加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal吃喝玩乐 - 蒙特利尔旅游大全


此帖仅限于总结性文章,多谢合作! 蒙特利尔旅游官方网:http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=66,66713&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL蒙特利尔旅游中文官方网:http://china.tourisme-montreal.org/s6.htm蒙特利尔天气预报:http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CAQC0363蒙特利尔交通局:http://www.stm.info/English/a-somm.htm蒙特利尔主要桥梁:http://www.inforoutiere.qc.ca/en/cameras/montreal/ponts.asp蒙特利尔主干道路:http://www.inforoutiere.qc.ca/en/cameras/montreal/index.asp蒙特利尔机场:http://www.admtl.com/passager/home.aspx

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 超赞 赏 反馈:HL1384607, 阿拉开门, SunnySmile 和 5 其他人 szshenhuaModerator 0$(VIP 0) 11,7932008-07-29#2 回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全蒙特利尔的博物馆大全蒙特利尔是一个充满了文化的城市,在这里,有着各种各样的博物馆,有艺术类的,科学类的,历史类的,应有尽有,一定不会让你失望。艺术类博物馆:1、 Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery 这个博物馆在1963年由concordia大学创办和管理,主要陈列了一些涉及艺术研究的物品以及和加拿大历史相关的艺术品。地址:1400, boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest,Montreal, QC H3G 1M8 电话: 514-848-2424 开放时间:Mon-Fri 11:00am-7:00pm Sat 11:00am-5:00pm2、Montreal Museum of Fine Arts当地最著名的博物馆之一,1860年创建,作为陈列蒙特利尔艺术精品的博物馆,Montreal Museum of Fine Arts已经成功的举办过多次世界范围内的艺术展览。地址:1379 Sherbrooke O ,Montreal, QC H3G 1K3 电话: (514) 285-1600,(514) 285-2000 乘车指南: Metro Guy-Concordia or Peel,Downtown,Cross Street: Crescent开门时间:周一关门,一般情况下节假日都开放。 特别提示:您参观博物馆的时候,不要忘记看看博物馆的纪念品商店和书店。3、Montreal Museum of Contemporary Arts1964年由魁省文化部创建,陈列魁北克省当代艺术家艺术品的宝库。地址:185, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest ,Montreal, QC H2X 3X5 电话: (514) 847-6226 乘车: Place-des-Arts Metro开放时间: Tues-Sun 11am-6pm;Wed 11am-9pm免费参观时段:每个周三晚6:00-9:00;15个人以上,票价为每人3元。另外可以尝试一下博物馆旁边的非常棒的餐馆La Rotonde。4、Marc Aurele Fortin Museum位于一个19世纪的古老的大仓库内,是世界上最大的展示法裔加拿大人艺术品的博物馆。地址:118 St Pierre,Montreal, QC H2Y2L7 电话: (514) 845-6108 开放时间: Tue-Sun 11:00am-5:00pm5、Stewart Hall Cultural Center-Centre culturel de Pointe-Claire 该艺术馆于1963成立,成立之后,作为Pointe-Claire地区的文化中心,举办了各种各样的活动和夏令营。地址:176 chemin du Bord-du-Lac ,Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4J7 电话: 514-630-1254 乘车: boul. Saint-Jean开放时间: Mon-Fri 2:00pm-5:00pm Mon-Wed 7:00pm-9:00pm Sep 1-May 31, Sat -Sun 1:00pm-5:00pm历史类博物馆:1、Centre dhistoire de Montreal小型博物馆,展示蒙特利尔生活的历史博物馆。地址:335 Place dYouville,Montreal, QC H2Y 3T1 电话: (514) 872-3207 门票支付方式: 现金乘车: Metro Place dArmes / Square-Victoria开放时间: Tues-Sun 10am-5pm提示:看看博物馆里蒙特利尔1740年的样子;还有陈列在2楼的20世纪蒙城人物图谱。 2、Le Chateau Dufresne该博物馆曾经为Maisonneuve市之父,一对兄弟Marius和Oscar Dufresne的住处, 开始被分成独立的两个住宅,后来成为一个公众博物馆。陈列物品主要为家藏物品。地址:4040 Sherbrooke E ,Montreal, QC H1V 3S8 电话: (514) 259-9201 开放时间: Thu-Sun 10am-5pm 3、Chateau Ramezay Museum蒙特利尔市唯一保留的chateaux式建筑。1705年被用作蒙城政府官员的官邸,后来成为法国西印度公司的总部。