加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装
回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装昨天去咨询房屋保险,人家问我有没有警钟,我不知道耶,不是每家都有的吗?在阿伯丁里看到,装警钟,一氧化碳警报器,一个月9.9元。还要找人装这个,然后再去买保险吗?谢谢大家!买房子,麻烦事很多啊。点击展开...应该指的是防盗的警钟。不是一氧化碳的警钟。有alter system的保险费率有优惠。但是如果被盗时没有开,理赔就有困难了,不过可以再买一个忘开防盗系统的险。
钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore 超赞 赏 森林之歌 17$(VIP 0,#65) 10,7012012-11-09#3 回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装 钢琴说的对,指的是防盗的警钟可以请经纪问问屋主有没有防盗的警钟 BCAA保险也会在安装防火警报器上加优惠分防火警报器很便宜,容易安装按使用有效年期更换每月检查一家平安 一氧化碳警报器有插座式一般放在卧室吵醒救命 http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/maho/yohoyohe/inaiqu/inaiqu_002.cfm Here are some features to consider when purchasing a CO detector: Look for a detector that is listed with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard. The logos of the testing agency will be on the product. Choose a detector with a memory if you want to monitor long-term, low-level exposure and short-term, high-level exposure. Even though product standards do not allow manufacturers to display low levels of CO, these units monitor and store this information. Peak levels, no matter what the level of concentration, can be viewed by pressing a button. Battery-operated units allow detector placement in the most convenient location. However, any battery-operated device requires the user’s diligence in replacing worn-out batteries. Do not connect plug-in units to an electrical outlet that is controlled by a wall switch. No detectors will operate properly forever. Replace them at least every five years, unless the manufacturer specifies a shorter or longer life. Eventually, manufacturers may be required to print expiry dates on their CO detectors. This will ensure that you are purchasing an up-to-date product with a full sensor life. 可以先买房屋保险房屋保险日期在COMPLETION成交日开始尽早检查或安装各警报器
买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 药物补助计划吾家小园 / 健身 / 减脂 / 读懂验血报告 钢琴说的对,指的是防盗的警钟可以请经纪问问屋主有没有防盗的警钟 BCAA保险也会在安装防火警报器上加优惠分防火警报器很便宜,容易安装按使用有效年期更换每月检查一家平安 一氧化碳警报器有插座式一般放在卧室吵醒救命 http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/maho/yohoyohe/inaiqu/inaiqu_002.cfm Here are some features to consider when purchasing a CO detector: Look for a detector that is listed with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard. The logos of the testing agency will be on the product. Choose a detector with a memory if you want to monitor long-term, low-level exposure and short-term, high-level exposure. Even though product standards do not allow manufacturers to display low levels of CO, these units monitor and store this information. Peak levels, no matter what the level of concentration, can be viewed by pressing a button. Battery-operated units allow detector placement in the most convenient location. However, any battery-operated device requires the user’s diligence in replacing worn-out batteries. Do not connect plug-in units to an electrical outlet that is controlled by a wall switch. No detectors will operate properly forever. Replace them at least every five years, unless the manufacturer specifies a shorter or longer life. Eventually, manufacturers may be required to print expiry dates on their CO detectors. This will ensure that you are purchasing an up-to-date product with a full sensor life. 可以先买房屋保险房屋保险日期在COMPLETION成交日开始尽早检查或安装各警报器点击展开...长见识了.
回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装买警报器自己安装就行了,那为什么要说每月9.9元呢,是不是防盗系统啊。
回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装买警报器自己安装就行了,那为什么要说每月9.9元呢,是不是防盗系统啊。点击展开...要想房屋保险有优惠,必须要装连到保安台的报警器,所以你会有月费出给安保公司。万一被破门而入,安保公司会打电话通知你。自己买回来自己装,不连到安保公司,保险没有折扣。因为如果被破门而入的话,报警器就是叫一叫而已。
回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装要想房屋保险有优惠,必须要装连到保安台的报警器,所以你会有月费出给安保公司。万一被破门而入,安保公司会打电话通知你。自己买回来自己装,不连到安保公司,保险没有折扣。因为如果被破门而入的话,报警器就是叫一叫而已。点击展开...请问,如果真有破门而入,安保公司只是给房主打电话?不亲自到场吗?
回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装请问,如果真有破门而入,安保公司只是给房主打电话?不亲自到场吗?点击展开...不会来。如果联系不到房东,或者房东不是误操作,就会通知911,叫警察到场。
回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装哦,这样啊。谢谢。点击展开...报警器有时会误报,警察来了,结果没有问题。这有可能浪费资源。所以每年要付一点费用(好像十几元钱),好像可以每年误报两次,警察可以免费来两次误报。与报警中心连接接,房屋保险降低不少。
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________报警器有时会误报,警察来了,结果没有问题。这有可能浪费资源。所以每年要付一点费用(好像十几元钱),好像可以每年误报两次,警察可以免费来两次误报。 与报警中心连接接,房屋保险降低不少。点击展开...请问每年十几块钱的费用?这么便宜啊,在那里装的呢?
回复: 请问房屋内的警钟,一氧化碳报警器的安装请问每年十几块钱的费用?这么便宜啊,在那里装的呢?点击展开...LZ真是小白,我建议你还是找卖保险给你的经济带你操作的比较好。
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