加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?宝宝出生后在医院会给你填一些表格,包括出生证明,医疗卡,工卡。你老公的不清楚,估计得按正规的途径去申请吧!
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?我11月份要生小孩了,请问新生儿的医疗保险是自动会添加,还是要打电话给MSP添加到家庭的账户么?是否要等新生儿出生后,确定新生儿的名字以后才能添加,在添加以前,孩子的医疗费用是算在妈妈的名下么?我想知道如何添加孩子的宝宝到我已有的医疗账户中?点击展开...网上报名If the mother of a newborn has MSP coverage, the easiest way to enrol the newborn in MSP is by completing the Electronic Birth Registration through the Vital Statistics Agency. When you complete the Electronic Birth Registration, the Vital Statistics Agency sends the baby’s information to Health Insurance BC (HIBC) through a secure communications network. HIBC will then process the application and determine the baby’s eligibility for MSP coverage. This service is available athttps://ebr.vs.gov.bc.ca/由于我是长登,但孩子的爸爸一直是空中飞人,在加拿大每年住不满6个月,所以一直都是买旅游保险。现在孩子即将出生,他决定在加拿大每年住满6个月以上。点击展开...网上填写申请书MSP Account Change Add, Remove, Change or Correct Information for a Spousehttps://www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp/forms/hlth203/step1.health
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?网上报名If the mother of a newborn has MSP coverage, the easiest way to enrol the newborn in MSP is by completing the Electronic Birth Registration through the Vital Statistics Agency. When you complete the Electronic Birth Registration, the Vital Statistics Agency sends the baby’s information to Health Insurance BC (HIBC) through a secure communications network. HIBC will then process the application and determine the baby’s eligibility for MSP coverage. This service is available athttps://ebr.vs.gov.bc.ca/网上填写申请书MSP Account Change Add, Remove, Change or Correct Information for a Spousehttps://www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp/forms/hlth203/step1.health点击展开...太谢谢了!给您添加声望了
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?网上报名If the mother of a newborn has MSP coverage, the easiest way to enrol the newborn in MSP is by completing the Electronic Birth Registration through the Vital Statistics Agency. When you complete the Electronic Birth Registration, the Vital Statistics Agency sends the baby’s information to Health Insurance BC (HIBC) through a secure communications network. HIBC will then process the application and determine the baby’s eligibility for MSP coverage. This service is available athttps://ebr.vs.gov.bc.ca/网上填写申请书MSP Account Change Add, Remove, Change or Correct Information for a Spousehttps://www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp/forms/hlth203/step1.health点击展开...请问,如果老公从来没有在加拿大申请过医疗卡,那么在线填老公医疗卡的信息,应该填什么号码?如果不填,或者填0000000000,就无法在线提交了。
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?我打热线电话问过,如果以前没有医疗卡,要打印网上表格,再加枫叶卡复印邮寄申请。只是我不知道里面有一项:申请人何时来加要怎样填写?空中飞人是填最近一次过来的日期还是填以前的?
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?我打热线电话问过,如果以前没有医疗卡,要打印网上表格,再加枫叶卡复印邮寄申请。只是我不知道里面有一项:申请人何时来加要怎样填写?空中飞人是填最近一次过来的日期还是填以前的?点击展开...我看网站上说,第一次申请,在拿到医疗卡以前(抵达当月+2个月的等待期),不得离开BC省超过30天。所以我想应该填能够满足这个条件的日期吧。如果空中飞人申请过程中,直接离开加拿大应该会影响生效的。并且,拿到MSP之后,每年也需要住满6个月以上。只是不知道是怎么计算这六个月,是从每年的1月1日到12月31日,还是从医疗卡生效的时间开始计算一年?请哪位大侠来确认上述是否正确。
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?从每年的1月1日到12月31日, 也是打热线电话问来的, 第一年不算,因为有可能到达就已经下半年了, 第二年开始从1月1日算起,要半年居住。
回复: 请问怎么将新生儿和孩子的父亲怎么加进医疗卡?记号
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