地址:280, rue Notre-Dame Est ,Montreal, QC H2Y 1C5 电话: (514) 861-3708 门票支付方式: MasterCard, Visa, Interac乘车: Metro Champ-de-Mars开放时间: June 1 to Sept. 30 10am-6pm daily; Oct. 1 to May 30 Tues-Sun 10am-4:30pm4、Ecomusee du fier monde位于蒙特利尔市中心的Ecomusee du Fier Monde,是一个了解现在著名的gay village过去的样子的博物馆。地址:2050, rue Amherst ,Montreal, QC H2L 3L8 电话: (514) 528-8444 乘车路线: Metro Sherbrooke or Berri -UQAM开放时间: Wed 11am-8pm; Thu-Fri 9:30am-5pm; Sat-Sun 10:30am-5pm5、Lachine Museum1670年建立, 当年是一个毛皮贸易的集散地,是目前蒙特利尔最古老的extant structures 建筑。地址:1, chemin du Musée ,Lachine, QC H8S 4L9 电话: 514-634-3471 乘车: Metro Angrignon, bus 110开放时间: Wed-Sun 11:30am-4:30pm免费参观 6、La Maison Saint-Gabriel了解蒙特利尔一个古老家庭生活的好地方。地址:2146, Place de Dublin ,Montreal, QC H3K 2A2 电话: (514) 935-8136 开放时间: Mid-April to mid-DecemberGuided Visits: Tues-Sat 1:30, 2:30, 3:30pm; Sun 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm导游时间: From April 14 to June 22, Tuesday through Sunday, guided tours at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. From June 23 to September 1, Tuesday through Sunday, guided tours every hour on the hour from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Monday 7、Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours / Musée Marguerite Bourgeois非常完整的展示蒙特利尔宗教和文化遗产的博物馆。地址:400, rue Saint-Paul Est ,Montreal, QC H2Y 1H4 电话: (514) 282-8670 乘车路线: Metro Champ-de-Mars8、McCord Museum of Canadian History展示加拿大历史的博物馆。地址:690 Sherbrooke W,Montreal, QC H3A 1E9 电话: (514) 398-7100 乘车路线: McGill Metro开放时间:周一关门,其它时间开放。 9、Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre二战纪念馆,展览二战时期犹太人遭到纳粹迫害的历史纪念馆。地址:5151 ch de la cote Ste Catherine ,Montreal, QC H3W 1M6 电话: (514) 345-2605 乘车路线: Metro: C?te Ste-Catherine开放时间: Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm, Wed 10 am - 9 pm, Sun (May - Sep) 10 am - 4 pm. 10、Musee des maitres et artisans du Quebec魁北克居民的宗教、文化,社会历史展览。地址:615, avenue Sainte-Croix,Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 3X6 电话: (514) 747-7367 乘车路线: Metro du College, Campus Cegep de Saint-Laurent开放时间: Wed-Sun 12pm-5pm11、Musee des Hospitalieres de lHotel-Dieu de Montreal介绍蒙特利尔医院和医药发展史的博物馆。地址:201, avenue des Pins Ouest ,Montreal, QC H2W 1R5 电话: (514) 849-2919 乘车路线: Metro Sherbrooke, bus 144,Metro Place-des-Arts, bus 80开放时间: Mid-June to Mid-October Tue-Fri 10:00am-5:00pm Sat-Sun 1:00pm-5:00pm Closed on Monday Mid-October to Mid-June Wed-Sun 1:00pm-5:00pm Closed Mond-Tue12、Montreal Museum of Archaeology and History Pointe-a-Calliere成千种考古艺术陈列品,展示了蒙特利尔辉煌的历史文化。地址:350, Place Royale ,Montreal, QC H2Y 3Y5 电话: (514) 872-9150 乘车路线: Old Montreal-Metro Place dArmes开放时间: September to June: Tue-Fri 10am to 5pm; Sat-Sun 11:00am to 5pmJuly and August: Mon-Fri 10am to 6pm; Sat-Sun 11am to 6pm十五个人以上票价优惠。