加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚


现年71岁的的杰拉尔德·乌登(Gerald Uden)被控于1980年在怀俄明州野外枪杀了他的前妻和两个继子。而他的现任妻子、现年74岁的艾丽斯·乌登(Alice Uden)则被指控在1975年趁前夫熟睡之际向他后脑开枪致其死亡。据说,她把前夫的尸体丢到了一个废弃的金矿,这起谋杀案也发生在怀俄明州。  杰拉尔德·乌登和艾丽斯·乌登后来结为夫妇,并搬到密苏里州过起了新生活。最近,由于警方重新调查两起旧案,两人的罪行才被暴露。检察官尚未说明是否认为两起谋杀与两人后来的结婚有直接关联。  根据目前提交的法庭文件,杰拉尔德·乌登已经供认枪杀前妻和她的两个儿子,这两个孩子当时的年龄分别是12岁和10岁。他承认,他先谎称打鸟,把他们骗到一处偏僻的地方,然而开枪杀死了他们。三名受害者的尸体至今未被发现。   据报道,杰拉尔德·乌登和艾丽斯·乌登过去三十年一直居住在密苏里州,职业是卡车司机。怀俄明州警察在重新调查这两起悬案时逮捕了这对夫妇。  六个星期前,警方根据调查结果来到艾丽斯前夫被抛尸的金矿,在那里发现了他的尸骨。

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚这么重大的杀人案居然30多年后才告破?现年71岁, 74岁的狗男女, 当年也就40岁左右。可惜那一双小孩, 被害时才10-12岁。

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚一方先杀配偶是1975年即是38年前,男的33岁,女的36,之前应该就有奸情,狗男女,要在一起离婚就是了,非得各自杀配偶和两小孩,人渣。

风景很美一方先杀配偶是1975年即是38年前,男的33岁,女的36,之前应该就有奸情,狗男女,要在一起离婚就是了,非得各自杀配偶和两小孩,人渣。点击展开...西方国家离婚不易, 估计要付出经济代价。甚至可能这两狗男女各自之前的婚姻就是为钱, 拿到钱后杀人?

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚这两很有夫妻像...

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚Alice Uden and Holtz , a U.S. Army veteran, were married in September of 1974. Alice filed for divorce a few months later, in February 1975. The divorce was granted, according to the affidavit, because Holtz was never located and served with divorce papers.Read more: http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/nation...ion-with-decades-old-cold-cases#ixzz2h3vB4ZPB​

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚Alice Uden and Holtz , a U.S. Army veteran, were married in September of 1974. Alice filed for divorce a few months later, in February 1975. The divorce was granted, according to the affidavit, because Holtz was never located and served with divorce papers.Read more: http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/nation...ion-with-decades-old-cold-cases#ixzz2h3vB4ZPB​点击展开...Posted: 10/02/2013By: Leslie Bentz(CNN) -- Alice and Gerald Uden seemed the typical family to the outside observer. They raised two children in rural Missouri, kept to themselves and attended church regularly. Even their next-door neighbors had little clue of the deadly secrets investigators say they've kept buried.But this week the Udens, both now in their 70's, have been charged in slayings in cold cases dating back more than 30 years.The news shocked many."They were good people; we've known them for about 12 years now. They're the kind of neighbours you leaned over the fence and talked about your chickens with," Allen Bishop told CNN affiliate KSPR. "They were just the old neighbours next door."Now the elderly couple have been charged with killing their ex-spouses in separate, chilling incidents.Gerald Uden has also been charged with the murder of his ex-wife's two children, who were 10 and 12 when they died in 1980, authorities said.Authorities in Christian County, Missouri arrested the couple, who are now in jail awaiting extradition to Wyoming, where the alleged killings took place.Husband's body found in a mineAlice Uden is suspected of killing her ex-husband, Ronald Holtz in late 1974 or early 1975, when he was 25 years old. She was arrested Thursday and charged with one count of first degree murder.Alice Uden allegedly told an unnamed witness years ago about shooting her husband in the back of his head while he slept, according to a court affidavit.Alice Uden told the same witness, according to court documents, that she had hidden Holtz's body in a barrel before dumping it a mine.Holtz's remains were found in an abandoned gold mine in Wyoming, after an excavation in August.Alice Uden and Holtz , a U.S. Army veteran(被杀的前夫), were married in September of 1974. Alice filed for divorce a few months later, in February 1975. The divorce was granted, according to the affidavit, because Holtz was never located and served with divorce papers.His wife and two boys shotGerald Uden is suspected of killing his ex-wife Virginia, and her two children, Reagan and Richard, in September of 1980.He was charged Friday with three counts of first-degree murder, according to the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation. Gerald Uden told authorities Friday he shot his ex-wife and her two children with a .22-caliber rifle that she had brought so they could all go bird hunting, according to an affidavit.Gerald Uden allegedly told officials he had picked up the three victims and drove them to Freemont County. When they got out of the car, he said he shot them all and attempted to hide their bodies, authorities said.Investigators have not yet said whether the remains of the three victims have ever been discovered.Gerald Uden's arrest seemed to have come about, at least in part, due to the arrest of his wife, for whom investigators had the initial warrant."As a result of the investigation, more evidence was obtained in reference to that homicide and Gerald Uden was arrested and charged with the three other homicides that occurred around 1980 in Wyoming", the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation Cold Case Team said in a statement.They met each otherSomehow these two met each other. They left Wyoming and settled in the rural area of Chadwick, Missouri. Neighbours say they raised two children, attended church regularly and lived a good life.Some were having a hard time believing the accusations against the Udens."I was in disbelief. They are old people. They don't do things like that," Bishop to KSPR.The crimes, which occurred approximately five years apart from one another, have no listed motive in court documents.CNN's Jennifer Feldman contributed to this reportRead more: http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/nation...ion-with-decades-old-cold-cases#ixzz2h46eBDRw

