加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal请积极参与《支持叙利亚难民来加拿大》的网上投票请愿
网上投票请愿网址:OUI aux réfugiés Syriens au Canada
猪头哥 说:请积极参与《支持叙利亚难民来加拿大》的网上投票请愿点击展开...谢谢你跑一趟来这里通知,我要做的正相反。
猪头哥 说:浏览附件408808点击展开...美国迄今已经有23个州的州长(美国50个州的一半)反对在本州接受叙利亚难民,看趋势还会有更多的州加入到反对接收叙利亚难民的队伍中来。详情链接 http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...syrian-refugees-paris-terror-attack/75857924/WASHINGTON -- At least 23 governors, expressing fears about terrorism, are taking action — through executive order, a request to federal officials or some other means — to prevent Syrian refugees from settling in their states.The governors — in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin — were reacting to Friday’s attacks in Paris and the possibility that Syrian refugees seeking resettlement in the United States might include people with terrorist ties.以下为德克萨斯州长给奥巴马的公开信:Dear President Obama:As governor of Texas, I write to inform you that the State of Texas will not accept any refugees from Syria in the wake of the deadly terrorist attack in Paris.Further, I - and millions of Americans - implore you to halt your plans to accept more Syrian refugees in the United States. A Syrian "refugee" appears to have been part of the Paris terror attack. American humanitarian compassion could be exploited to expose Americans to similar deadly danger. The reasons for such concerns are plentiful.The FBI director testified to Congress that the federal government does not have the background information that is necessary to effectively conduct proper security checks on Syrian nationals, Director Comey explained: "'We can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them."The threat posed to Texas by ISIS is very real. ISIS claimed credit last May when two terrorist gunmen launched an attack in Garland, Texas. Less than two weeks later, the FBI arrested an Iraqi-born man in North Texas and charged him with lying to federal agents about traveling to Syria to fight with ISIS. And in 2014, when I served as Texas attorney general, we participated in a Joint Terrorism Task Force that arrested two Austin residents for providing material support to terrorists - including ISIS. Given the tragic attack in Paris and the threats we have already seen in Texas, coupled with the FBI director's acknowledgment that we do not have the information necessary to effectively vet Syrian nationals, Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees - any one of whom could be connected toterrorism - being resettled in Texas. Effective today, I am directing the Texas Health & Human Services Commission's Refugee Resettlement Program to not participate in the resettlement of any Syrian refugees in the State of Texas. And I urge you, as president, to hatt your plans to allow Syrians to be resettled anywhere in the United States. Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity. As such, opening our door to them irresponsibly exposes our fellow Americans to unacceptable peril.Respectfully,Greg Ab Governor
加拿大:Saskatchewan省长Brad Wall写给特鲁多的公开信:巴黎事件告诉我们,极少数的恐怖分子也会给和平的社会带来巨大的伤害。引进难民不应该以时间和数量为目标,安全应该是第一位。Refugee initiative cannot be date/quota driven. Safety must be priority. Wrote to PM asking him to re-evaluate planhttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...deau-to-suspend-refugee-plan/article27277205/
richtree 说:羡慕美国人民点击展开...是的,至少他们还有那么多州长敢站出来说话。
richtree 说:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2947825/转网友的视频,请楼主评价点击展开...看了,非常吃惊,在英国的土地上,这些穆斯林居然这么猖狂地攻击非穆斯林人。佩服这个女孩的勇敢,谢谢您的分享。
田填 说:10年前我都跟着为美国人的大度感动。但是那些恐怖分子被感化了吗?他们放下屠刀了吗?现在参与恐怖行动的年轻人,在911时候还是孩子,他们知道当他们父辈来这里之前的困境吗?知道怎样感恩这片土地对他们的帮助和养育吗?NO,他们在所谓的穆斯林清真寺受到的还是怎样仇恨西方,怎样报复这里善良的人们熏陶。他们的父母就算知道感恩这里,但因为宗教信仰也绝对不敢和那些极端主义者对着干,不敢去纠正自己孩子的思想。在看看今天的美国人,这么多州长都拒绝接受难民,这就是现在美国人的回答。点击展开...这网上仇视西方的中国人还少吗?
richtree 说:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2947825/转网友的视频,请楼主评价点击展开...看过了 自作自受 有些人就是不明白的 给了多少都嫌不够 没有感恩一词 活着唯一的价值就是闹腾
田填 说:10年前我都跟着为美国人的大度感动。但是那些恐怖分子被感化了吗?他们放下屠刀了吗?现在参与恐怖行动的年轻人,在911时候还是孩子,他们知道当他们父辈来这里之前的困境吗?知道怎样感恩这片土地对他们的帮助和养育吗?NO,他们在所谓的穆斯林清真寺受到的还是怎样仇恨西方,怎样报复这里善良的人们熏陶。他们的父母就算知道感恩这里,但因为宗教信仰也绝对不敢和那些极端主义者对着干,不敢去纠正自己孩子的思想。在看看今天的美国人,这么多州长都拒绝接受难民,这就是现在美国人的回答。点击展开...1,如果西方把所有华人都归类为当年的共产党怎么办?2,移民加拿大的华人感恩加拿大了吗?3,Isis比原来的斯大林还恐怖吗?4,isis真的建国后,寻求西方的认可,也就是另一个沙特,或伊朗或伊拉克而己。5,弱者才会采用巴黎或911方式。
玖儿 说:看过了 自作自受 有些人就是不明白的 给了多少都嫌不够 没有感恩一词 活着唯一的价值就是闹腾点击展开...作为加拿大总理是看到国会山前这个比较可怕,还是25000难民可怕?
CORNERSTORE 说:作为加拿大总理是看到国会山前这个比较可怕,还是25000难民可怕?点击展开...怎么可怕了?是说让警察下地狱了 还是说和华人不一个信仰的都应该下地狱没看出来是因为什么 但是和之前那个有本质不同吧 没可比性
玖儿 说:怎么可怕了?是说让警察下地狱了 还是说和华人不一个信仰的都应该下地狱没看出来是因为什么 但是和之前那个有本质不同吧 没可比性点击展开...因为我们是华人。你站在非华人的立场看起来就很可怕了,己所不欲 勿施于人!
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