提示:不要错过位于地下室的蒙特利尔第一个Eperon Building的Catholic cemetery。 13、Sir George-Etienne Cartier National Historic Site of Canada博物馆重现了维多利亚时代的辉煌。地址:458, rue Notre-Dame Est ,Montreal, QC H2Y 1C8 电话: 514-283-2282 乘车路线: Metro Champs-de-Mars,靠近 Berri Street14、Stewart Museum蒙特利尔较大的历史博物馆之一,1500年到1800年的加拿大和欧洲历史的重现。地址:Ch Tour de l?le,Montreal, QC H3C 4G6 电话: (514) 861-6701 乘车路线: Metro Ile-Sainte-Helene; Jacques-Cartier bridge, exit < Parc des Iles >15、The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site of Canada坐落在Saint-Louis湖旁边,重现了19世纪早期,加拿大毛皮贸易鼎盛时代的历史。地址:1255, boulevard Saint-Joseph,Lachine, QC H8S 2M2 电话: (514) 637-7433 乘车路线: Lachine区,沿着20西高速公路,开车距离蒙特利尔20分钟。科学博物馆类 :1、Biosphere1995年建成,加拿大的第一个水博物馆,了解圣劳伦斯河以及附近水域的生态环境的博物馆。地址:160, chemin Tour-de-lIsle,Ile Sainte-Helene, QC H3C 4G8 电话: 514-283-5000 乘车路线: Metro Ile Sainte-Helene, Jacques-Cartier bridge, exit Parc Jean-Drapeau2、Biodome of Montreal动植物博物馆,展示了4种完全不同的生态环境以及其中的动植物种类。地址:4777, avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin ,Montreal, QC H1V 1B3 电话: 514-868-3000 乘车路线: Metro Viau,在Pie-IX和Viau之间。3、Montreal Botanical Garden蒙特利尔植物园,一年365天都开放,世界上最大最美丽的植物园之一。地址:4101, rue Sherbrooke Est,Montreal, QC H1X 2B2 电话: (514) 872-1400 乘车路线: Metro Pie-IX or Viau开放时间: Jan 4-May 14: 9am-5pm (Tues to Sun); May 15-Sept 8: 9am-6pm (every day); Sept 9-Oct 31: 9am-9pm (every day); Nov 1-Dec 29: 9am-4pm (open on Holiday Mondays)可以同时参观附近的昆虫馆、动植物博物馆和奥林匹克塔,有套票。15人以上还有优惠。4、Montreal Insectarium蒙特利尔昆虫馆,北美最大的昆虫馆。地址:4581, rue Sherbrooke Est ,Montreal, QC H1X 2B2 电话: (514) 872-1400 乘车路线: Metro Pie-IX or Viau开放时间: Jun 17-Dec 14; Daily 9:00am-7:00pmSep 15-Jun 16; Daily 9:00am-5:00pm5、 Planetarium蒙特利尔天文馆。平时还有很多不同的活动和展览。地址:1000, rue Saint-Jacques Ouest ,Montreal, QC H3C 1G7 电话: 514-872-4530 乘车路线: Metro Bonaventure (Cathedrale出口),在Peel和Cathedrale之间。6、Montreal Science Centre蒙特利尔科学中心,位于蒙特利尔老港,展示了各个方面的现代科学技术。开放时间: Daily 10am-6pm7、Redpath Museum人类学和考古学的科学博物馆。地址:859, rue Sherbrooke Ouest ,Montreal, QC H3A 2K6 电话: (514) 398-4086 乘车路线: Metro McGill开放时间: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm;Sun 1pm-5pmClosed: Saturday, holidays, Friday from June 25 to August 31其它博物馆:1、Canadian Centre for Architecture加拿大建筑博物馆地址:1920, rue Baile ,Montreal, QC H3H 2S6 电话: (514) 939-7000,(514) 939-7026 乘车路线: Guy-Concordia Metro, exit St-Mathieu,靠近Fort开放时间: Tues-Sun 11am-6pm;Thu 11am-8pm每周四5点以后免费参观 2、Cinematheque Quebecoise魁北克电影院博物馆。地址:335, boulevard de Maisonneuve Est,Montreal, QC H2X 1K1 电话: (514) 842-9763 乘车路线: Berri-UQAM Metro开放时间: Tue: 1-6pm; Wed: 1-8:30pm;Thu-Sun: 1-6pm3、Just For Laughs Museum1993年由Gilbert Rozon创立,喜剧艺术展览中心。地址:2111 St Laurent ,Montreal, QC H2X 2T5 电话: (514) 845-4000 开放时间: Thu-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm; Sat-Sun 10am-5pm此文来自于:北美旅游网。http://travel.iask.ca

