加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean
很多朋友问欧这个问题,贴出来让所有想了解的朋友们共享! Mexico cruise visa is not required for citizens of China for a stay up to 3 days. Good news if cruise visa is the correct choice for the purpose of your trip to Mexico.<LI class=let>Check the current validity of your passport.All travelers will need a passport valid for at least 90 days following your departure date from Mexico. However, we strongly recommend traveling with 6 months validity on your passport at all times. VisaHQ can assist U.S. citizens with a full range of expedited passport services, including new passport application and passport renewal.<LI class=let>Make sure your passport has blank Visa pages.Most destinations, including Mexico, require that you have adequate un-used pages in your passport, allowing for any necessary stamps upon arrival and departure. We recommend that you have at least two free pages in Visas section of your passport before any international travel. U.S. citizens can get extra passport pages added to their passports as fast as within 24 hours.<LI class=let>Confirm if transit visa is required for any connections.Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Mexico. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country.
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871 超赞 赏 sine 0$(VIP 0) 2862010-03-09#2 回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,CaribbeanThank you.
回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean可惜原来不知道阿,不然圣诞放假正好去了,一般几天啊
回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean刚刚反应过来,一般父母探亲来加办的都是单次往返,虽然可以办理美签,如果去美国上船,走陆路还可以从美国回加,坐飞机就回不来了。所以父母单次探亲往返的朋友,请不要被偶误导了!不好意思,让很多朋友白高兴一场了!
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871 超赞 赏 alberto 0$(VIP 0) 16,2612010-03-09#5 回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean有点复杂啊。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake很多朋友问欧这个问题,贴出来让所有想了解的朋友们共享! Mexico cruise visa is not required for citizens of China for a stay up to 3 days. Good news if cruise visa is the correct choice for the purpose of your trip to Mexico.<LI class=let>Check the current validity of your passport.All travelers will need a passport valid for at least 90 days following your departure date from Mexico. However, we strongly recommend traveling with 6 months validity on your passport at all times. VisaHQ can assist U.S. citizens with a full range of expedited passport services, including new passport application and passport renewal.<LI class=let>Make sure your passport has blank Visa pages.Most destinations, including Mexico, require that you have adequate un-used pages in your passport, allowing for any necessary stamps upon arrival and departure. We recommend that you have at least two free pages in Visas section of your passport before any international travel. U.S. citizens can get extra passport pages added to their passports as fast as within 24 hours.<LI class=let>Confirm if transit visa is required for any connections.Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Mexico. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country.点击展开...one entry的探亲签证应该不能让你去了墨西哥再回到加拿大吧。
钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore 超赞 赏 酿酒阿J 0$(VIP 0) 9,8112010-03-10#7 回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean好像还是有点复杂的哦
回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean持一次加拿大旅游探亲签证,在逗留加拿大的有效期内,可从美国海陆空------任意次,入加拿大境,没问题,放心去坐邮轮吧! ============================================================点击展开... 真的吗,美乐?偶只查到了从陆路可以任意往返美加,没看到海空啊。如果是这样,那来探亲的父母,只要有美签,真的可以行走中北美洲啦! 有没有网站可以看到规定啊?
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871好像还是有点复杂的哦点击展开... 确实有点复杂,谁让咱是中国公民呢?有枫叶卡还好点,很多朋友都想带来探亲的父母出去多转转,哪里能去哪里不能去,就需要搞清楚,搞明白。 欧就是在研究这一点呢。谢谢美乐的指点! 有经验的朋友也请多多赐教!
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871 超赞 赏 K kitty111 0$(VIP 0) 2,8622010-03-10#13 回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,CaribbeanGreat! 这个信息对欧这个新人来说简直太重要了!以后有什么疑问,欧就直接找美乐啦!还望不胜赐教! 再次感谢!晚安!
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871刚刚反应过来,一般父母探亲来加办的都是单次往返,虽然可以办理美签,如果去美国上船,走陆路还可以从美国回加,坐飞机就回不来了。所以父母单次探亲往返的朋友,请不要被偶误导了!不好意思,让很多朋友白高兴一场了!点击展开...
http://www.canadameet.com1. 一定要美国签证,好像没有哪个Cruise从加拿大到墨西哥不经过美国的。2. 单次签证没有问题。只要不离开北美大陆就可以,飞不飞问题不大。3. 加拿大永久居民不需要墨西哥签证。4. 三天的cruise太短。5. 父母坐游轮不需要子女带着。点击展开...谢谢指教!1。美国签证是前提条件,偶一高兴,忘了把前提条件列上了。不好意思,让大家误会。2。单次签证的问题,偶一直有疑问, 现在美乐和您都给了欧明确答案,不胜感激。3。加永久居民确实不需要墨西哥签证,欧在加勒比海邮轮信息里已经说明。现在只是针对来探亲的中国公民坐邮轮到墨西哥是否需要签证的问题。4。stay up to 3 days,不是指Cruise的天数,而是指上岸后在墨西哥逗留的天数。其实cruise一般挂港后,基本都是白天上岸,晚上回船上,不会连续逗留3天的。5。欧只想着欧家父母因为语言习惯等问题确实需要欧们带着坐邮轮,就推断所有来探亲的父母都需要子女陪着,确实有点武断。不过父母自己坐邮轮,跟同自己的子女甚或孙子孙女一起享受邮轮的乐趣,相信他们的感觉会很不同。各持己见吧。
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871不客气! 相互交流! 我也要向你学习那。点击展开...那我们都不客气啦,互相学习吧!不断学习,才能进步。偶一直推崇:三人行,必有我师!
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871谢谢指教!1。美国签证是前提条件,偶一高兴,忘了把前提条件列上了。不好意思,让大家误会。2。单次签证的问题,偶一直有疑问, 现在美乐和您都给了欧明确答案,不胜感激。3。加永久居民确实不需要墨西哥签证,欧在加勒比海邮轮信息里已经说明。现在只是针对来探亲的中国公民坐邮轮到墨西哥是否需要签证的问题。4。stay up to 3 days,不是指Cruise的天数,而是指上岸后在墨西哥逗留的天数。其实cruise一般挂港后,基本都是白天上岸,晚上回船上,不会连续逗留3天的。5。欧只想着欧家父母因为语言习惯等问题确实需要欧们带着坐邮轮,就推断所有来探亲的父母都需要子女陪着,确实有点武断。不过父母自己坐邮轮,跟同自己的子女甚或孙子孙女一起享受邮轮的乐趣,相信他们的感觉会很不同。各持己见吧。点击展开... 其实到墨西哥不如去Cancun呢,比坐Cruise好,要坐Cruise,温哥华去阿拉斯加好了。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 K kitty111 0$(VIP 0) 2,8622010-03-31#19 回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean复制过来以备后查。 来源:www.cic.gc.ca Single-entry visa A single-entry visa allows you to enter Canada once.When you arrive at the point of entry in Canada, an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency will make sure you meet the requirements to enter Canada. The officer will authorize your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document. If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada. If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document. If you leave Canada during your authorized stay, you must get a new visitor visa to re-enter Canada. There are two exceptions: you can visit the United States or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and return to Canada without getting a new visa, as long as you: 1. return within the initial period authorized by the immigration officer or2. have a valid visitor record, work permit, study permit, or a temporary resident permit (authorizing re-entry) and return within the initial period authorized by the officer.
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871 超赞 赏 夏汐 0$(VIP 0) 652010-04-01#20 回复: 可以带探亲的父母坐游轮啦!Cruise Visas not required to Mexico,Caribbean真麻烦
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