每一次也都有不少鱼获了。当然今年就不知道这个146小屋是不是还在相同的位置了。平日里,应该不用预约,但周末都要提前预约的。

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 超赞 赏 tonyhuang 1$(VIP 0,#404) 1,0472009-12-20#17 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,金华大哥什么时候去,一起约着去吧,我家四口,两大两小

回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,金华大哥什么时候去,一起约着去吧,我家四口,两大两小点击展开...欢迎欢迎。 寒江相约迎新年,暖屋钓鳕热锅鲜,齐驾十八万米程,聚友畅谈园与缘。 细情的跟帖就要出笼,,,,, 第一次时间暂定在12月30日阴历十一月十五,目前已经有最少6部车子(若干家庭,若干帅哥,靓女,同行了),一部奔驰吉普,二部七人座,一部HONDA轿车,一部PONTIAC小跑车,一部NISSAN教练车,还在继续增加中,,,

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 超赞 赏 K kimi2008 0$(VIP 0) 1,0042009-12-20#19 回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,金华哥好兴致。赞一个!

回复: 冰钓鳕鱼又要开始了,,,,如此高尚而又令人神往之事羡慕嫉妒恨啊

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