加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal启蒙运动的阴暗面,Ali Wong 最佳50 笑星 #1 和一些八卦文, this smells like my vagina,
The Enlightenment’s Dark SideHow the Enlightenment created modern race thinking, and why we should confront it.getpocket.com启蒙运动的阴暗面启蒙运动是如何创造现代种族思维的,为什么我们要面对它。启蒙运动正在复兴。少数中间派和保守派作家从新认识了17世纪和18世纪的知识运动,以回应右派的民族主义和种族偏见以及左派的相对主义和“身份政治”。其中一位是加拿大心理学家乔丹·彼得森,他认为自己是对抗“混乱”和“后现代主义”力量的堡垒。哈佛大学的认知心理学家史蒂文·平克(Steven Pinker)在《今日启蒙》中主张乐观和人类进步,反对“鄙视启蒙思想,科学,人文主义和进步的理想”的人们。保守派专家乔纳·戈德堡(Jonah Goldberg)在《西方自杀》一书中为捍卫资本主义和启蒙自由主义辩护,他将孪生力量称为创造西方繁荣的“奇迹”。在他们的讲述中,启蒙运动是一个直截了当的进步故事,种族,殖民主义等主要潮流被抛在了脑后,如果他们被承认的话。不同于文化和历史背景,这种“启蒙运动”是意识形态的护身符,与争吵思想或理解历史无关,而与身份认同有关。这是一个标准,旨在区分其持有者对“理性主义”和“古典自由主义”的承诺。但是,即使他们崇敬启蒙运动,这些作家实际上还是低估了它对现代世界的影响。这场运动的核心是一个悖论:人类自由和个人权利的思想扎根于那些使其他人束缚而又正在消灭土著人口的国家。殖民统治和没收与“自由”的传播齐头并进,自由主义与我们现代的种族和种族主义观念一起出现。这些不是偶然的事态发展,也不是早期偏见的残余。我们所理解的种族是一种生物分类法,它将物理差异转变为统治关系,是启蒙运动的产物。我们现在所了解的种族主义,是建立在特定群体永久等级制基础上的社会政治秩序,是为了解决自称自由与坚持奴隶制之间的根本矛盾。那些声称拥有启蒙运动精神的人现在应该努力应对这一遗产及其对我们理解现代世界意味着什么。说“种族”和“种族主义”是启蒙运动的产物,并不是说人类在18世纪之前从来没有奴隶或以其他方式彼此分类过。最近的一项研究表明,现代种族思维的原始形式和早期形式(您可以称其为种族主义)在中世纪的欧洲存在,近现代形式在15世纪和16世纪逐渐形成。例如,在西班牙,我们看到了从反犹太主义向反犹太主义的转变,那里的犹太血统本身就是怀疑的理由,而犹太人的做法却是这样。正如历史学家乔治·弗雷德里克森(George Fredrickson)在《种族主义:简史》中指出的那样,“针对欧洲一侧的爱尔兰人和另一侧的某些斯拉夫民族的偏见和歧视预示了文明与野蛮之间的二分法,这是帝国主义向欧洲大陆以外扩张的特征。 。”人们可以在古代找到所有这些思想的新生形式,实际上,早期的现代思想家从所有这些思想中汲取了力量,以建立我们的种族观念。 Streaming with laughter: the 50 best standup comedy showsFrom Bill Hicks to Hannah Gadsby, Dave Chappelle to Josie Long – here are 50 specials you can watch right nowwww.theguardian.comAli WongBaby Cobra NetflixBaby Cobra didn’t just give us Ali Wong, she of the death stare and the dead-on observations; it also created a sub-genre of special: the heavily pregnant ones. You haven’t seen physical comedy mastered until you’ve seen a woman, seven-and-a-half-months pregnant, writhing about, re-enacting some moves she “learned in Atlanta”.Best bit: “I don’t want to ‘lean in’ OK? I want to lie down.” EEJ
In America’s Richest Town, $500k a Year Is Now Below AverageIn America’s Richest Town, $500k a Year Is Now Below AverageYou could easily drive through this leafy Silicon Valley suburb without realizing you were in America’s richest neighborhood. From the road, it’s all high brick walls and opaque gates.www.bloomberg.com住在这个地方, 你就惨了, 最便宜的房, 二百五十万, 一年挣五十万的, 属于平均线下,这种地方, 平均线, 就是贫困线,In Atherton, the cheapest house on the market is currently listed for $2.5 million, according to real estate marketplace Zillow.com. Numerous tech billionaires have called the town home, including Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg and Microsoft’s late co-founder Paul Allen, whose former residence there was sold last week for more than $35 million. Golden State Warriors athlete Stephen Curry bought an Atherton estate last year for $31 million.看看这家的门牌,
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Gwyneth Paltrow is now selling a vagina-scented Goop candle 'cause why notThe question is how does one capture and define such a scent?nationalpost.comn fact, according to Gwyneth Paltrow, Ms. Goop herself, “this smells like my vagina.”The online listing for the $75 candle, which was made by the fragrance brand Heretic, describes it as “a funny, gorgeous, sexy and beautifully unexpected scent, this candle is made with geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed to put us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth.”
sabre 说:Gwyneth Paltrow is now selling a vagina-scented Goop candle 'cause why notThe question is how does one capture and define such a scent?nationalpost.comn fact, according to Gwyneth Paltrow, Ms. Goop herself, “this smells like my vagina.”The online listing for the $75 candle, which was made by the fragrance brand Heretic, describes it as “a funny, gorgeous, sexy and beautifully unexpected scent, this candle is made with geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed to put us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth.”点击展开...一上来就看见这个,烦。。。
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