加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver高学历的赔本生意
My Master's Wasn't Worth Ithttp://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/my-master-s-wasn-t-worth-it-173855765.html?page=1
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 小 小葡萄此ID已注销 0$(VIP 0) 16,1202013-02-01#2 回复: 高学历的赔本生意I'm overeducatedCourtesy: Sean PaddenName: Sean Padden, 42Place: Providence, R.I.I have more education than I know what to do with, and I am one of the long-term unemployed who have given up hopes of finding a job.After a double major in chemistry and microbiology as an undergrad, I earned a master's degree in molecular biology and gained teaching experience in cellular, micro, molecular and plant biology.I thought this wide array of experience would at least get me interviews. After hundreds of applications over the past four years, I have had less than five interviews.My solution has been to try and employ myself. I resorted going back to a high school hobby, as a job.I'm working on starting a woodworking business that makes canes, using a special kind of diseased wood. Basically, I'm using my chemistry background to create functional pieces of art.
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 小 小葡萄此ID已注销 0$(VIP 0) 16,1202013-02-01#3 回复: 高学历的赔本生意I work 3 part-time jobsCourtesy: Nick HintzName: Nick Hintz, 28Place: Kansas City, Mo.When I graduated from my undergraduate program in 2008, I had a bachelor's degree in psychology, which was too general to get me a job. I wanted to go into business, so I decided to earn a master's degree in human resources at the University of Minnesota.At the time, it was rated as the number two HR school in the nation, and it cost a lot to go there. I took out $120,000 in student loans. The economy was unraveling at the time, but I hoped that over a couple years, the job market would improve.Instead, things got worst. I graduated in 2010 at the bottom of the U.S. job market. At the time, only about half our class found jobs.Now it's been more than two years, and I'm competing against fresh grads for entry-level positions and leadership training programs. A career counselor told me I missed the boat on getting a solid return on investment for my master's.I have three part-time jobs. I am an unpaid volunteer in a local hospital's HR department, I'm a content manager for a video game website, and I clean typewriters... yes, typewriters.I'm stuck with a large amount of debt, I have this fancy master's no one cares about, and I can't get the experience I need. I'm really at a loss of what to do.
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 8 8412 0$(VIP 0) 4,2062013-02-01#4 回复: 高学历的赔本生意do you know some Chinese also called professional students? Maybe it is not profitable, but you can survive basically by applying for the student loan or more benefits in Quebec, lol
回复: 高学历的赔本生意I want to use my degreeCourtesy: Mary LeMayName: Mary LeMay, 47Place: Stevens Point, Wisc.After working 18 years in financial counseling, I went back to school in my 40s to earn a master's degree in community counseling.I had always aspired to be a school counselor, but when I started the program, I was informed there were very few job openings in schools. I chose community counseling instead, because I was told it was a larger umbrella with more opportunities.After graduating in May 2010, I knew that most counselor positions would require certification as an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor). In Wisconsin, that would entail an additional two years and 3,000 hours working under the direction of someone in the field. I didn't know how difficult it would be to obtain that certification.I've been looking for those positions, but it seems there are so few job opportunities for someone to become a counselor-in-training. Very few employers are willing to supervise you.Why do graduate schools keep churning out counselors when there are so few jobs or opportunities for certification?I funded my masters degree with $20,000 in student loans. I'm still looking forward to being able to use my degree, but I'm just wondering if that's ever going to happen.
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 小 小葡萄此ID已注销 0$(VIP 0) 16,1202013-02-01#6 回复: 高学历的赔本生意MBAs: A dime a dozen? Courtesy: Aaron FraserName: Aaron Fraser, 42Place: Virgin Islands I once looked at the MBA as the crème de la crème of business degrees, but now I realize I'm a dime a dozen. I have an MBA in media management from Metropolitan College of New York and a master's in organizational leadership from Mercy College. I am in debt to the tune of $120,000, and for me, it just wasn't worth it. After graduating, I applied for jobs in New York for at least a year. In interviews, I was either overqualified, or high risk. I am high risk, so I'm told, because I have multiple degrees, which means it's more likely that I would pursue other means of employment if I am offered a higher salary. I'm 42 years old, and I'm competing with 25-year-olds who have MBAs from Harvard. There are so many young people with MBAs from exclusive schools, it's very difficult for somebody like me to compete. Employers don't expect middle aged people to be innovators.
