加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal【防诈骗问答】在魁省,paralegal无权收费代理任何案件


问题1:魁省的paralegal可以收费代理移民案子吗?回答:NO!依据:加拿大政府规定,仅有安省的Paralegal(Ontario only)可以代理移民案子。参见下图截屏。问题2:魁省的paralegal可以收费代理小额法庭的案子吗?回答:NO!依据:魁省规定,小额法庭的当事人可以委托配偶、亲戚、配偶方亲戚或朋友代理出庭,但仅限于免费代理(free of charge)。参见魁省司法局(Justice Québec)网站截屏。 问题3:魁省的paralegal可以收费代理住房委员会的案子吗?回答:NO!依据:魁省规定,15000加元以下的住房委员会诉讼,当事人可以委托配偶、亲戚、配偶方亲戚或朋友代理出庭,但仅限于免费代理(without being paid to do so)。参见魁省住房委员会网站(Régie du logement)截屏。

“*花律师”免费帮律政江湖找那么多证明资料啊,谢谢哈~~~Paralegal可以代理租房委员会出庭!律政江湖说过收取代理出租房委员会庭费用吗?呵呵~~~不收出庭费不等于做Paralegal或者是其它intellectual work也不收费,CCQ听说过吗?联邦移民上诉庭IAD的Notice of Appeal表格明确说明Paralegal和律师一样代理上诉,以及IAD接受Quebec的Paralegal代理上诉,你这欺软怕硬的矫情劲儿和你告嵇少丞教授却不敢招惹报道你的丑闻的radio canada是一个孬种套路吧?!嵇少丞教授说你没有律师执照就号称律师四处招摇,是你和你的猪队友激我找到下面的证据,你怎么解释你2011年就以“律师”自居,在加拿大华人网站注册的事实?Montreal地区IAD的Notice of Appeal表格链接如下:http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/res/form/Documents/IadSai666b_e.pdf还有,昨天“瞻仰”了您在某联盟晚会上的“表演”:“窗前明月光,低头思故乡,举头望明月,哎呦~~~假文化人”哪位给个链接,谢谢哈~~~这年头,骗子居然做起“防诈骗”生意了!Contradict Yourself when You are lying……http://www.rcinet.ca/zh/2016/06/13/56471/(ref.: http://forum.iask.ca/attachments/080032ojxys5swfm5izjw7-jpg.447512/)-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese),《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺! a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!




法律人中,"*花速成律师"最“亮眼”......(ref: http://www.backchina.com/forum/20161115/info-1427446-1-1.html)

光棍不挡人财路,能办事, 就能收钱,

The Art of Law and of Politics- 2/法庭大获全胜心得:律政兵法 2Don’t make a low estimate of your opponent. If your opponent is a Chinese, you may throw yourself on his/her mercy twice, but you will not be lucky for the 3rd time. 不要低估你的对手。如果他/她是华人,他/她有可能饶你两次,但第三次你就不会那么幸运了。The claim amount in the demand letter may be doubled if you refuse to comply with the 1st warning and the claim filed in court will go up to the maximum. Try me! 如果你藐视第一次警告,最后通牒信里的诉求可能会加倍,继续藐视到法庭的话,那么求偿额就顶着天儿来。不信咱就走着瞧!-律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese) 《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺!a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!

律政兵法/The Art of Law and of Politics- 1Never insult people, even if they are your enemy.Mrs. Hillary Clinton called half of Trump supporters “the basket of deplorable” which reminds me of Mr. 段宜康,a politician, pro the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan. Few days before Hillary’s saying, he said “我可以假裝尊重選舉的結果;但我沒辦法假裝不鄙視那些選民。” translation: I may pretend to respect the result of the election but I cannot hold back my contempt for those voters. FYI, the result was in favour of the opposing political party. Although Mrs. Clinton’s brain damage issue has been well discussed on the Internet, I was not sure about it until this remark provides a piece of evidence. As for Mr. 段宜康, it just proves again the failure of the education in Taiwan after tons of jokes exhibited during the Sunflower Student movement and the so-called Anti-Curriculum Movement which is widely deemed as Cultural Revolution 2.0 in Taiwan.To put it simple, I would like to quote Mr. Trey Gowdy’s Pin Drop Speech: “Insulting people does not work if your objective is to persuade.” https://www.no video.com/watch?v=N0dCTvX0wzs as well as Mr. Doug Wead’s talk: “You don’t attack the people even if that’s your enemy; you attack the leaders and make friends with the people.” https://www.no video.com/watch?v=s4ynaKv3EXY希拉里傲慢地把Trump的半数支持者都归为“可悲的人”,民进党政客段宜康也对花莲选民表示“鄙视”。虽然政客多半是自命不凡,但侮辱民众、与民为敌,就low到裤子都难保了! (注:别说我马后炮,这篇发表的时间是2016年9月)-律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese) 《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺!a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!



