加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!


家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗,家有女磅爷(真)的不用看大伙还记得2010年North Delta公园发生的惨剧没?一个17岁的男子精虫上脑,从家里拿了作案工具,plastic tie straps和棍子,在公园对一15岁女孩下手,拟强暴,未遂,就用铁棍把女孩活活打死了此人之前还做过4次类似的未遂案子,扒裤子,棒打,摸胸,等等,纯属暴力不良少年,菜鸟色狼一号现在要判他坐牢,法官说此人可享受宗人府天牢(类比天朝秦城监狱)单间优待,估计条件甚至好过陈良宇,跟高贵林镇关西罗伯特大叔一个待遇,还受特别保护,想必菊花基本安康http://www.theprovince.com/news/Lau...ller+Robert+Pickton+warden/8929082/story.htmlLaura Szendrei's killer would need same prison protection as serial killer Robert Pickton, warden saysURREY, B.C. — A young man who murdered a 15-year-old Delta girl would need the same secure custody setting in prison as those given to high-profile offenders such as serial killer Robert Pickton, a provincial court judge heard Wednesday.The man, who can't be named because he was 17 at the time of the murder, pleaded guilty last year to killing Laura Szendrei in a North Delta park after he attempted to subdue and rape the girl in September 2010.Harry Draaisma, deputy warden of operations for the Fraser Regional Correctional Centre, told a sentencing hearing on Wednesday that the man would need to be separated from the rest of the prison population because of the nature and the notoriety of his crime.Draaisma said the young man's offence was highly publicized by the media. He would need to be isolated in prison for his own protection, similar to the way Pickton was, Draaisma said."An inmate who probably knew a lot of the guys who were inmates, and may do very well in a population of those guys, could never be trusted with other inmates because of the notoriety of his offences, and the chances of (inmates) gaining favour by taking him out," he testified.Defence lawyer Donna Turko challenged Draaisma's conclusion, arguing that while Szendrei's murder was covered extensively by the media, the young man was known to be someone who is easy to get along with, and his crimes were only directed at women."Because of the nature of offence, the high media information around it, it creates a very dangerous situation for that individual who we must protect," Draaisma answered firmly.The man, who is now 21 years old, had targeted three other women several months before he killed Szendrei.The girl had been on her way to meet some friends in the park when the man attacked her. Szendrei screamed and got away, but he caught up with her and beat her over the head with a metal pipe.The man pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, and is expected to address the court later in his sentencing hearing.Judge Robin Baird is deciding whether to sentence him as an adult or as a youth.If sentenced as an adult, the man would receive life in prison with eligibility for parole after seven years.If he receives a youth sentence, he would get seven years, with four years served behind bars and the remainder served in the community.Draaisma pointed out there are no sexual offender programs available at Fraser Regional Correctional Centre.Karen Ann Sloat, with Correctional Service of Canada, told the court that if the young man was sent to a federal penitentiary, he would have access to rehabilitation programs even if he was placed in segregation.© Copyright (c) The Province

Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 sabre 174$(VIP 0,#15) 85,0652013-09-19#2 回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!>>>The man, who can't be named because he was 17 at the time of the murder>>>wtf

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!可怕

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!要防止他被同牢犯做掉,只能关单间。这只是依法行事,有什么可奇怪的

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!要防止他被同牢犯做掉,只能关单间。这只是依法行事,有什么可奇怪的点击展开...是啊,为什么说是噩耗?对谁而言?

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!是啊,为什么说是噩耗?对谁而言?点击展开...对女孩父母,她老爸应该是混帮派的,早就安排人准备下手了,这下有点麻烦这种恶少将来放出来更是不得了,不如就。。。

Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 yuantangling 0$(VIP 0) 2,2382013-09-19#7 回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!17岁未成年人,应该单间关押保护。等关到成年就可以放进公共间了。

2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了! 超赞 赏 秒针 0$(VIP 0) 8582013-09-19#8 回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!早晚的事,让这小子等着吧,那家的老爸是天使的人。

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!早晚的事,让这小子等着吧,那家的老爸是天使的人。点击展开...+1照片上能看出来,受害者老爸不管到哪,都穿着俱乐部的背心,就是传递一个恨严厉的警告我赌那小子非死不可,而且死的非常难看

Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 towerx 0$(VIP 0) 4772013-09-19#10 回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!17 还是18 岁真的那么重要吗。难道差一天或差一个小时就是死,不死的标准。不过多么邪恶,多么主观??????

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!+1照片上能看出来,受害者老爸不管到哪,都穿着俱乐部的背心,就是传递一个恨严厉的警告我赌那小子非死不可,而且死的非常难看点击展开...我加2磅

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!+1照片上能看出来,受害者老爸不管到哪,都穿着俱乐部的背心,就是传递一个恨严厉的警告我赌那小子非死不可,而且死的非常难看点击展开...这种禽兽,凌迟处死也不解恨。

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!如果按未成年人判决,四年就出来了。

一叶知秋 超赞 赏 whitegret 0$(VIP 0) 7372013-09-20#14 回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!应该修法,什么未成年,能刚出这种事情,就有应该毙了

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!早晚的事,让这小子等着吧,那家的老爸是天使的人。点击展开...如果我是警察,我会对这个罪犯的死看不见,死了才发现他的尸体。这种罪犯被死牢犯清除掉有助于社会治安太平,他死了不能再祸害别的女孩。


回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!17岁未成年人,应该单间关押保护。等关到成年就可以放进公共间了。点击展开...现在都已经21了,只是犯事的那年17

乱码天使?地狱天使吗?我以为这个组织是印度人呢!点击展开...呵呵那天开车刚转上一号高速,就看见沿路有几辆警车闪着灯停路边。心里还嘀咕难道出了啥事?不多久迎面开来一队摩托车队浩浩荡荡延绵大概有上百米,阵仗那叫一个大!全部清一色的太子,骑手全部黑衣黑裤,酷毙了!后面还有几辆警车紧跟着。心想估计是给啥高官开路?(嘻嘻俺的中国式思维)然后就听儿子一声高呼"oh hells angels"!看来这的警察对他们可是如临大敌呀!

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!呵呵那天开车刚转上一号高速,就看见沿路有几辆警车闪着灯停路边。心里还嘀咕难道出了啥事?不多久迎面开来一队摩托车队浩浩荡荡延绵大概有上百米,阵仗那叫一个大!全部清一色的太子,骑手全部黑衣黑裤,酷毙了!后面还有几辆警车紧跟着。心想估计是给啥高官开路?(嘻嘻俺的中国式思维)然后就听儿子一声高呼"oh hells angels"!看来这的警察对他们可是如临大敌呀!点击展开...儿子见多识广

回复: 家有女儿的(尤其Teenager,含以下)必看,另一噩耗!。。

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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