加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)



回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)(ZT)当然支持中国,都是华人。台菲事件看的不够残酷吗?美国的政策:以华制华,碰到美国利益,台湾什么都不是邓小平曾说过两岸只要统一,国号国旗可以改,叫中华共和国也行。我们主动也许还可以谈国号,将来被迫统一,只能接受五星旗。台湾人心底都知道两岸将来会统一,就是在矜持中华民国这块招牌。台湾可以倒,最多就是统一,反正也是自治区,大致上不会变。可是中国大陆不能倒,一旦倒了华人的地位堪虞,东南亚的排华政策多恐怖。前阵马来西亚选举,华人在马国是二等公民,有个中国大陆在亚洲都这样了。何况中国倒了,全球华人再看看会如何吧,台湾能生存吗

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)中国不能倒不然我们这些在外的华人日子会很艰难

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)专制可以变民主,黄种人无法变白种人,在黄种人的世界你可以要民主,在白种人的世界你要了民主还是XIA等人

@ 超赞 赏 小和尚最爱妹的小和尚 0$(VIP 0) 34,0832013-08-01#5 回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)下等人只是一个称呼,无关紧要。加拿大同是白人天下当美国的小弟,什么价格输送的原油,什么价格买的成品油相必大家都清楚,经济上的掠夺举不胜举。

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)问题不成立,中国美国没道理打起来, 都没有这个攻击到对方领土的能力.

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)下等人只是一个称呼,无关紧要。加拿大同是白人天下当美国的小弟,什么价格输送的原油,什么价格买的成品油相必大家都清楚,经济上的掠夺举不胜举。点击展开...你先说说油的事, 我真是不清楚.回头你再说说不胜举.

