加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver哪里有榛子园?
想去看三文鱼,顺路想买些榛子, 那位知道?
回复: 哪里有榛子园?Hazelnuts榛子 GARSIDE'S FRUIT FARMU-Pick: October 10:00am - Dusk6624 Bradner Road, Abbotsford (map) U-Pick: $0.60/lb | Pick your own hazelnuts or buy picked as well as apples and vegetables! CANADIAN HAZELNUTS INCU-Pick: October 9:00am - 5:00pm6682 Lougheed Highway #7, Agassiz (map) U-Pick: $2.00/lb Pick your own Hazelnuts or visit the store which offers flavoured hazelnuts, hazelnut butter, chocolate covered hazelnuts and even hazelnut bark! Also, be sure to take the opportunity to go on a self-guided tour of the orchard! A and J Farms26032 16th Avenue, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2S1. Phone: 6048564206. Fax: 6048564206. Email: [email protected]. Open: September to November, please check website for hours of operation and openings. Click here for current open hours, days and dates.Directions: Click here for a map and directions.Payment: Cash, only. You picked and picked hazelnuts are also available.
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