加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal哈法的bubble 贴,想到的
Seinfeld 里,有一集,the bubble boy,一个孩子,有免疫缺乏病,怕病毒病菌,一直住在一个泡里,契可夫 有个小说,叫套中人,the man in the case, 或者the man in a shell, 假如说 the man in the bubble 也很恰当,有意思的是, 这个套中人,跟论坛的一些control freak 几乎一样
小青 说:控制狂?点击展开...这个词 中文不常用 跟那个泡泡似的
sabre 说:这个词 中文不常用 跟那个泡泡似的点击展开...那就是喜欢管别人事的人
卡城西北 说:哦,没看过这个小说。点击展开...八十年代新一辈 中学的时候 很推崇契可夫 莫泊桑
小青 说:那就是喜欢管别人事的人点击展开...土话里叫事儿妈
sabre 说:土话里叫事儿妈点击展开...一个热心的事儿妈(偶尔管多了,因为说多错多)和一个老是互动不起来(只埋头自家三亩地、当然也不插嘴别人)的你选哪种共处?
小青 说:一个热心的事儿妈(偶尔管多了,因为说多错多)和一个老是互动不起来(只埋头自家三亩地、当然也不插嘴别人)的你选哪种共处?点击展开...大师选后种啊,所以推荐王放的么
kknd 说:大师选后种啊,所以推荐王放的么点击展开...偶尔吧,长期单口相声他受不了。
小青 说:一个热心的事儿妈(偶尔管多了,因为说多错多)和一个老是互动不起来(只埋头自家三亩地、当然也不插嘴别人)的你选哪种共处?点击展开...我的教条Live and let live
sabre 说:我的教条Live and let live点击展开...随遇而安,这样的话怕做选择。
小青 说:随遇而安,这样的话怕做选择。点击展开...奉献一首Billy Joel 的歌,有点长,每句话都有意思,不能片段Got a call from an old friend we'd used to be real closeSaid he couldn't go on the American wayClosed the shop, sold the house, bought a ticket to the west coastNow he gives them a stand-up routine in L.A.I don't need you to worry for me 'cause I'm alrightI don't want you to tell me it's time to come homeI don't care what you say anymore this is my lifeGo ahead with your own life leave me aloneI never said you had to offer me a second chanceI never said I was a victim of circumstanceI still belongDon't get me wrongAnd you can speak your mindBut not on my timeThey will tell you you can't sleep alone in a strange placeThen they'll tell you can't sleep with somebody elseAh but sooner or later you sleep in your own spaceEither way it's O.K. you wake up with yourselfI don't need you to worry for me 'cause I'm alrightI don't want you to tell me it's time to come homeI don't care what you say anymore this is my lifeGo ahead with your own life leave me aloneI never said you had to offer me a second chanceI never said I was a victim of circumstanceI still belongDon't get me wrongAnd you can speak your mindBut not on my timeI don't care what you say anymore this is my lifeGo ahead with your own life leave me alone
sabre 说:奉献一首Billy Joel 的歌,有点长,每句话都有意思,不能片段Got a call from an old friend we'd used to be real closeSaid he couldn't go on the American wayClosed the shop, sold the house, bought a ticket to the west coastNow he gives them a stand-up routine in L.A.I don't need you to worry for me 'cause I'm alrightI don't want you to tell me it's time to come homeI don't care what you say anymore this is my lifeGo ahead with your own life leave me aloneI never said you had to offer me a second chanceI never said I was a victim of circumstanceI still belongDon't get me wrongAnd you can speak your mindBut not on my timeThey will tell you you can't sleep alone in a strange placeThen they'll tell you can't sleep with somebody elseAh but sooner or later you sleep in your own spaceEither way it's O.K. you wake up with yourselfI don't need you to worry for me 'cause I'm alrightI don't want you to tell me it's time to come homeI don't care what you say anymore this is my lifeGo ahead with your own life leave me aloneI never said you had to offer me a second chanceI never said I was a victim of circumstanceI still belongDon't get me wrongAnd you can speak your mindBut not on my timeI don't care what you say anymore this is my lifeGo ahead with your own life leave me alone点击展开...这是首很老的歌了。
shw019 说:这是首很老的歌了。点击展开...特别打动我心灵的一首歌你也喜欢吗?
sabre 说:特别打动我心灵的一首歌你也喜欢吗?点击展开...听过, 熟悉旋律, 歌词不太懂,以前英文很烂。经你提醒, 回头去听, 感觉不错。
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