加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver明天开车去Whistler, 政府近期有对车辆的要求吗?
普通四驱的SUV是不是应该没问题? 没说非要换雪胎吧?
回复: 明天开车去Whistler, 政府近期有对车辆的要求吗?普通四驱的SUV是不是应该没问题? 没说非要换雪胎吧?点击展开...警察设卡检查,没雪胎一律遣返四驱不能取代雪胎,轮胎打滑你8驱都没则海天公路,没雪胎分分种准备去投胎就算到Whistler市里,路也很滑
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!!警察设卡检查,没雪胎一律遣返四驱不能取代雪胎,轮胎打滑你8驱都没则海天公路,没雪胎分分种准备去投胎就算到Whistler市里,路也很滑点击展开...OMG
回复: 明天开车去Whistler, 政府近期有对车辆的要求吗?去年我开Jeep去的,没事啊
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强[email protected]点击展开...去年有个女士不信邪,开着豪华德国四驱车(四季胎)去了,路上慢行有惊无险,幸运地警察喝咖啡去了,没遇到路检结果到了Whistler市里,转过几个弯,在一个路口,车子打滑失控,撞上路中间的隔离带,本来也没事,碰巧隔离带上有根断裂的管子(杆子),尖口把发动机底部划穿,机油/冷冻液漏一地,车子彻底趴窝结果,自己全责,自己掏钱修,外加拖车费啥的
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 castro 0$(VIP 0) 4,6902012-12-19#6 回复: 明天开车去Whistler, 政府近期有对车辆的要求吗?http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/SeasonalDriving/winter_chains.html"Drivers are required to obey Winter Tire and Chain Up signs throughout the province. The designated routes require that vehicles are either equipped with winter tires or carry chains from October 1 to April 30. Click on the maps below to see the regional highways requiring winter tires and/or chains."http://m.squamishchief.com/article/...out-winter-tires-targeted&template=JQMArticle" Slap on your winter tires, Squamish drivers, or you could be slapped with a fine. It’s that time of year again: The regulator signs are up. From Oct. 1 to April 31, by law vehicles are required to have winter tires or chains on numerous sections of provincial roads, said Bruce Calbick, a Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Branch (CVSE) supervisor. That includes Highway 99 from Horseshoe Bay to Whistler. “You can get a ticket for not having winter tires,” he warned. Two sections of the Motor Vehicle Act allow police officers to write up fines for not complying. Drivers can be dinged approximately $120 and have two points deducted from their driving records, Calbick said. “As soon as you pass that sign, you have to obey it,” he said, adding that the notices are white and black and included an image of a tire. Three weeks ago, the CVSE stopped vehicles near the Alice Lake Provincial Park turnoff heading northbound on Highway 99. Approximately 95 per cent of commercial vehicles were in compliance with the winter tire regulation, but personal vehicles are another story, Calbick said. “Private passenger vehicles coming up from Vancouver are a bit of an issue,” he said. Winter tires must have a minimum of 3.5 millimetres of tread, Calbrick said. On commercial vehicles it is mandatory that they also carry tire chains. The requirements are put in place by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on portions of mountainous highways that regularly experience winter conditions, due to safety concerns, ministry spokesperson Kate Trotter stated in an email. The corridors are signed with postings that read “Use winter tires or carry chains beyond this point.” “The RCMP may ticket or turn back motorists who don’t obey the signs,” Trotter stated. For more information on roadways which require winter tires or chains, visit www.th.gov.bc.ca/SeasonalDriving/winter_chains.html. "
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!!警察设卡检查,没雪胎一律遣返四驱不能取代雪胎,轮胎打滑你8驱都没则海天公路,没雪胎分分种准备去投胎就算到Whistler市里,路也很滑点击展开...挺吓人的,咱就不去凑这个热闹了。记得06年有看到一个报道,一个女子车子打滑,半身悬空在悬崖上,幸被救出。
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