加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver这个故事好玩
这丫头在网上发现自己丢的自行车了,假装说要买,试车时就骑跑了. A Vancouver woman says she decided to take justice into her own hands after she allegedly spotted her stolen bike for sale online. Kayla Smith thought she was never going to get her bike back after it went missing, but then the next day it popped up for sale on Craigslist.So she contacted the seller and arranged to meet him at a McDonald's restaurant. Once he arrived she quickly spotted some stickers and special brakes on the bike that she says confirmed it was hers."Holy crap this is my bike," Smith told CBC News. "Like what do I do? And then I was just, like, play dumb."The seller told her he'd bought it from his roommate. "And then I was like, hum, no you didn't. You stole it from me last night, you liar," she said she thought to herself.So she asked if she could take it for a test ride around the parking lot, "and then I just got on it... and rode away," she said.When CBC News called the seller's phone number listed in the original Craigslist post, the person denied the allegations.Vancouver police Const. Brian Montague cautions against confronting alleged thieves."This can be really dangerous. You don't know who you're dealing with," he said."We would obviously suggest if you see your stolen property or something you believe to be your stolen property for sale online, we can arrange with the victim to set up a meeting to purchase this, just like the victim did in this case."Smith did file a report with Vancouver police when the bike was stolen, but Montague says police are now unable to catch the person responsible for stealing the bike.
回复: 这个故事好玩中文版:温哥华美女把被偷的自行车又“偷”了回来(图)http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2013/0827/219327.html
回复: 这个故事好玩嗯,比较励志。。。
回复: 这个故事好玩之前在美国发生过,同样警察不鼓励这么做。另外,抢夺/偷窃的罪名不适合属于自己的财产,所以警察决定对事主免于立案。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 helen2856 0$(VIP 0) 4352013-08-27#5 回复: 这个故事好玩但这样做合法吗?求扫盲!
宁静致远但这样做合法吗?求扫盲!点击展开...我小的时候, 特别想要一辆自行车, 每天跟上帝祈祷,祈祷了三个月, 上帝也没给我自行车,但是, 我明白了上帝的意思,我去偷了一辆, 祈祷上帝原谅.
回复: 这个故事好玩之前在美国发生过,同样警察不鼓励这么做。另外,抢夺/偷窃的罪名不适合属于自己的财产,所以警察决定对事主免于立案。点击展开...OJ Simpson就是抢自己的东西被判的.
回复: 这个故事好玩OJ Simpson就是抢自己的东西被判的.点击展开...???证据。。
回复: 这个故事好玩???证据。。点击展开...给你一段维基的,In September 2007, a group of men led by Simpson entered a room at the Palace Station hotel-casino and took sports memorabilia at gunpoint, which resulted in Simpson's being questioned by police.[44][45] Simpson admitted to taking the items, which he said had been stolen from him, but denied breaking into the hotel room; he also denied that he or anyone else carried a gun.[46][47] He was released after questioning.
回复: 这个故事好玩Two days later, however, Simpson was arrested[3] and initially held without bail.[48] Along with three other men, Simpson was charged with multiple felony counts, including criminal conspiracy, kidnapping, assault, robbery, and using a deadly weapon.[49][50] Bail was set at $125,000, with stipulations that Simpson have no contact with the co-defendants and that he surrender his passport. Simpson did not enter a plea.[51][52] By the end of October 2007, all three of Simpson's co-defendants had plea-bargained with the prosecution in the Clark County, Nevada court case. Walter Alexander and Charles H. Cashmore accepted plea agreements in exchange for reduced charges and their testimony against Simpson and three other co-defendants, including testimony that guns were used in the robbery.[53] Co-defendant Michael McClinton told a Las Vegas judge that he, too would plead guilty to reduced charges and testify against Simpson that guns were used in the robbery. After the hearings, the judge ordered that Simpson be tried for the heist.
回复: 这个故事好玩我小的时候, 特别想要一辆自行车, 每天跟上帝祈祷,祈祷了三个月, 上帝也没给我自行车,但是, 我明白了上帝的意思,我去偷了一辆, 祈祷上帝原谅.点击展开...别老拿上帝开涮,小心意外
回复: 这个故事好玩别老拿上帝开涮,小心意外点击展开...别拿上帝威胁,
回复: 这个故事好玩这丫头这幅得意的样子
回复: 这个故事好玩给你一段维基的,In September 2007, a group of men led by Simpson entered a room at the Palace Station hotel-casino and took sports memorabilia at gunpoint, which resulted in Simpson's being questioned by police.[44][45] Simpson admitted to taking the items, which he said had been stolen from him, but denied breaking into the hotel room; he also denied that he or anyone else carried a gun.[46][47] He was released after questioning.点击展开...criminal conspiracy, kidnapping, assault, robbery, and using a deadly weapon可能是他自己的纪念品,但需要密谋,绑架,谋杀,(抢,使用致命武器---可以理解)
回复: 这个故事好玩别拿上帝威胁,点击展开...虽然俺批评小葡萄,可其实俺还是很尊敬上帝这词。因为这几乎是不多的几样每个人都可以宣称属于自己的东西之一。OMG
回复: 这个故事好玩卖单车的好笨啊,为什么不要求买家留下押金才让试车呢?
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