加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?



回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?请教各位,加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以做飞机去美国吗?最近没有时间去补办新护照,机票已经买好了,有什么电话可以咨询吗?有没有实践经历的人呢?点击展开...按照规定不行。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 P pighead 0$(VIP 0) 1,3102013-10-26#3 回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?要么罚500美金

回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?请教各位,加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以做飞机去美国吗?最近没有时间去补办新护照,机票已经买好了,有什么电话可以咨询吗?有没有实践经历的人呢?点击展开... 你需要的答案在这里. !! Expiring Canadian PassportFor Canadian citizens: My passport expires in less than 6 months. Can I still travel to the U.S.? http://canada.usembassy.gov/service/frequently-asked-questions.html good luck.

回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?请教各位,加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以做飞机去美国吗?最近没有时间去补办新护照,机票已经买好了,有什么电话可以咨询吗?有没有实践经历的人呢?点击展开...陆路开车进美国,只有一周的有效期都没问题, 乘飞机就不清楚了。

联邦FedEx快递最新优惠价奶粉/保健品 无首磅费 $6/磅5~10天即可送达 点击详情电话: 604-312-3030 Email: [email protected]​要么罚500美金点击展开...请问你有去过吗?

回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?你需要的答案在这里. !! Expiring Canadian PassportFor Canadian citizens: My passport expires in less than 6 months. Can I still travel to the U.S.? http://canada.usembassy.gov/service/frequently-asked-questions.html good luck.点击展开...请问你有亲身经历吗?

回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?只要在有效期内回来就可以。。。。。。

回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?Nothing to worry about for going to the U.S. and travelling with a Canadian passport - as long as your passport will be valid on the date you will be returning to Canada, you are fine. The 6 month issue could be a problem if you are travelling to other countries, but those travelling to the U.S. are exempt from this rule if you are travelling with a Canadian passport.From Passport Canada:http://www.pptc.gc.ca/support/faq.aspx?lang=eng&id=1102Does my passport need to be valid for a specified length of time prior to the date of entry into the United States?No, as long as the passport is valid the day you return to Canada.From U.S. Customs & Border Protection:https://help.cbp.gov/cgi-bin/customs...hp?p_faqid=619Documents required by Canadian Citizens/Residents/Landed Immigrant to enter the U.S. and how long can they stay? AnswerCanadian Citizens' passports are NOT required to be valid for six months past their intended date of departure. Their passports must only be valid up until the date of their intended departure.

回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?Nothing to worry about for going to the U.S. and travelling with a Canadian passport - as long as your passport will be valid on the date you will be returning to Canada, you are fine. The 6 month issue could be a problem if you are travelling to other countries, but those travelling to the U.S. are exempt from this rule if you are travelling with a Canadian passport.From Passport Canada:http://www.pptc.gc.ca/support/faq.aspx?lang=eng&id=1102Does my passport need to be valid for a specified length of time prior to the date of entry into the United States?No, as long as the passport is valid the day you return to Canada.From U.S. Customs & Border Protection:https://help.cbp.gov/cgi-bin/customs...hp?p_faqid=619Documents required by Canadian Citizens/Residents/Landed Immigrant to enter the U.S. and how long can they stay? AnswerCanadian Citizens' passports are NOT required to be valid for six months past their intended date of departure. Their passports must only be valid up until the date of their intended departure.点击展开...请问你有亲身经历吗?

回复: 加拿大护照还有2个月过期,可以坐飞机去美国玩吗?一定需要亲身经历吗?官方说得很清楚,政府说“禁止携带武器入境”,你来这里问“可以带武器入境不?”然后给你了官方说法,你是否也要问句“是亲身经历吗”?真有亲身经历的,换在你身上也未必行得通;不放心,换个护照也就递个表,加急第二天去取就OK,去passport office递表用不了多少时间,取件也花不了多少时间

------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml一定需要亲身经历吗?官方说得很清楚,政府说“禁止携带武器入境”,你来这里问“可以带武器入境不?”然后给你了官方说法,你是否也要问句“是亲身经历吗”?真有亲身经历的,换在你身上也未必行得通;不放心,换个护照也就递个表,加急第二天去取就OK,去passport office递表用不了多少时间,取件也花不了多少时间点击展开...有一例,加拿大永久居民持中国护照,护照有效期是5个月又18天,有效的美签,开车去美国,在关口折腾了3个小时,最后被赶回加拿大。另一例,同样是加拿大永久居民持中国护照,护照有效期不足2个月,有效的美签,去美国,在关口就问几句话,并提醒他要及时更新护照后,就放行。以上都是我认识的朋友的经历。不同的人,不同的Officer,都可能会有不同的结果,即使持有效的美签,有效期6个月以上的护照,都有可能被拒绝入境,加拿大护照也不例外。记得几年前,有个北温居民持加拿大护照被美国Officer拒绝入境后,还曾上诉,最终被判维持原来的处理结论,现场Officer没有过错。

联邦FedEx快递最新优惠价奶粉/保健品 无首磅费 $6/磅5~10天即可送达 点击详情电话: 604-312-3030 Email: [email protected]​陆路开车进美国,只有一周的有效期都没问题, 乘飞机就不清楚了。点击展开...误导,你要是遇上那officer心情好,没难为你也不能做为经验推广。


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