加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver推荐一款治感冒的本地草药


草药的名字叫Echinilin,不过它的商标COLD-ATAK在包装上更醒目一些。最初无意中经药店推荐购买过一次,结果发现对我家人都很管用。我以前感冒吃过的中药,西药都不少,总体感觉就是哪个都没用。这药是我遇到的第一个真的能治感冒的药,至少对我家人有效。是一种粉色菊花提取物,据说是隔壁省花了百万研制的。有一次被家人传染严重的感冒(怀疑是flue,但是没发烧),竟然吃后症状也大减。下图中左边那个是超市里常见的包装。一般和维生素放在一起,Shopper's drug和Safeway都有。忘了说了,这个是它的网站,里面有详细的介绍。http://www.echinilin.com/index.html楼下小雷音同学引用的维基百科中关于Echinacea类植物提取草药的药效中有比较重要的服用指导信息。鉴于COLD-ATAK的服用指南不够清晰,请购买的同学注意如下使用规则:根据欧洲药物管理局European Medicines Agency,从Echinacea中提取的草药制品用于感冒的短期预防与治疗,此药不应服用超过10天,1岁以下儿童不适用。因缺乏不良反应数据且药效研究尚不充分,1-12岁儿童不推荐,怀孕与哺乳期妇女不推荐。

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药多谢分享,正打算买一些带回去给我家的老公公

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回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药现在流感肆虐,谢谢分享!

2010年HKcase(VO:WCY) 2.4签收 3.2DM 3.17IP 3.25发重新体检信 4.26发重办护照信 6.3PL 超赞 赏 L lovexiaomao0829 0$(VIP 0) 4832013-01-07#5 回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药谢谢分享!

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药Thx

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药蜂胶滴剂也不错,十二篮的那种2块多钱的就管用。

禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 octor 0$(VIP 0) 13,0042013-01-07#8 回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药楼主,你说你曾感冒症状很厉害,但莫有发烧,那就是上呼吸道感冒,这个药管用不?

人生不过是行走的影子 超赞 赏 北美保健认证营养师 0$(VIP 0) 3992013-01-07#9 回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药楼主说的其实是Echinacea英文好的可以google,中文好的可以百度一下,是非常好的感冒药。绝大部分的草药感冒配方都含这个。另外,国内也很流行法国产的“黑接骨木”,英文叫"Black Elderberry",我个人认为效果好于Echinacea.而且孩子也可以吃,味道还特好。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]北美保健品及保健品常识咨询:http://forum.iask.cc/showthread.php?t=440140免费的巧克力来了:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=614227 超赞 赏 L legend2001 0$(VIP 0) 782013-01-07#10 回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药大家不要吃草药,这些与中药一样,没有确切的疗效,但是副作用却成问题。有些草药是在里面偷偷加了西药。另外,感冒是没有特效药可治的,这是自限性疾病。

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药大家不要吃草药,这些与中药一样,没有确切的疗效,但是副作用却成问题。有些草药是在里面偷偷加了西药。另外,感冒是没有特效药可治的,这是自限性疾病。点击展开...中医师拿砖头追你。坚决不吃药,中药和西药都不吃。忽然想起李时珍,本草纲目是不是邪教啊

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药中医师拿砖头追你。坚决不吃药,中药和西药都不吃。忽然想起李时珍,本草纲目是不是邪教啊点击展开...两位都是明白人啊。不过明白人不受欢迎。

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药谢谢

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药两位都是明白人啊。不过明白人不受欢迎。点击展开...要是药真好使,那毛泽东,邓小平怎么也应该活到昨天啊。所以,不迷信药,锻炼身体,少吃多动,延年益寿

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药等以后洗地毯多赚钱,到80岁,买一个20岁人的躯体,直接把脑袋换掉,返老还童

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药Multiple scientific reviews and meta-analyses have evaluated the published peer reviewed literature on the immunological effects of Echinacea. Reviews of the medicinal effects of Echinacea are often complicated by the inclusion of these different products.[7] Evaluation of the literature within the field suffers generally from a lack of well-controlled trials, with many studies of low quality.[7][8][9][10] A 2007 study by the University of Connecticut combined findings from 14 previously reported trials examining Echinacea and concluded that Echinacea can cut the chances of catching a cold by more than half, and shorten the duration of a cold by an average of 1.4 days.[8][11] However, Dr. Wallace Sampson, an editor of Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine and a Stanford University emeritus clinical professor of medicine, says that the referenced trials lack the similarities necessary to provide definitive results when combined into one report. "If you have studies that measure different things, there is no way to correct for that. These researchers tried, but you just can’t do it."[12] A 2003 controlled double-blind study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine and documented in the New England Journal of Medicine[13] stated that echinacea extracts had "no clinically significant effects" on rates of infection or duration or intensity of symptoms. The effects held when the herb was taken immediately following infectious viral exposure and when taken as a prophylaxis starting a week prior to exposure. In a press release, Dr. Michael Murray, the Director of Education for Factors Group of Nutritional Companies, a manufacturer of Echinacea-related products, calls the study "faulty and inaccurate."[14] According to Dr. Murray, none of the three extracts used on the 399 study participants contained all three of the components of Echinacea responsible for its immune-enhancing effects: polysaccharides, alkylamides and cichoric acid. In addition, Dr. Murray said "the standard dosage for dried Echinacea angustifolia root is normally three grams per day or more and this study used less than one gram." An earlier University of Maryland review based on 13 European studies concluded that echinacea, when taken at first sign of a cold, reduced cold symptoms or shortened their duration.[15] The review also found that three of four published studies concluded that taking echinacea to prevent a cold was ineffective. The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) assessed[16] the body of evidence and approved the use of expressed juice and dried expressed juice from fresh flowering aerial parts of Echinacea purpurea for the short-term prevention and treatment of the common cold. According to their recommendations:It should not be used for more than 10 days. The use in children below 1 year of age is contraindicated, because of theoretically possible undesirable effect on immature immune system. The use in children between 1 and 12 years of age is not recommended, because efficacy has not been sufficiently documented although specific risks are not documented. In the absence of sufficient data, the use in pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.[17]​Cancer Research UK has provided some commentary on the use of Echinacea by people with cancer. They state:There is no scientific evidence to show that echinacea can help treat, prevent or cure cancer in any way. Some therapists have claimed that echinacea can help relieve side effects from cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But this hasn’t been proved either.[18]​ Popular belief and traditional use Echinacea is popularly believed to be an immunostimulator, stimulating the body's non-specific immune system and warding off infections and also being used as a laxative. A study commonly used to support that belief is a 2007 meta-analysis in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.[8] The studies pooled in the meta-analysis used various types of echinacea, various parts of the plant, and various dosages. This review cannot inform recommendations on the efficacy of any particular type of echinacea, dosage, or treatment regimen. The safety of echinacea under long-term use is also unknown.[19]

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药多谢分享,留着备用

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药等以后洗地毯多赚钱,到80岁,买一个20岁人的躯体,直接把脑袋换掉,返老还童点击展开...八十歲的腦袋也應該換掉呀,所以人類的死亡是必要的.

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药我家在中国的姐姐最迷恋药物,春天回去给她带一瓶

回复: 推荐一款治感冒的本地草药中医师拿砖头追你。坚决不吃药,中药和西药都不吃。忽然想起李时珍,本草纲目是不是邪教啊点击展开...

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