加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver遇到一位奇怪的客户
在英文网站发帖,卖我的微型蘑菇农场,刚刚收到一个客户的邮件,她给了我一个646开头的电话,我查了一下好像是美国的,说价格没问题,想买。我觉得很奇怪,不知该如何回复了,哪位朋友遇到过类似?多谢指点!Glad to hear back from you. The price is okay by me. I am ready tomake instant purchase. I'll be paying with a verifiable bank checkwhich would be sent to you through regular mail and i will arrange fora local pick up after you've deposited the check at your bank and ithas cleared, would have loved to come check it out and make on thespot payment for it but my work schedule has been tight lately. Ipromise everything will go smoothly. I will arrange for it to bepicked-up and shipped to me by my private moverafter you receive the payment and it clears. If this is acceptable by you,get back to me with your payment information as i stated below sothat i can proceed with the payment immediately if you wish to sell itto me.Name to be on the check...........Street Address........City............State..........Postal Code..........Your cell number if i need to text you.........Once I receive your payment details, the payment would be overnight toyou and i will let you know when it is mailed out. To show myseriousness on buying it, i will add an additional $30so that you can hold it for me till the check reaches you. Kindly pullthe ad from the website to avoid further inquiries from other buyers,since I want you to consider this sold to me.Have a nice day while i await your quick reply.
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户只要别找各种借口跟你把钱要回去就行,感觉跟租房,买车的骗子查不多,现付支票后找借口退一部分钱,都是这么猴急得路子
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户感觉不像是正常买家。小心为妙。
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户scam, id theif, they want all you personal info and maybe setup bank acct or something, if you reply, laer they will ask you to provide a bank acct and said will deposit to the acct. something like that, and then they will had your all bank acct info
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户曾经丢过银行信息(邮件被钓鱼了),请问会有什么后果?
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户你让他用西联汇款试试,你说你不收支票 哈哈
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户这是收到的第一封邮件:Gourmet Mushrooms Growing Kit at home - $325Hey, could let me know if you still got this for sale. Text me on(646) 397-3106 or get back to me through e-mail, i check my email every hour.Thanks - ~Jenny~
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户因为是外地电话号码,所以估计没戏,因为之前收到过很多类似邮件,即使他们真买了也很麻烦,未来的菌杯配送会成本很高,所以就给她回复了一个链接。Hi Jenny, Thank you for your interested. Yes, More about my mushroom kit, Please see this link: http://www.vanillamountains.com/Viewnews.aspx?newsid=20 Thanks again.Best Regards,
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户試試!看看誰厲害!台北仁
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户英文也别扭
乱码 超赞 赏 私人订制 0$(VIP 0) 7,7242013-07-04#11 回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户双人滑!
一叶知秋 超赞 赏 Summerjann 0$(VIP 0) 6812013-07-04#12 回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户一般美国的支票需要15个工作日才Clear。你的银行当天能把钱Release了 不代表这个支票是honest的。要小心!
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户不见兔子不撒鹰
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强[email protected] 超赞 赏 S smplgk 0$(VIP 0) 192013-07-05#14 回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户"i will arrange for a local pick up"点击展开...卖的微型蘑菇农场也能local pick up?那主连看都没仔细看就一口同意...这事不靠谱。
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户任何私人交易都不能收支票,把握这个原则就行了,lz是聪明人,这点小事难不着你。
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户挖坑,看语法像是出自一个国人
回复: 遇到一位奇怪的客户LZ应该有很多个卖吧?叫他让他的private mover 带现金来, 不收支票, 保证有货 ,不就得了?
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