加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal现在入籍的速度和价格都是杠杠的哇(收到宣誓邀请信了)




we should thanks for Liberal party.In conservative period, it may take 24 months to finish the whole process


速度真快,这是我的timeline:We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on August 19, 2011.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on August 19, 2011.We started processing your application on November 6, 2012.We sent you a letter on November 23, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We sent you a letter on December 23, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We sent you a letter on February 11, 2016. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We sent you a notice on March 3, 2016 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on March 17, 2016 at 8:15 AM. The notice you will receive will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.We sent you a notice on April 27, 2016 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on May 13, 2016 at 1:30 PM. The notice you will receive will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.We sent you a notice on September 1, 2016 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on September 23, 2016 at 9:30 AM. The notice you will receive will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, pleasecontact us.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 超赞 赏 反馈:kevinluo 和 八根儿 M maviemonreve 11$(VIP 0,#102) 3,3012016-10-26#6 入籍马上就要入不起了

soleil_lee 说:速度真快,这是我的timeline:We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on August 19, 2011.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on August 19, 2011.We started processing your application on November 6, 2012.We sent you a letter on November 23, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We sent you a letter on December 23, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We sent you a letter on February 11, 2016. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We sent you a notice on March 3, 2016 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on March 17, 2016 at 8:15 AM. The notice you will receive will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.We sent you a notice on April 27, 2016 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on May 13, 2016 at 1:30 PM. The notice you will receive will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.We sent you a notice on September 1, 2016 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on September 23, 2016 at 9:30 AM. The notice you will receive will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, pleasecontact us.点击展开...太阳李,你这个时间跨度也太长了, 我和你差不多时间申请入籍,当中也遇到过 QR,历时3年,在2014年那到护照的。你可能是 MISS 了他们发给你的信了


啊矿工再见价格630刀,8月初投递,8月底收到建档号,周一收到信叫下周去考试,等于说不到两个月就处理完了,这效率,以后不抱怨入籍贵了。点击展开... 630是一个人的价吗?



关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。 超赞 赏 反馈:八根儿 八根儿 0$(VIP 0) 10,1302016-10-26#12 学习了。。。

my time line during Conservative period.who is longer than mine?1. submitted application for PR on July, 20062. got ME on July, 2010,3. got Visa on Feb, 2011. short landing soon after4. long landing on Sep 20125. Oct 2016, not eligible to apply for citizenship. as it requries 4 years

wx77 说:630是一个人的价吗?点击展开...是的,一个成人的价格


一朵小荷 说:是的,一个成人的价格浏览附件445782点击展开... 对低收入的移民来说入个籍就有破产的危险啊

chenxiaochenxiao 说:太阳李,你这个时间跨度也太长了, 我和你差不多时间申请入籍,当中也遇到过 QR,历时3年,在2014年那到护照的。你可能是 MISS 了他们发给你的信了点击展开...哈哈,我在创纪录。

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)对低收入的移民来说入个籍就有破产的危险啊点击展开...哈哈,还好速度比之前的快多了!还能找点安慰



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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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