加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver发帖, 继续向大家请教英文
看来学英文是我人生永恒的主题了, 越学越觉得问题多, 精读 The Intelligent Investor 这本书(家园中一个叫“边缘人”推荐 的),发现有些百思不得其解的问题,上来向大家请教。 1. P.11 Consequently we do not discuss such important media as savings and time desposits, savings-and-loan-association accounts, life insurance, annuities, and real-estate mortgages or equity ownership. 句中desposits是什么意思? 2. P32 Paragraph 2 They include intersecurity arbitrages, payouts or workouts in liquidations, protected hedges of certain kinds. 句中workouts 是什么意思? 3. P44 Paragraph 3 In the mid-1990s, the Motley Fool website (and several books) hyped the daylights out of a technique called "The Foolish Four". 句中hyped the daylights out of a technique 是什么意思? 4. P82 Paragraph 2 Thus these indexes wildly overstate the results earned by real-life investors-who lacked the 20/20 hindsight necessary to know exactly which seven stocks to buy. 句中who lacked the 20/20 hindsight necessary 是什么意思? 5. P197 Paragraph 1 Presented thus in print, the answer to the last question is a self-evident no, but........ 句中Presented thus in print 是什么意思? 先问这些,先谢了。
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文1, desposits = deposits2, 不知道,3, 忽悠4, 20/20 = 1.55, 书里提到的,
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文who lacked the 20/20 hindsight necessary = 马后炮
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文我的每个英文询问帖, 都得到Sabre的鼎力支持,深表谢意!
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文我的每个英文询问帖, 都得到Sabre的鼎力支持,深表谢意!点击展开...
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文who lacked the 20/20 hindsight necessary = 马后炮点击展开...这个太牛了,佩服。请问卧槽马怎么说?
在熟悉的异乡 我将自己一年年流放穿过鲜花 走过荆棘 只为自由之地想要带上你私奔 奔向最遥远城镇。。。点击展开...我的帖子人气不望, 雷锋啊, 看在你顶我帖子的分上, 给你加声望了, 尽管内容不太健康.
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文who lacked the 20/20 hindsight necessary = 马后炮点击展开... 这个真的是马后炮的意思? hindsight 就是马后炮了。
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文这个真的是马后炮的意思? hindsight 就是马后炮了。点击展开...对,或者说,事后诸葛亮。(一个词组, 20/20 hindsight)
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文对,或者说,事后诸葛亮。(一个词组, 20/20 hindsight)点击展开... 但这里有个lack, 后面又有一个necessary呀?
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文They include intersecurity arbitrages, payouts or workouts in liquidations, protected hedges of certain kinds.点击展开...First cash-in amongst securities,then thru kind of cost to maintain current ability and some other derrivative products.Payout and workout in liquidity指为保证流动性而采取的方法和成本,如为保证某证获得现金而安排facility 和为此付出的commitment fee, 此为我的理解,与你商榷。另外,time deposits指定期存款;Necessary=which is necessary to know....
平等还是自由?First cash-in amongst securities,then thru kind of cost to maintain current ability and some other derrivative products. Payout and workout in liquidity指为保证流动性而采取的方法和成本,如为保证某证获得现金而安排facility 和为此付出的commitment fee, 此为我的理解,与你商榷。 另外,time deposits指定期存款;Necessary=which is necessary to know....点击展开... 但还有一个疑惑, time desposits, Sabre认为就是time deposits, 你怎么看?
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文 但还有一个疑惑, time desposits, Sabre认为就是time deposits, 你怎么看?点击展开...定期存款
平等还是自由? 超赞 赏 Helen钱温哥华劳工 0$(VIP 0) 14,6552012-11-11#14 回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文这个贴好。
超赞 赏 反馈:shw019 schenvan都一样 0$(VIP 0) 3,4702012-11-11#15 回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文读此类财经亦或技术类书,疑惑多自概念,并太当无修辞,语法问题。欲归于英语学习之根本,还须读诗以学修辞,语感;学法语以正词源。
平等还是自由?这个贴好。点击展开... 谢Helen!
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文读此类财经亦或技术类书,疑惑多自概念,并太当无修辞,语法问题。欲归于英语学习之根本,还须读诗以学修辞,语感;学法语以正词源。点击展开... 多谢! 其实我学英文就是为了实用。冬天的时候我比较闲,想了解一 些投资理财的学问,而我上面提到的这本书确实不错(能让我坚持读 完,还渴望不断温习)。
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文继续请教:还是一楼中提到的书 6. P232 Last paragraph We must start this section with the important disclaimer that it does not apply to the large majority of well-established funds, but only to a relatively small section of the industry which has attracted a disproportionate amount of attention. The story is simple enough. Some of those in charge set out to get much better than average (or DJIA) results.句中in charge 是什么意思?
回复: 发帖, 继续向大家请教英文本章开篇免责声明,本论并不适用于占大多数的成熟基金,仅适用于某些行业中一部分,对于此部分得到的关注相对较少,简而言之,那些取得高于平均值以上成绩的相关基金。
平等还是自由?本章开篇免责声明,本论并不适用于占大多数的成熟基金,仅适用于某些行业中一部分,对于此部分得到的关注相对较少,简而言之,那些取得高于平均值以上成绩的相关基金。点击展开... 提了问题,我自己都不相信有人会回答。
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