加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!
记得2010年Pitt Meadows市 Lougheed Hwy的事故不?一年轻女子严重超速(80限速开130),闯红灯,右转专用道强行直行,结果失控,越过隔离栏腾空砸烂对面正常行驶的车,压死车里一对无辜情侣法官宣判该嫌犯无罪释放,案子撤销(Case Dismissed),说那个肇事司机“ just having a bad day' before crash that killed young couple“这事算完了,瞧,闯个红灯。超个速,压死个人,屁事没有估计解放区Westminster Hwy那次超速200闯红灯撞死中年华妇的事故也会参照这个判决结果万能的律师,牛逼的法官,无能的Crown,开心的肇事者,伤心的死者家人,傻眼的旁观群众大家知道以后怎么做了吧? 出事了一定得说头天夫妻吵架,职场不顺,优惠券过期,家里的狗生病,汽油太贵,等等,反正除了别说你爸是李刚,其他都行http://www.theprovince.com/news/Judge+finds+driver+guilty/8931050/story.html" Judge finds driver not guilty Courts: Woman 'just having a bad day' before crash that killed young couple By Paula Baker, With Files From Amy Judd September 19, 2013 The trial for the driver facing charges in connection with the death of a young couple in Pitt Meadows in 2010 wrapped up Wednesday in dramatic fashion.Andelina He cimovic , charged with two counts of dangerous driving causing death, was found not guilty of killing Beckie Dyer, 19, and Johnny De Oliveira, 21, by the judge.As soon as the verdict was heard, De Oliveira's family stood up and walked out of the courtroom.Along the way, the young man's father threw a garbage can and broke a table in reaction to the judge's decision. "It's OK for people to drive vehicles and kill people and get away with it and not serve any time," De Oliveira's dad told reporters outside the courthouse."I think it's pathetic ... own up to what you've done wrong.... She's a coward."In October 2010, Hecimovic was driving on the Lougheed Highway in Pitt Meadows when she skidded sideways over a concrete median near Harris Road, flipped and slammed into the roof of the young couple's Suzuki Swift, killing them.More than a dozen family members were in court to listen to witness accounts. The Crown put forth three points that the now-26-yearold did that night three years ago to cause this accident - she was going 130 km/h in an 80-km/h zone; she went into the right-turning lane, thinking it was a straight-through lane (even though she was familiar with this intersection) and she ran a red light.On those three points Madam Justice Miriam Gropper dismissed both counts of dangerous driving causing death, saying the Crown had to prove a mere departure (which would have caused civil action) or a marked departure (which would have brought criminal action) of Hecimovic's normal driving behaviour.In the judge's ruling, it's believed the woman was "just having a bad day."The family of De Oliveira is looking at their options for a possible appeal.© Copyright (c) The Province"
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 L Lilia_Van 0$(VIP 0) 1,1672013-09-19#2 回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!法官充分证明了一个道理,撞死别人比被别人撞死强
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!不服不行。
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 清 清明上河图 0$(VIP 0) 2,5612013-09-19#6 回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!看看对蓝可儿的死因调查和对杀害胡雅婷罪犯的轻判,就知道美国加拿大的法律形同虚设, 是用来敷衍弱者受害者的。
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!md,什么逻辑。死者太无辜了。
钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore看看对蓝可儿的死因调查和对杀害胡雅婷罪犯的轻判,就知道美国加拿大的法律形同虚设, 是用来敷衍弱者受害者的。点击展开...文大妈果然一针见血,期待一句话评论中国法律
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!先下手为强。N年前,一个印裔小伙闯红灯压死一过马路老太太,老太太家人不依不饶,最后印裔被判遣返回印度。老太太家人亲自去机场看他走的。
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!文大妈果然一针见血,期待一句话评论中国法律点击展开...期待你个头啊。我凭什么要按你的要求做?你算老几啊。
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!悲剧中的悲剧
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!期待你个头啊。我凭什么要按你的要求做?你算老几啊。点击展开...看官暂息雷霆之怒,略罢虎狼之威
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 B bigmikeasir 0$(VIP 0) 4852013-09-19#13 回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!肇事者和受害者都分别开什么车?
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!肇事者和受害者都分别开什么车?点击展开...注意,这不是两车相撞,而是一车腾空飞起,高速落体砸到另一辆车顶上就算一Smart飞起砸X5上,X5也够呛
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!!期待你个头啊。我凭什么要按你的要求做?你算老几啊。点击展开...报告文大妈,我在家排行老二,另外我一点儿都不期待你的头,我只期待你嘴里能吐出什么来
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!人在车中坐,祸从天上来。
快快的想,慢慢的说肇事者和受害者都分别开什么车?点击展开...受害者是SUZUKI SWIFT,小得不能再小的车
回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!注意,这不是两车相撞,而是一车腾空飞起,高速落体砸到另一辆车顶上就算一Smart飞起砸X5上,X5也够呛点击展开...不一样, smart飞起来,自己也活不成吧?
爬楼捡币 超赞 赏 yuantangling 0$(VIP 0) 2,2382013-09-19#19 回复: 开车不注意的注意了,福音!开车注意的也注意了,噩耗!看这新闻的后半段,法官的说法,好像认为危险驾驶仅仅是意外导致了死亡,不是故意导致的死亡,所以不能算危险驾驶致人死亡罪成立。或者说这种程度的危险驾驶通常不会致人死亡,除非发生意外。
2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了!法官充分证明了一个道理,撞死别人比被别人撞死强点击展开...
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