加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver这也会发生?
今天偶然听到的新闻。一个90岁近乎失明的老人竟然被医院安排在深夜两点独自出院回家!Fitzpatrick, who is legally blind, was taken to Delta Hospital, located south of Vancouver, by an ambulance at 10:30 p.m. PT Tuesday night after she felt an intense pain in her leg, which turned out to be a case of high blood pressure.After she was cleared by a doctor, an unknown nurse came into her room and told her she was going home, Fitzpatrick said."The nurse came in and said 'the doctor says you can go home, there's nothing wrong with you,'" she told CBC News.Despite Fitzpatrick pointing out she wasn't dressed, the nurse told her they had ordered her a taxi and were sending her home."I was kind of stunned," she said.The nurse then wrapped her in a single sheet, gave her socks for her bare feet, and moved her into the emergency waiting room until the taxi arrived nearly an hour later at 2:30 a.m. PT.When the taxi arrived, the driver walked her across the parking lot in a wheelchair in the pouring rain and wind, she said.After arriving home, Fitzpatrick was greeted by her live-in caregiver, who noticed that her arm was bleeding considerably from her earlier blood tests."She took off my jacket, and my jacket was soaked right through with blood ... not my jacket, my pyjamas top and the sheet around me was soaked in blood," Fitzpatrick said.Fitzpatrick's daughter, Paddy Munro, is disturbed by the incident."How can that happen? A 90-year-old woman sent out in the pouring rain in pyjamas and shivering in a waiting room by herself," she said."How can that happen?"Fraser Health said in a written statement that it cannot comment on the specifics of the case, but that sometimes patients are sent home by taxi and it ensures patients are met by a caregiver when they arrive home."We are working with the family through the Patient Care and Quality Office to ensure this type of situation does not occur again," the statement said.Fitzpatrick is still shaken by her experience."I don't want to go to that hospital again, I'm so upset," she said.
一叶知秋 超赞 赏 星 星期一早上的四分卫 0$(VIP 0) 2042013-10-05#2 回复: 这也会发生?nothing is impossible
回复: 这也会发生?我竟然占沙发?这也会发生?
回复: 这也会发生?太不人性化了,啥素质啊这。
回复: 这也会发生?真可怜,俺最见不得老人和小孩受苦。
回复: 这也会发生?真可怜,俺最见不得老人和小孩受苦。点击展开...什么情况,婴儿头像?
回复: 这也会发生?藤妈又生了一个!点击展开...儿子还是孙子?
一叶知秋儿子还是孙子?点击展开... 哈,俩位超级想象力高手。21年前的儿子。希望过俩年真能再抱一个这样的孙娃,哈哈。
回复: 这也会发生?哈,俩位超级想象力高手。21年前的儿子。希望过俩年真能再抱一个这样的孙娃,哈哈。点击展开...唉,还以为你又添贵子,不添浪费,该生的不多生!
回复: 这也会发生?唉,还以为你又添贵子,不添浪费,该生的不多生!点击展开...
回复: 这也会发生?点击展开...儿子像妈,拿眉眼像极了!
回复: 这也会发生?原来腿疼也有可能是高血压引起的,明白了。
回复: 这也会发生?这件事如发生在天朝,估计大家是骂人,而 不是说悠悠地谈孩儿啦。
回复: 这也会发生?这件事如发生在天朝,估计大家是骂人,而 不是说悠悠地谈孩儿啦。点击展开...说明大家都关心中国?
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 超赞 赏 woodpeker 0$(VIP 0) 7,1772013-10-06#16 回复: 这也会发生?选择性 关心
回复: 这也会发生?为什么不能花生?
回复: 这也会发生?这个更多是家人的责任。医院检查完了,clear了,就送病人回家。不然病人都堵塞在医院里占床位,后面有需要的人就用不上。如果当时这个病人的女儿也在医院,老太太应该会好很多。老太太都被急救车送进医院了,自己的家人也没一个去看一眼的,悲惨,还把责任都推到医院身上。
回复: 这也会发生?这件事如发生在天朝,估计大家是骂人,而 不是说悠悠地谈孩儿啦。点击展开...在天朝这根本就不会发生,因为120只管出车,如果病人住楼上,从楼上抬下来是病人家属的责任,肯定也需要陪同家属前往。天朝的医院也不会替病人叫taxi。
回复: 这也会发生?在天朝这根本就不会发生,因为120只管出车,如果病人住楼上,从楼上抬下来是病人家属的责任,肯定也需要陪同家属前往。天朝的医院也不会替病人叫taxi。点击展开...我可以用自身经历很负责任的说,上海120肯定不是你说的这样。另外,这个对这位老人的安排属于典型的合规不合情。柔性执法说易行难。医管当局已经出来道歉,但是类似情况还会发生,可能没有这么极端,但是不可避免。因为预算有限!
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