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)你先说说油的事, 我真是不清楚.回头你再说说不胜举.点击展开... 1)油品本身有问题2)美国管线的巧妙设置,库欣。起的作用相当大。3)大张旗鼓宣传太平洋油管只是近两年来的叛逆行动,但现在还未实施。Why Canada just pumps out cheap oil This chart shows the discrepancy between what the most common Canadian oil blend goes for on the international market versus other benchmark oils. (Richard Storms/CBC) TransCanada pushes ahead on Keystone segmentKEYSTONE: Forget the pipeline, this is about the oilsands Even a quick look at the price at gas pumps makes it clear that oil prices have risen this year. The European oil benchmark, Brent crude extracted from the North Sea between Norway and Britain, has gained 15 per cent this year because of rising demand and dwindling supply due to tensions in the Middle East.But not all oils are created equal, as prices for other blends have fallen. West Texas Intermediate, the American benchmark, has lagged because there’s too much of the stuff right now.Almost all North American oil at some point crosses through the refining and pipeline hub of Cushing, Okla. There’s a supply glut there at the moment and that, combined with temporary shutdowns of pipelines and refineries is pushing the spot price for WTI lower.Supply glut “We have more oil moving into the system than the pipeline system in North America was designed to accommodate,” as Randy Ollenberger, a managing director at BMO Capital Markets puts it.Many factors are pushing the price for North American crude lower, but the hit for Canadian oil companies specifically is even worse. The most prevalent Canadian benchmark is called Western Canadian Select. A blend of conventional oil, bitumen and synthetics, WCS is heavier and therefore more difficult to process than some other types of oil like Brent and WTI.Because of the added transportation and refining costs, the profit margin a refiner can earn from using WCS is less than they would get from WTI. So refiners are paying Canadian producers less per barrel as a result.Canada exports almost three million barrels of oil per day, and the spread has at times been in excess of $30 per barrel of late, so that’s $90 million in lost revenue, every day, for the oil patch.'We are the ones being pushed out and having to discount our oil in order to move it'—BMO's Randy Ollenberger​It’s one of the things the Bank of Canada warned about in its latest Monetary Policy Report this week. Despite being awash in fossil fuels, Canadian producers aren’t getting as much money for their crude as suppliers elsewhere in the world do, which eats into GDP.It's especially vexing because Canadians pay the same high prices as the rest of the world for finished petroleum products like gasoline. Add it all up and the price Canada pays for the Brent-based oil it imports is going up, and the price Canada gets for the oil we export is going down — giving our economy a hit both coming and going.So what’s the solution?Many people say increasing pipeline capacity is the answer. "Since Canada's at the end of that pipeline, so to speak, we are the ones being pushed out and having to discount our oil in order to move it," Ollenburger said.Backers of pipelines like Northern Gateway and Keystone XL say they're the best way to take Canadian oil more quickly and \efficiently to export markets and refineries on the Pacific coast and the Gulf of Mexico.Recent moves to reverse the flow of oil on pipelines south of the Cushing hub will help relieve the backlog, but over the long term, Canada’s lacks a reliable system to get its crude oil to market at the best possible price.Some say another possible solution is to build more refineries in Canada, but that, too, is problematic.Refining industry contracting It’s a common criticism of Canada’s economy that we are merely “hewers of wood and drawers of water,” because we simply ship out unprocessed resources, without being more involved at every level of the supply chain to add more value to that process.NDP leadership candidate Brian Topp made boosting Canadian refineries a plank in his failed campaign to lead the party. From the other end of the political spectrum, former Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed has also championed that idea.Indeed, Canada’s refining industry is a shadow of what it once was. In the 1970’s there were about 40 refineries across the country. That figure has been whittled down to 19 today. The remaining facilities offset that decline by increasing their individual capacity, but the industry is far from growing as a whole. Because of fuel efficiency improvements in North America, demand for crude and distillates like gasoline, diesel and jet fuel is projected to be essentially flat moving forward. The gap between what Canadian oil companies get for their oil versus the rest of the world has never been higher. (Richard Storms/CBC)​Unlike the international market for crude, refining is dictated by local markets, and that gives refining among the slimmest profit margins of the entire energy supply chain. Over the past decade, estimates suggest that pre-tax returns in the refining industry have averaged 11 per cent per year, Conference Board economist Todd Crawford noted in a recent report.Even in oil-rich Alberta, the oil refining business accounts for only about 0.3 per cent of GDP at the moment.A recent report by the Conference Board of Canada concluded it would cost about $7 billion to build a single new refinery. With almost 60 refineries sitting largely idle on the U.S. Gulf coast, it’s a tough sell to make that sort of investment in a project destined to have diminishing returns.Never mind having to compete with some of the super-refineries in Asia. India recently built a single refinery whose output is 60 per cent of that of all of Canada’s, for example."Our findings suggest that even if development and production of oil resources continue to grow strongly in Canada, the future economic benefits, job creation, and profits from oil refining and processing are much less assured," Crawford found in his report.Brian Lee Crowley of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute agrees that the economics of refining are tricky. “Anything below 200,000 barrels per day isn’t economical anymore,” he notes.Refineries on the U.S. Gulf coast are running well below capacity as it is (capacity is at just under 18 million barrels per day, while demand sits at under 15 million) which makes the business case for a new, Canadian refinery even more flimsy. And gulf refineries are already calibrated to process Venezuelan oil, which is chemically very similar to Canadian oil.“It’s a hugely complicated issue but at the moment, increasing Canadian refining capacity isn’t the best way to get top dollar for Canadian oil,” Crowley says. “Pipelines make more sense.”Beyond the Gulf coast, Crowley notes that expanded pipeline access to the B.C. coast would allow shipping to Asia, where crude is very much in demand.“The reality is we are starting to produce more oil than we need,” Ollenberger says. ”So sending it over to Asia which is the fastest growing market in the world would make a lot of sense.”</DIV>

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)1)油品本身有问题2)美国管线的巧妙设置,库欣。起的作用相当大。3)大张旗鼓宣传太平洋油管只是近两年来的叛逆行动,但现在还未实施。点击展开...我看了你贴的这篇文章, 跟经济掠夺扯不上关系.