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 超赞 赏 szshenhuaModerator 0$(VIP 0) 11,7932008-07-29#3 回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全黑小子玩转蒙城-蒙特利尔旅游景点全攻略:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=108139

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 超赞 赏 反馈:百合 szshenhuaModerator 0$(VIP 0) 11,7932008-07-29#4 回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全蒙城各大公园:http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=66,48054&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTALhttp://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=175,4230570&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL Parc AngrignonThe Parc Angrignon, an idyllic portrait of a British park, offers a calm and peaceful world filled with a variety of distinctive charms. Parc du Complexe environnemental Saint-MichelThis site is the hub of environmental activities in Montréal. It was first a strip pit and then a landfill. Now, it's a huge green space that is nearly as large as Mount Royal Park. Parc JarryA variety of recreational sites and playing fields await you at the Parc Jarry. Parc Jean-DrapeauThe Parc Jean-Drapeau is the site of La Ronde, the Biosphere, the Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve (F-1 Air Canada Grand Prix), the Mondial SAQ (international fireworks competition) and the Stewart Museum. Parc La FontaineThis vast green space has been part of the history of the Plateau for more than a century. Parc MaisonneuveThis park, near the Botanical Garden, the Insectarium and Olympic Stadium, hosts many large events. Mount Royal ParkMount Royal Park offers spectacular views of the city and its surroundings. With about three million visitors each year, it also offers several sports and recreational activities (cross-country skiing, skating, biking, hiking, foot-pedal craft, etc.). Parc des RapidesThe Parc des Rapides, located in the borough of LaSalle, is an exceptional natural and historical site at the foot of the Lachine rapid. Parc René-LévesqueFollow the bike path along the Lachine Canal and you’ll arrive at the Parc René-Lévesque on the shores of Lac Saint-Louis. Parc du Ruisseau-de-MontignyNature lovers will enjoy this carefully conserved green space in northeast Montréal. Promenade BelleriveThis urban park is located in the southeastern corner of the island of Montréal and offers a unique view of the St. Lawrence River. Parc-nature de l’Anse-à-l'OrmeThis linear park is located at the western tip of the island of Montréal opposite the Lac des Deux-Montagnes. Parc-nature du Bois-de-l'&Icirc;le-BizardWith a view of the Lac des Deux-Montagnes, this park filled with maple trees, cedar trees and marshes is a wonderful place for nature interpretation and observation. Parc-nature du Bois-de-LiessePleasure and relaxation are in store as you stroll through this hardwood forest. Parc-nature du Cap-Saint-JacquesEvery day is Sunday in the countryside at this park. Discover the organic farm, the Cap-Saint-Jacques beach and outdoor centre and many lookouts on the Rivière des Prairies and the Lac des Deux-Montagnes. Parc-nature de l’&Icirc;le-de-la-VisitationThis park, situated along the Rivière des Prairies, near the centre of Sault-au-Récollet, is a treasure trove of history. Parc-nature de la Pointe-aux-PrairiesAn immense park consisting of marshland, fields and forests is located at the eastern tip of the island of Montréal, where the des Prairies River meets the St. Lawrence. Gardens Montréal Botanical GardenMontréal’s Botanical Garden ranks as one of the world's largest and most spectacular botanical gardens. Chinese Garden at the Botanical GardenThis garden is unique. Although it is rustic and assymetrical, it is carefully manicured, designed with both harmony and contrast in mind. Japanese Garden at the Botanical GardenVisiting a Japanese garden is a wonderful way to find a peaceful and quiet haven in today’s fast-paced world. Jardin du GouverneurThe Jardin du Gouverneur at the Musée du Ch&acirc;teau Ramezay is a replica of the gardens in the homes of dignitaries in New France. Community gardensEighteen boroughs offer plots of land to citizens for gardening.

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 超赞 赏 百 百合 0$(VIP 0) 1,1892008-07-29#5 回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全谢谢!太有用了!

回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全Thank you very much

回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全Montreal公园和周边自然公园以及保留地的英文网址:http://www.sepaq.com/index-en.html#adbanner-picture(2)一个中文介绍加拿大自助游的网址:http://www.self-travel.ca/myTravel/viewthread.php?tid=10

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回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全此帖仅限于总结性文章,多谢合作! 蒙特利尔旅游官方网:http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=66,66713&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL蒙特利尔旅游中文官方网:http://china.tourisme-montreal.org/s6.htm蒙特利尔天气预报:http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CAQC0363蒙特利尔交通局:http://www.stm.info/English/a-somm.htm蒙特利尔主要桥梁:http://www.inforoutiere.qc.ca/en/cameras/montreal/ponts.asp蒙特利尔主干道路:http://www.inforoutiere.qc.ca/en/cameras/montreal/index.asp蒙特利尔机场:http://www.admtl.com/passager/home.aspx点击展开...收藏了,谢谢朋友!

[email protected] 超赞 赏 M mlanne 0$(VIP 0) 22008-12-25#14 回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全谢谢,好帖!

回复: 蒙特利尔旅游大全非常实用!谢谢版主!

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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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