请用力分享,华人生命同等重要的呐喊!We, Chinese Community in Canada, Say No!In many Canadian-Chinese Online social medias, people are being astonished by a series of tragic missing cases: Florence Leung, Lucy Hui Chen, Xiao Ming Cui, Jian Ping Li and her son, and now we heard that Maggie Liu has been missing since October 30, 2016.Not only do we know much about how suspicious the stories are, but what even more remarkable is the self-contradictory testimonies given by some of the family members or so-called friends seemed so easily blinded the police to close the cases with the conclusion of the victims’ so-called “post-partum depression”, regardless those survived people’s strange and illogic behaviours.From the press, we know that Maggie Liu’s husband gave the almost same testimony as Lucy Hui Chen’s boyfriend gave: the victim “disappeared in the night after they went to sleep and left behind her wallet and credit cards”. The very same person also described Maggie Liu’s wearing as “a gray jacket, dark-coloured pants and dark shoes”. Nevertheless, the contradictory testimonies seemed to be overlooked.Speak of Florence Leung Case, without a single word left by the victim, but with a post-partum depression picture painted by the husband who could not have figured out whether his wife was able to travel to Toronto, pleaded publicly with his wife, pretending she were hiding in Toronto, the police said “foul play is not suspected”, despite the fact that the victim was still looking for food 9 hours after she left home which means she did not give up her life; despite the fact that the victim kept herself warm with a winter jacket, turns out, her body was found in cold water. The press or the police could not be bothered to question whether the husband concerned himself with his wife’s safety during the first 9 hours; they overlooked the fact that most of the remark given by the husband was about how depress his wife was, not focused on how can we find her; they overlooked the small smile came over the husband’s face during the gathering he held for his wife and yet, they concluded “foul play is not suspected”!Maggie Liu’s missing seems a copycat case inspired by Lucy Hui Chen’s case. Given the place where Lucy Hui Chen’s body was found, the police was clearly being misled by somebody. Did they re-investigate the case? I doubt. And here we are, having another missing case with almost the same scenario! Why not? A happy ending for a murderer can always inspire many other devils who received a clear message from the police: Chinese lives do not matter; post-partum depression can apply to all the missing cases in Chinese community because they cannot express themselves in our language, they care nothing other than working hard for a better life!NO! Brexit and Trump’s victory wake up the little people, ordinary people and minority people in the world, including us, Chinese communities across Canada.Here is our message: We, Chinese people, the most law-abiding community in Canada, have been silent all the time when all kinds of injustice fall on us as if this is as it should be, but we will not take it anymore, because of Brexit, because of Trump’s victory, because we share the same value as you do: LIVES MATTER! SO DO WE CHINESE LIVES!-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese), the first one who translated Quebec Business Corporations Act (2011) into Chinese, a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!http://yes-justice-seeking.tumblr.com/

  ·新西兰新闻 本周末,新西兰全国降温!南岛部分地区有雷暴风险!
·新西兰新闻 浪完了撞,撞完了跑…奥克兰“烧胎”司机被网友群嘲

蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


华人网数目不多,聊表心意。明年4月报完税还能拿回来10$ 评论 西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 超 ...

蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


华人网原来一家说西班牙语的家庭,父母带三个女儿,每两个礼拜,就会有一个礼拜四到我们店里喝五个milk shake或者 smoothie。。。今年渐渐的,变成了两个小咖啡和三个奶昔给孩子,然后,又 ...