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)我看了你贴的这篇文章, 跟经济掠夺扯不上关系.点击展开... 聪明脑袋做的事,不是每个人都能想象得出的,类似索罗斯之类的。库欣的事,以前看过一篇论文的翻译,很复杂,看了一个晚上,结论是:故意的,国家战略。

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)聪明脑袋做的事,不是每个人都能想象得出的,类似索罗斯之类的。库欣的事,以前看过一篇论文的翻译,很复杂,看了一个晚上,结论是:故意的,国家战略。点击展开...字, 我大概都认识,意思, 一点没明白.

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)字, 我大概都认识,意思, 一点没明白.点击展开... 这三个之间的巨大差价,不是完全油品造成的。而是因为油管走向经过强人的人为设计造成的。加拿大不造大规模炼油厂,建太平洋油管一波三折,不是表面理由这么简单的,包括那些环保团体,背后有人资助,要达到金主的目的。详细你可以问问卡尔加里美女里布拉。

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)这三个之间的巨大差价,不是完全油品造成的。而是因为油管走向经过强人的人为设计造成的。 点击展开...强人是谁, 怎么设计的, 要说强人是美国, 他怎么把brent crude弄的比自己的还贵.

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)强人是谁, 怎么设计的, 要说强人是美国, 他怎么把brent crude弄的比自己的还贵.点击展开...是国家战略,为了不让自己国家CPI上升到需要加息的地步,这样整个市场低利率,就能减少国债利息付出,否则美国政府早玩完了。 美国的油价就是要比世界其他地方低,牺牲加拿大就算是小弟也是应该的。 你去查查,西德克萨斯布伦特哪个油品好。

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)是国家战略,为了不让自己国家CPI上升到需要加息的地步,这样整个市场低利率,就能减少国债利息付出,否则美国政府早玩完了。 美国的油价就是要比世界其他地方低,牺牲加拿大就算是小弟也是应该的。点击展开...你说成品油还是原油,成品油的价格大家都是一样的, 差别是税,原油北海brent crude最贵, 加拿大最便宜, 美国中间,

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)你说成品油还是原油,成品油的价格大家都是一样的, 差别是税,原油北海brent crude最贵, 加拿大最便宜, 美国中间,点击展开... 我先说的是原油 西德克萨斯中间基原油(West Texas Intermediate)是产自美国内陆的一种轻质低硫原油,简称WTI。API密度39.6,比布伦特原油更轻,含硫量只有0.24%。

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)我先说的是原油 西德克萨斯中间基原油(West Texas Intermediate)是产自美国内陆的一种轻质低硫原油,简称WTI。API密度39.6,比布伦特原油更轻,含硫量只有0.24%。点击展开...你太多阴毛了, 我搞不懂,

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)你太多阴毛了, 我搞不懂,点击展开...谁像你?纯情少女一个。

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)(ZT)当然支持中国,都是华人。台菲事件看的不够残酷吗?美国的政策:以华制华,碰到美国利益,台湾什么都不是邓小平曾说过两岸只要统一,国号国旗可以改,叫中华共和国也行。我们主动也许还可以谈国号,将来被迫统一,只能接受五星旗。台湾人心底都知道两岸将来会统一,就是在矜持中华民国这块招牌。台湾可以倒,最多就是统一,反正也是自治区,大致上不会变。可是中国大陆不能倒,一旦倒了华人的地位堪虞,东南亚的排华政策多恐怖。前阵马来西亚选举,华人在马国是二等公民,有个中国大陆在亚洲都这样了。何况中国倒了,全球华人再看看会如何吧,台湾能生存吗点击展开...中华共和国,不就是REPUBLIC OF CHINA嘛一个党垮台和一个国家玩儿完绝对是两个概念吧?你也相信那个党完了就是中国这个国家的末日?当一个国家的人总需要费心思琢磨买什么东西贿赂老师和医生的时候,谁还会在意怕别人打进来呢政府官员腐败不可怕。当一个国家连教育和医疗这两个体系统统都烂掉了,那才让人看不到任何希望。

回复: 台湾网友:"若中美开战 你会选择谁?"(ZT)我谁都不选择!第一, 老子和儿子的关系, 打也是假打!第二, 别人的家事, 不参与为好!第三, 军队是党的,不是国家的, 你想选都没得选!

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