加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver二手买卖 - 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务会(ISS)
ISSofBC(卑诗移民服务会)Surrey每周四有针对技术移民Skills Connect项目的讲座。如果您符合以下条件,我们邀请您报名参加,我们相信这个项目一定能对您在加拿大的“专业工作之旅“有所帮助:移民加拿大不超过5年目前没有工作或者所从事的工作没有应用到或者没有达到您移民之间的技术水平您有一个清晰的工作目标,且这个目标和您以前的工作经验、技术背景相关中等以上的英文水平(ELSA Level 5-6起)请致电604-590-4021 ext. 2193 预留坐席Skills Connect Program for ImmigrantsInformation Sessions Every Thursday 10:00-11:00 Presentation11:00-12:00 Screening#303 ? 7337 137th Street, SurreyWe can help! We provide:Free personalized one-on-one coaching with an experienced employment counsellorPartial funding for qualifications/skills upgrading and credential evaluationFree, innovative workshops to provide you with the tools to take charge of your job searchFree soft Skills course that provides the cultural knowledge and tools to succeed in the Canadian workplacewww.skillsconnect.issbc.org本项目属于Welcome BC计划,由卑诗省政府资助
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务Share 一则好消息:Province raises the tuition cap for EI-funded training to $7,500In the world of labour market information, very little constitutes "Breaking News"; but this certainly does! Unemployed British Columbians receiving services through the Employment Program of BC (EPBC) may now be eligible for up to a maximum of $7,500 in tuition funding available to help them access skills training. Previously, tuition support was capped at $4,000. The increased tuition support will be effective as of Nov. 19, 2012. This is fantastic news, as the old cap was a major impediment to anyone who wanted to participate in a longer or more expensive training program but lacked the ability to contribute more.
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务在share一则一般消息:BC政府资助的Skills Connect Program,目前所知,会在2014年3月31日截止。之后的情况尚不明了。 因为Skills Connect Program是一个为期12个月的项目,也就是说,如果您符合条件,请及时参加!Sooner is always better than later! 如果您移民不超过5年,目前又不能entitle EI-funded training,但您仍在努力寻找专业工作,或者希望进行海外学历认证,进行短期专业培训,请考虑Skills Connect Program!604-590-4021
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务你们把英语水平没有达到5级以上的移民,都抛弃了吗?还好意思说帮助~~
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务语言只是一种工具,不是入门砍刀!
帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务Share 一则新闻:New Federal Skilled Worker Program to accept applications beginning May 4, 2013Ottawa, December 19, 2012 — The new selection system for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) will take effect on May 4, 2013 at which time the program will re-open for applications, Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.“The government’s number one priority remains jobs, economic growth, and long-term prosperity,” said Minister Kenney. “The new Federal Skilled Worker Program criteria will ensure Canada is selecting the skilled immigrants our economy needs, who are the most likely to succeed and fully realize their potential in Canada.”The improvements to the FSWP points grid are based on a large body of research which has consistently shown that language proficiency and youth are two of the most important factors in the economic success of immigrants.The final changes to the FSWP selection criteria include:Minimum official language thresholds and increased points for official language proficiency, making language the most important factor in the selection process;Increased emphasis on younger immigrants, who are more likely to acquire valuable Canadian experience, are better positioned to adapt to changing labour market conditions, and who will spend a greater number of years contributing to Canada’s economy;Introduction of the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), so that education points awarded reflect the foreign credential’s true value in Canada;Changes to the arranged employment process, allowing employers to hire applicants quickly, if there is a demonstrated need in the Canadian labour market; andAdditional adaptability points for spousal language ability and Canadian work experience.“For too long, too many immigrants to Canada have experienced underemployement and unemployment, and this has been detrimental to these newcomers and to the Canadian economy,” said Minister Kenney. “Our transformational changes to the FSWP will help ensure that skilled newcomers are able to contribute their skills fully to the economy as soon as possible. This is good for newcomers, good for the economy, and good for all Canadians.”There are two new steps to the new selection system. First, applicants will have to demonstrate that they meet the minimum language threshold, which is level 7 of the Canadian Language Benchmark assessment system. Applicants will be able to get a language assessment from existing agencies designated by the Minister and listed on the CIC website.Second, applicants will have their education credentials assessed prior to arriving in Canada. A list of assessment organizations designated by the Minister will be made available early in the New Year. The assessment of foreign educational credentials will provide prospective newcomers with a more realistic understanding of how their credentials compare to education standards in Canada. It will also give them the opportunity to upgrade their education prior to coming to Canada if they choose.It is important to note that these changes will not apply to people who have applied to the FSWP prior to May 4, 2013 with a qualifying arranged job offer or under the Ph.D. stream.As recently announced, due to the actions taken over the past months, new applications under the FSWP will be processed in a few months, rather than a few years. In order to ensure fast processing times and to avoid backlogs, the new FSWP will accept a fixed number of applications each year.In the medium term, the Government is also moving forward to develop and implement an Expression of Interest (EOI) model, which will provide employers with access to a pool of skilled workers.