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚被害人的照片见链接http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2440513/Elderly-couple-Gerald-Alice-Uden-arrested-killing-families.html

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚杀人动机?http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/mo-couple-accused-wyo-killing-exes-kids-20423757

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚有啥新进展欢迎关注本案的同学继续贴

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚真不是人!

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚真不是人!点击展开...是坏人, 可能为了利益杀人, 不是没头脑动物那么简单。 说不定那男的给前妻及两个孩子买了巨额保险他自己是受益人?

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚是坏人, 可能为了利益杀人, 不是没头脑动物那么简单。 说不定那男的给前妻及两个孩子买了巨额保险他自己是受益人?点击展开... 有可能。以前在华人论坛上看到一个人讲自己的事,说在自家泳池里突然抽筋了,在水里呛水扑腾挣扎呼救,还能清楚地看见男的一直就坐在池子边,一动不动。几分钟后她还是爬上来了。那个男的才赶紧过来道歉,说自己蒙了。并不否认或解释自己没出手相救。女的怀疑如果她出事,她的保险受益人是男的。这还不是谋杀呢,纯属溺水。

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚有可能。以前在华人论坛上看到一个人讲自己的事,说在自家泳池里突然抽筋了,在水里呛水扑腾挣扎呼救,还能清楚地看见男的一直就坐在池子边,一动不动。几分钟后她还是爬上来了。那个男的才赶紧过来道歉,说自己蒙了。并不否认或解释自己没出手相救。女的怀疑如果她出事,她的保险受益人是男的。这还不是谋杀呢,纯属溺水。点击展开...我还听说过有房客把房东杀了鸠占雀巢很多年, 或者房东把房客杀了冒领福利很多年的,为钱杀配偶与孩子的,也不算特例。疯狂的世道, 险恶的人心, 谁遇上谁倒霉。

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚有可能。以前在华人论坛上看到一个人讲自己的事,说在自家泳池里突然抽筋了,在水里呛水扑腾挣扎呼救,还能清楚地看见男的一直就坐在池子边,一动不动。几分钟后她还是爬上来了。那个男的才赶紧过来道歉,说自己蒙了。并不否认或解释自己没出手相救。女的怀疑如果她出事,她的保险受益人是男的。这还不是谋杀呢,纯属溺水。点击展开...文学城看来的吧, 我老婆跟我讲过这个故事.

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚文学城看来的吧, 我老婆跟我讲过这个故事.点击展开... 你老婆是在警告你呢吧?

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚你老婆是在警告你呢吧?点击展开...我最乖, 不怕她给我下抽筋药, 两年前就把游泳给戒了.

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚你老婆是在警告你呢吧?点击展开...我记得那个老公是个洋人.

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚我记得那个老公是个洋人.点击展开... 管他洋人汉人呢,有这心思的男人,都该死。你家LD肯定是发WARNING给你的。

回复: 七旬夫妇 被控多年前分别谋杀前伴侣后结婚我最乖, 不怕她给我下抽筋药, 两年前就把游泳给戒了.点击展开...你个小自雇,保险都木有的,淹了你也没赔偿,别提醒吊胆了。再说了,牺牲你一个,幸福你全家,也没吃亏。

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