加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 VancouverNew BC Services Card 一卡通行 - 2月15日开始
http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=87EEAD6D19974459950AA7FF7F60AD54 The new BC Services Card is designed to make it easier for B.C. residents to access provincial government services. Most of us will be able to use just one card:As a CareCardAs a driver’s licenceTo access services that need a photo ID以后看病、开车等服务,一张卡搞定,省事儿
生命是一条长长的打着结的绳子,每一个结都是人生的刻度,丈量着人生的宽广和深厚!Life is a long, long rope with knots, each of which serves as a sign of its broadness and depth![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 天才股神 0$(VIP 0) 322013-01-17#2 回复: New BC Services Card 一卡通行 - 2月15日开始
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