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务你们把英语水平没有达到5级以上的移民,都抛弃了吗?还好意思说帮助~~点击展开...不是说抛弃。Skills Connect Program非常想帮助希望做回本行的技术移民们。语言的确是工具,不是砍刀,但遗憾的是,现实情况中,在面试的时候,语言的确起到很关键的作用,有很多时候,的确扮演了砍刀的角色。 Skills Connect项目之所以把语言要求在5级以上,就是考虑到这个是一个为期1年的项目。这这说长不长,说短不短的12个月里面,我们希望能在寻找专业工作上给job seeker一些帮助,而不仅仅是语言的提高如果12个月里面,job seeker需要用前9个月时间提高英文,其余3个月在进行Job search skills training或者报名参加一些专业培训,实际上浪费的是job seeker自己的时间和机会。 这也是为什么这个项目对移民不超过5年的新移民都有效。ESL1-7级现在都有免费的课程,大家都可以利用这些资源,合理利用时间,尽快达到自己的就业目标。2012年12月19号Ottawa发布的技术移民新政策:minimum language threshold, which is level 7 of the Canadian Language Benchmark assessment system。
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务顶!
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务我们刚来,elsa考试要到下月才排到,但是我们测试了foundation,是五级,老师说其实把我们放在六级七级班里也可,希望我们扎实一点,所以放在五级里了,我们可以来吗?
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务Skills Connect Program需要ELSA的成绩 (除非第一语言是英文的客人),如果您之前没有做过ELSA的测试,我们会帮您安排一个时间做测试。通常Skills Connect安排的时间比您自己约的时间会快一点儿。不过您要是有兴趣参加Skills Connect Program,参加Info Session是第一步的。ELSA5-6级是中级水平,所以您觉得理解、沟通没有什么障碍,就应该没有问题。
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务对于目前移民新政要求英语很高我没什么可说的,但对于前期已经接纳和以后新移民家庭成员中英语不好的人,作为政府你拿出什么能够发挥人家专长的政策没?生活中的英语范围大到你用一辈子也不见得真正学的完学到好!加拿大是个移民国家,号称在加拿大没有任何歧视,这就是最直接的歧视。
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务如您所说,移民中有英文不好的,这不是问题,但英文不好还不肯学习, 还一味谴责别人和自认为受到歧视,我觉得这个就是心态问题了。 术业有专攻,BC政府或者省政府有不同的项目帮助新移民安顿和提高英文,您不应强求一个项目能面面俱到帮助所有人。英文不好的移民,如果在国内有专业工作,希望在加拿大从事本行工作,完全可以先提高英文。免费的英文ELSA一个级别大概是半年的时间,就算新移民过来英文是1级,如果不断学习的话,提高到5-6级也就是3年的时间,那仍有时间参加Skills Connect Program,得到寻找专业工作的就业帮助, Skills Connect Program帮助的是landing不超过5年的移民,即便您明天landing满5年,今天仍可以参加Skills Connect Program.
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务我现在想法和刚来加拿大时的确不一样,政府机构和相关部门自己做了什么自己先检讨吧。另外,生活中不知道芹菜青菜怎么说的,不一定不会专业英语,不一定做不来基本专业工作。目前想法。
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务我觉得,这个项目是帮那些老头老太稳固自己的工作而已。他们连我们的资历都没有,却要企图做评价,控制你读什么科目,处处给你找麻烦。这是政府给钱给新移民读书!!你要用这些钱,却要先讨好这些处处为难你的人!人人都讨厌这个项目,因为这是让这些SB保留他们自己工作,他们是最大的得利人!
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务我觉得这个项目挺好的就是中国人参加的太少估计是大家都太忙了吧都忙着发牢骚去了
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务我参加了这个项目,项目本意是很好的。但是个别的一对一辅导员的态度真的不敢恭维,发邮件不回复,发简历希望帮忙提出修改建议,又不回复;这么好的项目这么好的宣讲,却无法落到实处,败在基层工作人员!
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务我觉得,这个项目是帮那些老头老太稳固自己的工作而已。他们连我们的资历都没有,却要企图做评价,控制你读什么科目,处处给你找麻烦。这是政府给钱给新移民读书!!你要用这些钱,却要先讨好这些处处为难你的人!人人都讨厌这个项目,因为这是让这些SB保留他们自己工作,他们是最大的得利人!点击展开... 更正一个误区,这个钱不是政府给新移民读书的钱,而是政府帮助新移民寻找专业工作的一个资助。Skills Connect是一个Employment Program。政府需要评估的是您需要take的课程是不是和您的专业相关,是不是和您的就业目标吻合,在时间上会不会和您找工作冲突。 如果您需要这个钱take 一个为期1-2年的Full Time课程,而且和您以往的经历和学历完全没有关系,那就一定不会被批准的。只能说明这个项目不适合您。
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务我觉得这个项目挺好的就是中国人参加的太少估计是大家都太忙了吧都忙着发牢骚去了点击展开... 真的挺有同感的。经常特别遗憾这么好的项目没有太多的中国人受益。 所以我还是尽我所能让周围能适用、能受益的朋友都知道有这么一个项目吧
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务祝大家在新年大吉大利! 在新的一年工作事业家庭事事如意!!等年过完了,别忘了我们每周四的Skills Connect Program Info Session!
回复: 帮助移民不超过5年的技术移民-Skills Connect Program - BC移民服务继续和正在找专业工作的移民朋友(移民不超过5年)分享这个项目! BC政府资助的Skills Connect Program,目前已经延长至2015年3月31日!! Skills Connect Program是一个为期12个月的项目,如果您移民不超过5年,目前又不能entitle EI-funded training,但您仍在努力寻找专业工作,或者希望进行海外学历认证,进行短期专业培训,请考虑Skills Connect Program!欢迎您致电询问项目详情!604-590-4021
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