加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal八卦, 花边新闻, 好几个Amy,电影,文化, hillbilly, 红州,红脖子,
昨天晚上, 看了一个电影,非常喜欢,自传体, 根据一本自传改编,hillybilly elegyhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/40/Hillbilly_Elegy_(film).pngThe film is a modern exploration of the American Dream through three generations of the Vances, an Appalachian family; most notably focusing on J.D. Vance's relationship with his troubled mother and her ongoing addiction to heroin, along with the love and care of his supportive grandmother.看完电影, 去查了一下,花边好多, 跟大家分享一下,头一个震惊,评价好低, 我期待得奥斯卡的, 别人都说不怎么样,但是我还是相信glenn close能得, amy adams 起码有一个提名,这是本文第一个Amy,主人公J.D. Vance,在耶鲁的老师, 是蔡美儿, 写虎妈战歌的那位,这是本文第二个Amy,写书就是因为虎妈的鼓励,电影里他的女朋友, 是个印度移民二代,耶鲁的同学,先给kavanaugh做学徒, 然后给john roberts做学徒,在法院系统工作, 给法官做学徒很重要, 不少大人物, 年轻的时候, 都给法官做过学徒,比如最近的美女法官amy barrett就是给著名的scalia做学徒的,这是本文第三个amy,在蔡美儿的维基页面上, 有一段关于kavanaugh的传闻, 也是挺有意思,我贴在这儿,Kavanaugh clerkshipsChua has recommended a large number of candidates that have gone on to clerk for Justice Brett Kavanaugh, previously a prominent federal judge on the D.C. Circuit. Controversy has arisen from allegations that Chua "groomed" potential clerks for the job by advising them to dress and act a certain way, so as to secure employment with Kavanaugh.[38]On September 20, 2018, The Guardian reported that Chua and another prominent Yale law professor had advised female law students at Yale that their physical attractiveness and femininity could play a role in securing a clerkship with Kavanaugh. Chua reportedly stated that female law students should exude a "model-like" femininity and "dress outgoing" in their job interview with him, and that it was "no coincidence" that Kavanaugh's female clerks all "looked like models." Jed Rubenfeld, Amy Chua's husband, reportedly stated that Kavanaugh "hires women with a certain look."[39] Chua denied the allegations, pointing out that her own daughter was approved for such a position with him.[39]Yale Law School Dean Heather K. Gerken stated that the allegations reported by the Guardian were "of enormous concern to me and the school," which investigates all complaints concerning violations of Yale University rules.[38] In a statement to The Guardian in response to the report, Chua denied the notion that Kavanaugh's hiring was impacted by the attractiveness of female clerks. She stated that, "Judge Kavanaugh's first and only litmus test in hiring has been excellence."[39] Yale subsequently did not find cause to sanction Chua, and she resumed regular teaching in the 2019-20 school year.[40][41] She later told The Guardian that her classes were "among the most popular at the law school, especially for women and minorities," and that she was nominated for a Yale Law Women teaching award in 2019.[41]最后, 说说hillbilly,字典上说:an unsophisticated country person, associated originally with the remote regions of the Appalachians. 维基上说,这个appalachia是这样的:Appalachia (/ˌæpəˈleɪtʃə, -leɪʃə, -lætʃə/) is a cultural region in the Eastern United States that stretches from the Southern Tier of New York State to northern Alabama and Georgia.[1] While the Appalachian Mountains stretch from Belle Isle in Canada to Cheaha Mountain in Alabama, the cultural region of Appalachia typically refers only to the central and southern portions of the range, from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, southwesterly to the Great Smoky Mountains. As of the 2010 United States Census, the region was home to approximately 25 million people hillbilly或者appalachian文化,是红州文化的 一个写照, 电影主人公毕业之后,从事了投资,也搞公关,据说准备从政,他会去哪个党?共和党我不敢替网友代言, 这个电影讲的美国, 跟我们平常旅游,出差,探亲的美国, 不太一样,电影讲美国白人地区的贫困, 早婚早恋, 家暴, 吸毒,单亲家庭的问题,很值得一看
sabre 说:这个论坛,怎么回事,对花边都不感兴趣了,都绷着,一本正经的,全成了深沉的大灰狼了,点击展开...你这叫啥花边,花边的标题都是“****华裔小姐***”,“如何在股市里挣到****”。光那三个Amy就够费劲了,看到最后也不晓得谁是kavanaugh。这种题材,大概是我高中时期的最爱。
。你这叫啥花边,花边的标题都是“****华裔小姐***”,“如何在股市里挣到****”。光那三个Amy就够费劲了,看到最后也不晓得谁是kavanaugh。这种题材,大概是我高中时期的最爱。点击展开...Kavanaugh在论坛轰动过一阵,认证期间,有dr ford指控企图性侵,他的名言,I like beer,虎妈amy, 也挺有名的,她的闺女,好像也是kavanaugh的学徒,
sabre 说:Kavanaugh在论坛轰动过一阵,认证期间,有dr ford指控企图性侵,他的名言,I like beer,虎妈amy, 也挺有名的,她的闺女,好像也是kavanaugh的学徒,点击展开...哦,就是那个川普之前提名的男大法官对不对?那我晓得他。虎妈跟他的关系也看过八卦,有人指控虎妈明知道K是个色鬼还把学生往他那儿送,虎妈说我自己闺女都送了呢。
。 超赞 赏 佩奇 0$(VIP 3) 6,6012020-12-10#11 孤陋寡闻,刚刚听说,看了简介,看上去挺有意思,一定去看看
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