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 小 小葡萄此ID已注销 0$(VIP 0) 16,1202013-02-01#7 回复: 高学历的赔本生意My master's is a jokeCourtesy: Jen SmialekName: Jen Smialek, 31Place: Boston, Mass.I work in such a completely different industry, it's a joke amongst co-workers that I have a master's in education.I completed that degree -- which was my second master's -- in 2010, and taught for a year in Boston. It was the hardest work I've ever done, but I loved it.A year later, it was first in, first out in terms of layoffs. I didn't have any seniority and I was unfortunately laid off.I couldn't find another teaching job, so I returned to marketing. I had about $26,000 in student debt from that master's, and I've since paid off most of it (I completed my first master's for less than $500).If I could go back, I wouldn't earn the education degree again. It was a good personal enrichment activity, but for someone like me who does Internet marketing, my career would benefit more from an MBA.
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 小 小葡萄此ID已注销 0$(VIP 0) 16,1202013-02-01#8 回复: 高学历的赔本生意just for reference, lower your expectations, prepare yourself for disappointment.
禁言违宪!do you know some Chinese also called professional students? Maybe it is not profitable, but you can survive basically by applying for the student loan or more benefits in Quebec, lol点击展开...not just by applying for the student loan,at least he(she) has to finish the degree and find a job,otherwise it is just an expensive vacation.
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 Patrick2010 0$(VIP 0) 5472013-02-01#10 回复: 高学历的赔本生意这么多事例仿佛有一个共同点儿:对就业市场或者说是区域就业形势不了解,学历与就业是相辅相承的,一个省某个专业就业机会少不代表其它省就业机会少,国家就业机会也是同样的道理,就跟国际谈判一样,你不尽量多的了解谈判对手的底线和策略,提前做好己方的应对措施并设置好谈判底线,如何在博弈中取得想要的结果?
心有多大,世界就有多大! 超赞 赏 Davidsy 0$(VIP 0) 32,4512013-02-01#11 回复: 高学历的赔本生意嘿嘿,眼低手高的老头飘过
回复: 高学历的赔本生意幸好没去花这冤枉钱.
http://www.canadameet.com这么多事例仿佛有一个共同点儿:对就业市场或者说是区域就业形势不了解,学历与就业是相辅相承的,一个省某个专业就业机会少不代表其它省就业机会少,国家就业机会也是同样的道理,就跟国际谈判一样,你不尽量多的了解谈判对手的底线和策略,提前做好己方的应对措施并设置好谈判底线,如何在博弈中取得想要的结果?点击展开...提前的市场侦查是会失算的,因为读完学历需要好几年,而经济变化走势变幻莫测。况且,需求和个人的兴趣爱好又未必挂钩。现代经济学已经把人都当做机器上的螺丝钉,让人活得很压抑,高成本低回报,越来越贱。 最好的就是调整自己的心理,随机应变,不要变成书呆子,不拘泥于一种职业和方向,做一个举一反三、触类旁通的自学者,学习适应各种环境和挑战。为生活而学习,为学习而生活。
禁言违宪! 超赞 赏 悬壶 0$(VIP 0) 6222013-02-01#14 回复: 高学历的赔本生意这和他们学位关系不大,更和他们的专业相关,也许和他们的性格、适应能力有关。细胞生物学、心理学,都是回报率极低的专业,即使博士后薪水也未必多高,别的专业不大清楚。 我周围,不是博士的很少,绝大多数人生活比普通人好些,但也有些差的。
回复: 高学历的赔本生意我在沈阳有一个专门学红楼梦的博士,人家从学校的学报编辑被选出来,到了新闻出版集团当局长助理,飞黄腾达,民主党派。
回复: 高学历的赔本生意那些迷信藤校的国人该醒醒了.藤校很多专业,明知毕业生大面积不能就业,还在招生,骗钱且误人子弟.
回复: 高学历的赔本生意如果只是为了找工作,连bachelor‘s 都可以不用读我觉得某些人是自己目的不明确,想找工作还读冷门专业的硕士或者博士。。。反正我是 因为 不想工作才来读这个学位了,而且我也很清楚拿到学位以后没用,甚至更难找到工作但是读这个学位只是为了更清楚的理解这个世界是怎么运作的,至于以后有用没用,也不太在乎, just enjoy the process
回复: 高学历的赔本生意经济是全球化,分工明确,但大学各地都有,专业也齐全,所以各地的各专业的毕业生肯定遭遇不同,不过树移死,人移活。
回复: 高学历的赔本生意如果只是为了找工作,连bachelor‘s 都可以不用读 我觉得某些人是自己目的不明确,想找工作还读冷门专业的硕士或者博士。。。 反正我是 因为 不想工作才来读这个学位了,而且我也很清楚拿到学位以后没用,甚至更难找到工作 但是读这个学位只是为了更清楚的理解这个世界是怎么运作的,至于以后有用没用,也不太在乎, just enjoy the process点击展开...所谓的 EDUCATION--素质教育.饱汉跟饿汉就没法沟通.这边真正有钱的人家,让孩子去学艺术,学政治,就没指望他毕业后打工挣钱.
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