加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求Google了一下,没看到要参加什么考试。我想我参加了2007底到2008年初的ESLA,完成了10级的课程,不过没获得任何证明文件。我估计他们都没有我参加了学习的记录。万能的家园,咋办呢?点击展开...要考试的,费用200多
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 中国好声音这名字俗气 0$(VIP 0) 3,5032013-10-21#3 回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求没上过这个课,不过我觉得政府部门对这种课程应该有记录,10级,成绩不错嘛。
在熟悉的异乡 我将自己一年年流放穿过鲜花 走过荆棘 只为自由之地想要带上你私奔 奔向最遥远城镇。。。 超赞 赏 帮 帮主 0$(VIP 0) 3062013-10-21#4 回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求是啊,10级应该达到入籍的要求了。如果一定要收我200多去考试的话,我就等到55岁去入籍算了。当时学ELSA,觉得是学校捞外快,凭着注册的信息向政府要钱,反正学完一个学期就没有下文啦。谁知道学校或政府是否还保存着这个记录。自己能查询一下吗?
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求考试是150刀+税
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求据说Linc是可以开成绩证明的,ESL不行。
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求Google了一下,没看到要参加什么考试。我想我参加了2007底到2008年初的ESLA,完成了10级的课程,不过没获得任何证明文件。我估计他们都没有我参加了学习的记录。万能的家园,咋办呢?点击展开...不万能
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求听说linc四级就可以作为入籍的语言证明,那么能否去linc做个测试(免费的),测试后会有结果,比如听说读写分别是6,5,6,6,这样的结果会不会有用?
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求听说linc四级就可以作为入籍的语言证明,那么能否去linc做个测试(免费的),测试后会有结果,比如听说读写分别是6,5,6,6,这样的结果会不会有用?点击展开...没用,不谢
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 帮 帮主 0$(VIP 0) 3062013-10-22#10 回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求那我再去读一个ESLA,行不行?谢谢
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求那我再去读一个ESLA,行不行?谢谢点击展开...你问的这些,CIC官网上写的清清楚楚http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/language.asp如果这些要求看不懂,你也不用去考试了,过不了别忘了,入籍考试后还得面试,面试难度也提高了,但愿你别碰到那个HK女人你还是让时间老人帮忙得了,等到55岁...Acceptable documents for language requirements Adults between 18 and 54 who apply for citizenship must send us proof that they meet the language requirement for citizenship (Canadian Language Benchmark/Niveau de compétence linguistique canadien 4). A copy of any of the following documents showing that you meet the language requirement will be accepted. You can also consult the Do you have acceptable documents for the citizenship language requirement? flowchart. 1. Third-party test results that you already sent to CIC or Ministère de l’Immigration et Communautés culturelles Québec (MICC) for a previous application as a Federal or Quebec-Selected Skilled Worker or for the Canadian Experience Class 2. New third-party test results, including: CELPIP General (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program General test); orCELPIP General-LS – a two-skills (listening and speaking) version of the CELPIP General test; orIELTS – General training (International English Language Testing System); orTest d’Évaluation de Français (TEF) (in French only); orTest d’Évaluation de Français adapté au Québec (TEFAQ) (in French only) or TEF épreuves orales – a two-skills (listening and speaking) version of the TEF 3. Proof of completion of a secondary or post-secondary education program in French or English, in Canada or abroad, such as: A transcript, diploma or certificate from a secondary school; orA transcript, diploma, certificate or degree from a post-secondary school Note: When these documents are provided, the applicant must have successfully completed a secondary or post-secondary program in English or French. A single course done in English or French does not meet the requirement. 4. Proof of achieving CLB/NCLC 4 in speaking and listening through a Language Instruction for Newcomers (LINC) or Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada (CLIC) course. Applicants who successfully completed LINC/CLIC courses between January 1, 2008 and October 31, 2012, should indicate this on their citizenship application form and CIC will verify the completion electronically.Applicants who successfully complete a LINC/CLIC course after November 1, 2012, should submit a copy of the certificate that is issued to them. Note: Initial placement tests by a LINC/CLIC assessment centre are not accepted as proof of achieving CLB/NCLC 4 in speaking and listening. Applicants must have completed a LINC/CLIC course at the necessary level of language ability to prove that they have adequate knowledge of English or French. 5. Proof of achieving CLB/NCLC 4 in speaking and listening issued by a provincially-funded language training course in Manitoba, British Columbia or Quebec, including: A progress report from Manitoba Immigration and Multiculturalism issued since January 2009 that indicates you are “completing CLB 4” in speaking and listening; orA certificate from British Columbia’s English Language Services for Adults (ELSA) program, if training was received in 2008 or 2009, or a certificate or report card from the ELSA program, if training was received since 2010; orA Bulletin issued by the Ministère de l’Immigration et Communautés culturelles (in French only) of Québec (MICC) since June 2001. Date Modified:2012-11-15
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 xun003 0$(VIP 0) 2902013-10-22#12 回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求Mark. Thanks!
如果有来生,要做一棵树,站成永恒,没有悲欢的姿势。一半在土里安详,一半在风里飞扬,一半洒落阴凉,一半沐浴阳光,非常沉默非常骄傲,从不依靠从不寻找。 超赞 赏 安 安妮2281571 0$(VIP 0) 1362013-10-22#13 回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求直接到linc再学60小时就可以了,学校会开份证明你,我们班很多同学都是这个目的来的,一满60小时马上就不来了。
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求考过了GED 算不算呢?
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求当初申请移民时提交了G类雅思成绩,算数吗? 我目前在上成人高中,但之前没有考虑这个入籍问题,这个学期选择了自学,而且是所谓创作课程,怕通不过呢。这样取得高中毕业证的时间会赶不上申请入籍的时间。 有知道的同学吗?
回复: 怎样获得加拿大入籍的英语能力要求再次详细看了下前面的帖子,我感觉我不需要再提交语言证明了。
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