加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal愚蠢学 卡城西北肯定感兴趣


论坛里充满了智慧, 社会上全是愚蠢, 论坛的最强大脑们, 为什么不研究一下关于愚蠢的起源,兴盛和发展趋势呢,我今天看到一篇文章, 鼓励大家研究愚蠢,The Case for Professors of StupidityWhy aren’t there more people studying the science behind stupidity?getpocket.com萧伯纳说,The Triumph of Stupidity: fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt. 这个世界的悲剧是, 越傻的, 越是信心百倍, 越聪明的, 越充满了疑惑,“Some people’s own incompetence somehow gives them a stupid sense that anything they do is first rate. They think it’s great.” One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision. Extreme views often stem from people feeling they understand complex topics better than they do. But what exactly is stupidity? David Krakauer, the President of the Santa Fe Institute, told interviewer Steve Paulson, for Nautilus, stupidity is not simply the opposite of intelligence. “Stupidity is using a rule where adding more data doesn’t improve your chances of getting [a problem] right,” Krakauer said. “In fact, it makes it more likely you’ll get it wrong.” Intelligence, on the other hand, is using a rule that allows you to solve complex problems with simple, elegant solutions. “Stupidity is a very interesting class of phenomena in human history, and it has to do with rule systems that have made it harder for us to arrive at the truth,” he said. “It’s an interesting fact that, whilst there are numerous individuals who study intelligence—there are whole departments that are interested in it—if you were to ask yourself what’s the greatest problem facing the world today, I would say it would be stupidity. So we should have professors of stupidity—it would just be embarrassing to be called the stupid professor.”

说得好!我也转发到朋友圈 ,给那些整天跟打了鸡血一样亢奋的人泼点冷水

佩奇最朴素的感觉,越傻,越狠毒。和无知者无畏,同理可证 人类在蒙昧期也是野蛮暴虐的


做好自己吧,如果每个人都做好自己,世界就是美好的。 打一个不确切的比方,你以前在餐馆工作的,现在疫情在家,没什么事情做,就上网指导工作,从总理到省长,从卫生官员到防疫抗疫, 所有的工作都来一遍。 朋友圈里, 家园网上,这个是傻逼,那个是废物,这就不是做好自己,最好自己就是老老实实在家呆着,自我升值, 疫情结束后去迎接更好的生活

sabre 说:论坛里充满了智慧, 社会上全是愚蠢, 论坛的最强大脑们, 为什么不研究一下关于愚蠢的起源,兴盛和发展趋势呢,我今天看到一篇文章, 鼓励大家研究愚蠢,The Case for Professors of StupidityWhy aren’t there more people studying the science behind stupidity?getpocket.com萧伯纳说,The Triumph of Stupidity: fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.这个世界的悲剧是, 越傻的, 越是信心百倍, 越聪明的, 越充满了疑惑,“Some people’s own incompetence somehow gives them a stupid sense that anything they do is first rate. They think it’s great.”One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.Extreme views often stem from people feeling they understand complex topics better than they do.But what exactly is stupidity? David Krakauer, the President of the Santa Fe Institute, told interviewer Steve Paulson, for Nautilus, stupidity is not simply the opposite of intelligence. “Stupidity is using a rule where adding more data doesn’t improve your chances of getting [a problem] right,” Krakauer said. “In fact, it makes it more likely you’ll get it wrong.” Intelligence, on the other hand, is using a rule that allows you to solve complex problems with simple, elegant solutions. “Stupidity is a very interesting class of phenomena in human history, and it has to do with rule systems that have made it harder for us to arrive at the truth,” he said. “It’s an interesting fact that, whilst there are numerous individuals who study intelligence—there are whole departments that are interested in it—if you were to ask yourself what’s the greatest problem facing the world today, I would say it would be stupidity. So we should have professors of stupidity—it would just be embarrassing to be called the stupid professor.”点击展开...你们信大地是球形,太愚昧了,天圆地方,不是明摆着的吗?



觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。嚼一块西方价值口香糖,谈吐间一缕民主自由的清新口气,就不愚蠢了。 点击展开...这楼你是男一号猪脚啊! ?

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:阿蛮 和 卡城西北 0.14 L LINDA 论坛 0$(VIP 0,#442) 4092020-04-23#18 怎样鉴定愚蠢和聪明?我们似乎时刻都在两者之间互换,角度不同、时机不同,性质就不同了!

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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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