加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 VancouverCOSTCO membership 消费返还问题
今天收到REWARD COUPON,有点疑问想请教大家.1.REWARD的基数是MEMBERSHIP CARD上的所有消费记录,还是只用信用卡消费的金额?有时用现金购买或加油是否也算在基数内?2.信用卡返还的%有1%,2%,与COSTCO REWARD COUPON 的2%是什么关系,两回事吧?3.使用COSTCO MEMBERSHIP CARD年终可以得到REWARD COUPON+信用卡返还.对吗?
时间是最神奇的魔术大师,我们现在未知的,将来都会得到答案...... 超赞 赏 S SNOWBEAR999Guest 0$(VIP ) 2013-01-16#2 回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题也迷糊,等高人。
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题继续等...
时间是最神奇的魔术大师,我们现在未知的,将来都会得到答案...... 超赞 赏 老 老宣 0$(VIP 0) 262013-01-17#4 回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题我是每年都会收到AE 和COSTCO 寄来的两张支票,所以应该是分开的.还有一点提醒大家,去年去COSTCO问过,如果你办的是100元的那种会员卡(今年好像110),如果返的COUPON不足50元,比如只有30元,那可以去前台,会返回你20元.
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题我是每年都会收到AE 和COSTCO 寄来的两张支票,所以应该是分开的.还有一点提醒大家,去年去COSTCO问过,如果你办的是100元的那种会员卡(今年好像110),如果返的COUPON不足50元,比如只有30元,那可以去前台,会返回你20元.点击展开...这信息太有用了!加分!!1.COSTCO的支票?它和COUPON 什么关系?不是一个返回内容?2.100刀的卡COUPON最低返50?3.用现金购物的在返还的基数里吗???
时间是最神奇的魔术大师,我们现在未知的,将来都会得到答案......这信息太有用了!加分!!1.COSTCO的支票?它和COUPON 什么关系?不是一个返回内容?2.100刀的卡COUPON最低返50?3.用现金购物的在返还的基数里吗???点击展开...同问
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题会员卡和AE卡分开返还,后者标注有效期,貌似前者没有。
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题下次去costco直接去前台问清楚呗
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题我的costco和American Express是合用一张卡,头1000刀返点才0.25%,怎么这么少?有没有知道以后是不是每年都是头1000刀返还0.25%?那真不如不办。
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题除非每年在COSTCO消费金额非常大,否则110刀的会员资格是赚不回来的,虽然说返还不够55的差额会补回给你,但HST就亏了。
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题今天收到REWARD COUPON,有点疑问想请教大家.1.REWARD的基数是MEMBERSHIP CARD上的所有消费记录,还是只用信用卡消费的金额?有时用现金购买或加油是否也算在基数内?Not sure if this "Reward Coupon" is from Costco's Exec Membership program or Cost-Amex Credit Card.Executive member's 2% rebate and Costco-Amex Credit Card's cashback are separate. Exec Membership Rebate applies to almost everything you buy from Costo, no matter how you pay for them. It does NOT apply to gas purchases, taxes, and a whole bunch of other stuffs --- see here (PDF file from Costco website) for full details. Cash purchase rebates count towards your Exec Membership rebate, but not Amex Card. 2.信用卡返还的%有1%,2%,与COSTCO REWARD COUPON 的2%是什么关系,两回事吧?They are parallel. 3.使用COSTCO MEMBERSHIP CARD年终可以得到REWARD COUPON+信用卡返还.对吗?Correct, if you have the $110 Executive Membership.点击展开... Sorry no Chinese input at work.
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.除非每年在COSTCO消费金额非常大,否则110刀的会员资格是赚不回来的,虽然说返还不够55的差额会补回给你,但HST就亏了。点击展开... Yeah, in Ontario, you'll need to spend at least $55 x 1.13 / 0.02% = 3107.5 a year BEFORE TAX to cover the additional cost. If I remember correctly, they do refund HST charged on top of the membership fee.
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.我的costco和American Express是合用一张卡,头1000刀返点才0.25%,怎么这么少?有没有知道以后是不是每年都是头1000刀返还0.25%?那真不如不办。点击展开... As in many cashback credit cards, Amex True Earnings Card's rebate percentage is tiered. You can earn cash back on purchases inside and outside of Costco.Earn 3% cash back on eligible restaurant purchasesEarn 2% cash back on eligible gas purchases2% up to $3,000 annually1% on any amount over $3,000Earn up to 1% cashback on everyday purchases - inside and outside of Costco0.25% up to $1,0000.50% on the next $2,0001% on any amount over $3,000Rebates are issued on qualified accounts in January, in the form of a couponSource: https://www.americanexpress.com/ca/en/content/costco-card/ On the flip side, Amex is the only credit card that Costco accepts. And you can still get rebate when spending money at restaurants (3%) and buying gas (2%). Better than nothing when you use Debit or cash. BTW, you get 3% rebate even at McDonald's and, for that matter, any other restaurants that accept Amex.
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work. 超赞 赏 温 温哥华家庭旅馆之星 0$(VIP 0) 2,3182013-01-17#14 回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题只知道买现金卡给朋友用(朋友就不需要办会员卡)的话,这个现金卡的金额是没有返还的。小家庭如果每月买不够$200的就不要开有返还的$110的那种卡了。
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题Earn up to 1% cashback on everyday purchases - inside and outside of Costco0.25% up to $1,0000.50% on the next $2,0001% on any amount over $3,000Rebates are issued on qualified accounts in January, in the form of a couponquote] 谢谢,没错,我只是想知道,头1000刀和3000刀是指每年吗?还是指一次性?
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题我也是这两天刚刚收到的REBATE, 我这一年一共消费$11,890, REBATE只有$123. 还好,基本上够会员卡的成本了。
Alice Liu(爱丽丝),金牌平价经纪,新型地产服务;多种方案选择,大量佣金返还!专业坦诚,经验丰富,值得信赖!自2013年起多年获得大温地产局销售业绩前10%金牌经纪大奖,自2011年起多年获得Homeland Realty销售大奖!电话:778 858 1626 详情请见:http://blog.sina.com.cn/aliceliuhomesEarn up to 1% cashback on everyday purchases - inside and outside of Costco0.25% up to $1,0000.50% on the next $2,0001% on any amount over $3,000Rebates are issued on qualified accounts in January, in the form of a couponquote] 谢谢,没错,我只是想知道,头1000刀和3000刀是指每年吗?还是指一次性?点击展开... 每年. All these rebates are calculated annually.
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.我也是这两天刚刚收到的REBATE, 我这一年一共消费$11,890, REBATE只有$123. 还好,基本上够会员卡的成本了。点击展开... Was that rebate from Amex credit card? It's kinda hard to imagine only $6150 ($123/2%) of your spending qualified for Exec Membership's 2% rebate. If so, you might be better off upgrading to Exec Membership next year. Assuming your annual expenditure at Costco stays unchanged in 2013, and only 70% qualified for the Exec Membership rebate: Exec Membership Rebate = $11,890 x 70% x 2% = $166.46Plus your Amex rebate stays at $123Minus the premium for Exec Membership $55 x 1.12 = $61.6 Your total rebate will be $227.86.
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work. 超赞 赏 反馈:Takemiya 经商知道 0$(VIP 0) 112013-01-17#19 回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题学习了!
回复: COSTCO membership 消费返还问题Sorry no Chinese input at work.点击展开...详细清楚的答案,非常感谢您的回帖,及时解答了我的疑问,加分!!
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