加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 VancouverBC省的农民养殖户为什么这么聪明?


http://www.vancouversun.com/busines...om+reselling+cheap+imports/7664113/story.html B.C. egg farmers profit from reselling cheap U.S. imports 大家都不用开车到美国买鸡蛋了,加拿大的农民伯伯帮我们买来了。 Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/farmers...heap+imports/7664113/story.html#ixzz2I5vxxqcaThe British Columbia Egg Marketing Board, speaking for the province’s egg farmers who control it, routinely laments the growing tendency of consumers to save a buck or so a dozen by buying eggs in the U.S.Yet B.C.’s biggest egg grading and distribution company, which is owned in significant part by many of those same producers, annually imports hundreds of thousands of dozens of low-cost American eggs and then resells them to consumers at Canadian prices.In recent years, the imports by egg-grading companies approached a million dozen, nearly half the estimated two million dozen a year bought by B.C. cross-border shoppers.The marketing board has launched a publicity campaign to decry the damage to both B.C.’s egg industry and the provincial economy by the growing trend to shop across the border. But it dismisses the routine corporate imports of American eggs as inconsequential.A primary function of the Egg Marketing Board is to regulate the number of hens in production in the province, and thus the number of eggs produced here. No one interviewed explained why the chronic shortfall in B.C. production, which would seem to have more adverse economic impact than cross-border shopping, is not more vigorously addressed.The Egg Marketing Board also sets the price farmers are paid for eggs.An analysis of winners and losers in the province’s egg industry is greatly complicated by crossover interests of many of the players.The Egg Marketing Board was established four decades ago to protect producers’ interests and give them a voice in dealing with the big egg-grading companies. The board’s directors consist of one non-producer who is appointed by the provincial government and four elected egg farmers.But in 2006, most of the producers in the province banded together to form a company called Fresh Start. It in turn bought 49-per-cent interest in Golden Valley Foods, B.C.’s dominant egg grading and distribution company.Since then, the line between producer and grader has blurred. Most of the Egg Marketing Board’s elected directors, including those now in office, have been drawn from a pool of the founding shareholders in Fresh Start.The upshot is that the B.C. egg producers, through their control of the Egg Marketing Board, can limit the number of hens and thus the total egg production in the province. Many of these same producers, through their ownership of Golden Valley, also stand to profit when American eggs are brought in.Wholesale prices vary in the U.S., but even the retail price there is almost always lower than what farmers in Canada get before the graders and retailers add their markup.The precise number of eggs imported by Golden Valley — and hence the economic impact the company is creating for various industry players as well as for consumers — is hard to determine.Al Sakalauskas, executive director of the Egg Marketing Board, told The Vancouver Sun’s editorial board on Monday that the number of eggs imported by companies is “not a big number,” though he didn’t have a precise figure at his fingertips at the time.In a followup email, he said the number of eggs for table consumption that were imported to B.C. from the U.S. in 2010 was 885,800 dozen. In 2011 it rose to 922,288 dozen, and in the first nine months of 2012 it was 319,950 dozen.In the email, he repeated that he didn’t consider this substantial.“We grade approximately 71 million dozen eggs in B.C. per year,” he wrote. “U.S.A. eggs are not a significant factor in our marketplace.”Unless, of course, they’re purchased by consumers, who are targeted by the board’s anti-cross-border shopping campaign.Sakalauskas did not specify how many of the eggs imported by B.C. graders were brought in by Golden Valley, the largest of four major grading companies in the province. But information released by two different federal departments suggests Golden Valley is a major player — if not the major player — in cross-border egg imports.Canadian Food Inspection Agency documents indicate Golden Valley obtained 61 import permits for table eggs in the past two years — 30 in 2010 and 31 in 2011.This documentation was obtained and passed on to The Sun by Myles Materi, a Salmon Arm egg farmer who says he lost his quota as a result of entanglements with the board and whose independent egg-grading business was subsequently reduced to almost nothing from what he says was a prospering business that employed 12.CFIA whited out the number of eggs covered by each of these import permits. But judging from information The Sun obtained from the international trade division of the federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Golden Valley’s 31 import permits in 2011 constitute almost half of the 70 issued to all companies in the western provinces that year. And the 922,288 dozen eggs imported into B.C. from the U.S. constitute well over half of the 1.4 million dozen imported that year in the entire western half of the country.A few months ago, when it was campaigning against cross-border shopping, the Egg Marketing Board estimated the hit on the provincial economy caused by egg imports to be $3.1 million a year. Sakalauskas conceded in his discussion with the editorial board that eggs imported by companies could have as much adverse economic impact as those bought by consumers.He also conceded that, looked at in the short-term, the idea of a company buying eggs at American wholesale prices and selling them at Canadian retail prices appears likely to be highly profitable.But in the longer term, he said, relying on international imports — no matter how large the margin when the eggs are resold — can’t work as a business model.He said aside from a historical right for graders to import from the U.S. a small percentage of eggs, it is extremely difficult to get more import permits.In a brief interview, Scott Brookshaw, a vice-president of the Ontario-based L.H. Gray egg grading company that owns a 51 per cent share in Golden Valley, did not divulge the number of eggs the company imports. He would say only that the company’s imports “are to cover seasonal shortages.”Sakalauskas declined to discuss the connection between his current board members and Golden Valley. Specifically, he wouldn’t say if Golden Valley shares were still held by any or all of the current directors who were in on the formation of Fresh [email protected]: Don Cayo analyzes the import of this and other B.C. Egg Marketing Board issues on consumers and on the economy. Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/farmers...heap+imports/7664113/story.html#ixzz2I5vkGFve

回复: BC省的农民养殖户为什么这么聪明?看起来好假的样子另,英文的东东就别发了

原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 S SNOWBEAR999Guest 0$(VIP ) 2013-01-15#3 回复: BC省的农民养殖户为什么这么聪明?干脆把BC省划归美国算了。让子民连邻居家的饭桌都眼馋,那些政府官员都可以下台了。

回复: BC省的农民养殖户为什么这么聪明?这个新闻报道出来很久了另外,据说是协会干的。有协会的东西,一般不能掺和。

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